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Celebrating 5 workshops on good SWE practices in 2023

[This article was first published on openstatsware, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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Montreal workshop

On Monday and Tuesday this week (16 and 17 October), Doug Kelkhoff (Roche), Phil Boileau (Analysis Group) and Daniel Sabanés Bové (Roche) held another edition of the Good Software Engineering Practices for R Packages (or short GSWEP4RP) workshop – this time in Montreal, QC, Canada.

With more than 33 participants this was another success for openstatsware!

We would like to thank the McGill team which made this event possible – the workshop was part of their “McGill initiative in Computational Medicine” training series. Thanks a lot to:

Everything worked very smoothly and it was a pleasure to visit the McGill University and engage with the curious students and faculty!

As usual, the updated course materials are online under CC-BY license here and the source code for all materials is available here.

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Celebrating 5 workshops in 2023

This is a milestone for the openstatsware team, because we now have run 5 workshops just in 2023 on this topic in 4 different countries:

This is part of achieving our secondary objective on disseminating best practices of software engineering into the biostatistics community.

Thanks a lot to all the openstatsware members and friends who created the materials and presented this year:

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