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The recordings from this year’s SatRdays London conference are here! Over the next couple of weeks, we will be releasing the recordings of some of the excellent talks from the conference!
You’ll be able to find them all in this playlist as they’re released, and keep an eye on our Twitter feed to see them as they come out.
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As a quick reminder, here’s a list of talks from the event:
Keynote Speakers
- Julia Silge (Posit): What is “production” anyway? MLOps for the curious
- Oliver Hawkins (Financial Times): Why R is good for journalism
Contributed Talks
- Botan Ağın & Michael Stevens (SamKnows): AutRmatic reporting: billions of internet measurements, hundreds of reports and one repository to rule them all
- Vyara Apostolova & Laura Cole (National Audit Office): ScRutinising government spending (not recorded)
- Andrew Collier (Fathom Data): Sidekicks of the Tidyverse
- Jack Davison (Ricardo Energy & Environment): “Put it on a map!” – Developments in Air Quality Data Analysis
- Russ Hyde (Jumping Rivers): Does code quality even matter in data science?
- Ella Kaye & Heather Turner (University of Warwick): Sustainability and EDI (Equality, Diversity and Inclusion) in the R Project
Huge thanks again to all of the event sponsors, in particular CUSP London, who provided the venue and AV support, which allowed us to share these with you.

For updates and revisions to this article, see the original post
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