rOpenSci Champions Program Teams: Meet César and Marc
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We designed the rOpenSci Champions Program with a mentorship aspect. Mentoring plays a significant role in the growth and development of both mentors and mentees alike. In our program, each Champion has a mentor who accompanies them during their training and development of their project.
In this series of blog posts, we introduce you to the ten teams of this first cohort and what they will be working on in the program.
Meet Cesar Luis Aybar Camacho from Perú and Marc Choisy from Vietnam!
Cesar Luis Aybar Camacho – Champion

My name is Cesar Luis Aybar Camacho. I am a Peruvian PhD student at the University of Valencia’s Image Processing Laboratory. I am also the main maintainer of the rgee package, which allows the integration of R and Google Earth Engine (GEE) in the same workflow.
I applied to the rOpenSci Champions Program because I want to contribute to developing a robust and diverse R community in Latin America. Besides, this is an excellent opportunity to gain insights from experts in the R community.
As part of the program, I plan to create the rgeeExtra package, which will make GEE syntax more accessible to R users.
Feel free to contact me after or during this program to assist or mentor your R package in Spanish or English. I will try my best.
Marc Choisy – Mentor

I am French and have been working in Vietnam since 2012 and as the head of Mathematical Modelling at the Oxford University Clinical Research Unit. I hold MSc degrees in biology and mathematics and a PhD in biology and work mostly on the epidemiology of infectious diseases. One of my expectations in contributing to the Champions Program is to get more involved in the science reproducibility community.
César and Marc are already working together on the project to develop this new package. We look forward to seeing the results of this team. Stay-tuned for the next series of introductions. offers daily e-mail updates about R news and tutorials about learning R and many other topics. Click here if you're looking to post or find an R/data-science job.
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