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An example of using {box}

[This article was first published on Steve's Data Tips and Tricks, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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< section id="introduction" class="level1">


Today I am going to make a short post on the R package {box} which was showcased to me quite nicely by Michael Miles. It was informative and I was able to immediately see the usefulness of the {box} library.

So what is ‘box’? Well here is the description straight from their site:

‘box’ allows organising R code in a more modular way, via two mechanisms:

  • It enables writing modular code by treating files and folders of R code as independent (potentially nested) modules, without requiring the user to wrap reusable code into packages.
  • It provides a new syntax to import reusable code (both from packages and from modules) which is more powerful and less error-prone than library or require, by limiting the number of names that are made available.

So let’s see how it all works.

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The main portion of the script looks like this:

# Main script

# Script setup --------------------------------------

# Load box modules
box::use(. / box / global_options / global_options)
box::use(. / box / io / imports)
box::use(. / box / io / exports)
box::use(. / box / mod / mod)

# Load global options

# Main script ---------------------------------------

# Load data, process it, and export results
all_data <- getOption('data_dir') |> 
  # Load all data
  imports$load_all() |> 
  # Modify dataset
  mod$modify_data() |> 
  # Export data

So what does this do? Well it is grabbing data from a predefined location, modifying it and then re-exporting it. Now let’s look at all the code that is behind it, which allows us to do these things and then you will see the power of using box

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Let’s take a look at the global options settings.

# Set global options
#' @export
set_global_options <- function() {
    look_ups = 'look-ups/',
    data_dir = 'data/input/'

Ok 6 lines, boxed down to one.

Now the import function.

# Function for importing data

#' @export
load_all <- function(file_path) {
  file_path |> 
    # Get all csv files from folder
    list.files(full.names = TRUE) |> 
    # Set list names
    purrr$set_names(\(file) basename(file)) |> 
    # Load all csvs into list
    purrr$map(\(file) vroom$vroom(file))


Now the modify_data function.

# Function for modifying data

#' @export
modify_data <- function(df_list) {
  map_fun <- function(df) {
    df |> 
      dplyr$select(name:mass) |> 
      dplyr$mutate(lol = height * mass) |> 
      dplyr$filter(lol > 1500)
  # Apply mapping function to list
  purrr$map(df_list, map_fun)

Ok again, a big savings here, instead of the above we simply call mod$modify_data() which makes things clearner and also modular in that we can go to a very specific spot in our proejct to fix an error or add/subtract functionality.

Lastly the export.

# Function for exporting data

#' @export
export_data <- function(df_list) {
  # Export data
  purrr$map2(.x = df_list,
             .y = names(df_list),
             ~vroom$vroom_write(x = .x,
                               file = paste0('data/output/', 
                               delim = ','))

Voila! I think to even a fresh user, the power of boxing your functions is fairly apparent and to the advanced user, eyes are most likely glowing!

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