Trends in Back Pain

April 14, 2022 | Boiled Data

Brodeur, Abel, Andrew E Clark, Sarah Fleche, and Nattavudh Powdthavee. 2021. “COVID-19, Lockdowns and Well-Being: Evidence from Google Trends.” Journal of Public Economics 193: 104346. Ciaffi, Jacopo, Riccardo Meliconi, Maria Paola Landini, Luana Mancarella, Veronica Brusi, Cesare Faldini,... [Read more...]

6 Lessons that I learned from teaching R to non-programmers

April 14, 2022 | Albert Rapp

Last week, I gave a short workshop teaching R to Economics students without prior programming experience. On Twitter, I shared six lessons that I wish I had learnt before. This blog post is a more detailed account of my experience. Additionally, I incorporated many excellent suggestions from others on Twitter ...
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Appsilon Shiny Conference Panels

April 14, 2022 | Appsilon

The first annual Appsilon Shiny Conference – a conference for Shiny enthusiasts everywhere – is almost here. If you haven’t already, be sure to register and join the 1600+ Shiny users who’ve already registered. Discover the future of Shiny and how developers, researchers, and enterprises are making the most of their ...
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R-Ladies Cologne joins the family

April 13, 2022 | R-post on Cosima Meyer

R-Ladies Cologne is a new R-Ladies chapter which was founded in September 2021. It joins R-Ladies' mission to promote and support gender equality in the field. Together with Luciana and Gabe, we have hosted three events so far. Kicking it off, we had a... [Read more...]

Billionaires and Taxes

April 13, 2022 | R on Harshvardhan

“Wealth inequality is increasing!”, “Rich people don’t pay enough taxes”, “THEY aren’t doing enough” — we have all heard these lines at some point in our life. Salaried people protesting against super-high taxes, college students protesting on behalf of everyone, and, of course, Bernie Sanders. How much do the ... [Read more...]

Benchmarking Data Tables

April 12, 2022 | R on The Data Sandbox

When I started learning R, I heard vague tales of the use of Data Tables. Really just whisperers, of something to consider in the future after I’ve become more proficient. Well now is the time to learn what if anything I’ve been missing out on. Intr... [Read more...]

Windows update: JAGS 4.3.1 is released

April 12, 2022 | Martyn

JAGS version 4.3.1 is now available from Sourceforge. This is a patch update with a singular purpose: to allow a new Windows binary to be built using the Rtools42 toolchain. JAGS is built with the same compiler as R on … Continue reading → [Read more...]
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