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xts_0.12.2 on CRAN

[This article was first published on R on FOSS Trading, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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An updated version of xts is now on CRAN. This release is a big one, with lots of changes. Plotting functionality got a lot of attention. Another notable change is that merge.xts() now supports suffixes. Plus the obligatory bug fixes and refinements to make xts more robust.

Plotting functionality enhancements and bug fixes

Other enhancements and bug fixes

You may have noticed that several of these issues have been open a long time. I’ve been revisiting historical issues and deciding whether to implement them or close them. I’ve already implemented some cool ones in the development version of xts.

I’m most excited about open-ended time-of-day subsetting. Now you can do things like:

x["/T1700"]  # start of the day until 5pm
x["T0500/"]  # 5am until the end of the day

If you love using my open-source work (e.g. quantmod, TTR, xts, IBrokers, microbenchmark, etc.), you can give back by sponsoring me on GitHub. I truly appreciate anything you’re willing and able to give!

I look forward to your questions and feedback! If you have a question, please ask on Stack Overflow and use the [r] and [xts] tags. Or you can send an email to the R-SIG-Finance mailing list (you must subscribe to post). Open an issue on GitHub if you find a bug or want to request a feature. Please read the contributing guide first! It will help save time for both of us. 😉

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