Since this is a holiday weekend here in the US, I thought I would write up something relatively short and simple since I am supposed to be relaxing. A few weeks ago, someone presented me with some data that showed response rates to a survey that wa...
Cover photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash
Go to R-bloggers for R news and tutorials contributed by hundreds of R bloggers.
This is the sixth of a series of 6 articles about time series forecasting with panel data and ensemble stacking with ...
I’ve been reading Mastering Shiny by Hadley Wickham lately and one of the things that intrigued me is that you can make ggplots interactive. Though I believe that there are limitation to the level of interactiveness compared to using, say, plotly, I really wanted to practice interactive ggplots with ... [Read more...]
Bayesian nonparametric (BNP) models are a prominent tool for performing flexible inference with a natural quantification of uncertainty. Traditionallly, flexible inference within a homogeneous sample is performed with exchangeable models ...
On Thursday, 3 February 2022 we are welcoming Christophe Regouby to RBelgium during an online meetup!
Christophe will present us: The tabnet R package, or how to outperform XGBoost and LightGBM on tabul...
I found that I was constantly referring to the IPython documentation to look up the code for the
autoreload magic command and wished there was an easy place for me to keep and access these sort of “oft-copied” texts.
I realized...
16 January 2022 A couple of weeks ago I created my very first twitter bot which was immensely satisfying. It was also quite a frustrating process and this post should save you a lot of frustration :). You can view the code in the github repo. I can’t give enough …
The post ...
Basic design of experiments in R for one factor and two factors designs.
You can find all the code, data and results in the GitHub repository for this post: Basic design of experiments.
There is no signal without noise
It never hurts to go back to basics before tackling more ...
“Destroy your money, you can earn more. Destroy your data, your existence is erased.”
— Kurt Seapoint” In this post I am going to analyse my departmental Whatsapp chat group “Statistics Class of 2019”. Thanks to a special package called rwhatsapp, thi... [Read more...]
“Destroy your money, you can earn more. Destroy your data, your existence is erased.”
— Kurt Seapoint”
In this post I am going to analyse my departmental Whatsapp chat group “Statistics Class of 2019”. Thanks to a special package called rwhatsapp...
Cover photo by Hannah Busing on Unsplash
Go to R-bloggers for R news and tutorials contributed by hundreds of R bloggers.
This is the fifth of a series of 6 articles about time series forecasting with panel data and ensemble stacking with ...
Cover photo by christian buehner on Unsplash
Go to R-bloggers for R news and tutorials contributed by hundreds of R bloggers.
This is the fourth of a series of 6 articles about time series forecasting with panel data and ensemble stackin...
Eric Dunipace recently released a new package on CRAN:
RcppCGAL. It allows to link to the C++ library
CGAL in Rcpp. The
CGAL library provides an extensive set of algorithms
for computational geome... [Read more...]
How do consumers react to an increase in gasoline taxes? How much will they drive less? Will they buy more fuel efficient cars? Do tax increases have a stronger impact than gasoline price increases from other sources, like higher oil prices?
In their ...
14 January 2022 We’re off to a great start (book wise!) for 2022. Here’s 10 new additions to Big Book of R. Quite a few more paid versions of books in this round and they look good. Thanks to Burak Aydin, Manika Lamba, Mauricio Vargas Sepúlveda, Samrit Pramanik , Kurt …
The post 10 ... [Read more...]
The rhetorical shortcomings of stacked-bar charts are overcome using alternative designs better suited for making visual comparisons. Both examples start as stacked-bar charts but end as different types, based on the variables to ...
Animated Slides:
Static Slides:
Session Recording:
I also demonstrate
Owlstown’s tool — which I found to be most beginner friendly. It starts at
27:00 in the above YouTube video.
Websites used to b...
Most of the time when I answer questions on Stack Overflow, I end up learning a thing or two about R myself. Answering questions gets me warmed up on unrelated topics. These questions are one of their kind. This blog post documents all my answers so th...