make_href("") [1] "/my_app/" > make_href("page2") [1] "/my_app/page2" # then run app should work with prefixed hrefs run_app() To put this to work, we have to wrap our target endpoint with the make_ref function. For example, by default, a link in a {brochure} app might be: tags$a( href = "page", "page" ) But to allow dynamic href we’d need: tags$a(href = make_href("page"), "page") Finally, we also want to set the brochure::brochureApp argument basepath with our context-dependent baseurl option, as this will allow {brochure} to correctly format the href of our page. In the end, the run_app function would look something like this: run_app " />

Building a multi-session {shiny} application with {brochure}

[This article was first published on R | Discindo, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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About {brochure}

{shiny}, and the closely linked packages like {bslib}, {thematic}, {shinytest}, etc, are a fantastic resource for R programmers that enable building powerful interactive applications. Building on top of these, are some new (and not so new) R packages that that streamline and standardize the development of {shiny} applications. Among these are {golem} (my personal favorite), {packer}, {rhino}, and last, but certainly not least, {brochure}.

{brochure} is unique among the [shiny]-related packages because it enables navitely multi-session applications. The development is oriented around pages that have with their own ui, server, and page functions served on independent endpoints. Thus, whenever we go from to, {brochure} ensures that the two pages run in independent {shiny} sessions. This is fundamentally different from typical {shiny} applications that are by design single-session. And yes, with {brochure} we can now have separate URLs for our pages!

There is a lot more going on under the hood in {brochure} that can be included here, and most of it I don’t fully understand. For this I recommend to read the documentation and browse the source code. However, I just built my first serious draft application with {brochure} and wanted to comment on the experience.

Building my first {brochure} app

I typically use {golem} for developing {shiny} applications, and was excited to see that {brochure} is also designed to work with {golem}. This meant that I can have a familiar directory structure and I can use my usual workflow and shortcuts to develop the application. I also was thrilled to see that there is a brochure::new_page template function that can be used with golem::add_module to create {shiny} module + {brochure} page skeleton.

From here, setting up a basic application with several pages, is then as simple as:

  1. calling
golem::add_module(name = "page_X", module_template = brochure::new_page)

for each page, and

  1. calling the automatically generated page_X() page function within the project’s run_app() function.

And that is pretty much it, {brochure} handles the redirects, so once you run_app() you can visit the various endpoints we defined by pointing the browser to .../page_1, .../page_2, etc.

So far, my pages do not share data, so I haven’t needed to use cookies or a database to pass objects between sessions, but {brochure}’s documentation covers this and I am looking forward to adapting as my application increases in complexity.

Deploying my first {brochure} app

To deploy my {brochure} application to, I used golem::add_shinyappsio_file() to generate an app.R file and then deploy with rsconnect::deployApp(). However, once deployed, I could only access the home page, at the url: All other pages could not be accessed, returning a 404 code because the apparently the redirects were not set up correctly. But everything worked fine locally. So what happened?

By default, {brochure} assumes that the application’s URL is of the form, such that the / endpoint ( would be home and the /page endpoint would lead to some page ( However, on, and possibly other hosting options (e.g., ShinyProxy), the app URL is of the form, so when {brochure} redirects to /page the generated URL ( is wrong, it should be

So, the default redirect hrefs worked fine in my ‘development’ setting but not in ‘production’. I needed a way to generate a different href based on the current app URL, i.e., whether or not it contained the my_app base path.

In the {golem}+{brochure} framework we can achieve this by setting R options before running the application with run_app(). So when developing locally, I can set options(baseurl = "") and keep working with default settings. In turn, when deploying to the server, we can set options(baseurl = "my_app"). Then, the environment in which we call run_app() will have an option baseurl that correspond to the application’s URL.

The next step was to write a function that would change the page’s href on the fly by looking up the baseurl option, and prefixing the endpoint. Along the lines of:

#' make_href
#' @description Add appropriate prefix to redirect link depending on context (option baseurl)
#' @param endpoint endpoint without leading `/`
#' @noRd
make_href <- function(endpoint) {
baseurl <- getOption("baseurl")
if (baseurl != "") {
paste0("/", baseurl, "/", endpoint, sep = "")
} else {
paste0("/", endpoint, sep = "")

Then, in /dev/run_dev.R we can set

options(baseurl = "")
> make_href("")
[1] "/"
> make_href("page2")
[1] "/page2"
# then run app should work with unprefixed hrefs

In ‘production’ mode on, we can add the baseurl option in app.R before calling run_app():

options(baseurl = "my_app")
> make_href("")
[1] "/my_app/"
> make_href("page2")
[1] "/my_app/page2"
# then run app should work with prefixed hrefs

To put this to work, we have to wrap our target endpoint with the make_ref function. For example, by default, a link in a {brochure} app might be:

tags$a( href = "page", "page" )

But to allow dynamic href we’d need:

tags$a(href = make_href("page"), "page")

Finally, we also want to set the brochure::brochureApp argument basepath with our context-dependent baseurl option, as this will allow {brochure} to correctly format the href of our page. In the end, the run_app function would look something like this:

run_app <- function(
onStart = NULL,
options = list(),
enableBookmarking = NULL,
) {
app = brochureApp(
# Putting the resources here
# main pages
onStart = onStart,
options = options,
enableBookmarking = enableBookmarking,
content_404 = "Not found",
# change the base path depending on context:
basepath = getOption("baseurl"),
req_handlers = list(),
res_handlers = list(),
wrapped = shiny::fluidPage
golem_opts = list(...)

Final thoughts

Please note that {brochure} is still a work in progress, and perhaps not yet fully ready for all projects. Consider it carefully before embarking on a large new project or transitioning single-session {shiny}, as {brochure} might not yet have all features that might be required. After all, the repository has a big bold warning THIS IS A WORK IN PROGRESS, DO NOT USE.

Overall, I was surprised how quickly one could get started with {brochure}, especially from {golem} as a stepping stone. It is remarkable that we have this resource, and I am thankful to Colin Fay for leading the way on novelties like these!

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