[This article was first published on Saturn Elephant, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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The R code below shows how to get a “Copy to clipboard” button
in the plotly
library(plotly) set.seed(666L) asd <- data.frame( week = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8), a = rpois(8L, 30), b = rpois(8L, 25) ) js <- c( 'function(gd) {', ' Plotly.Snapshot.toImage(gd, {format: "png"}).once(', ' "success",', ' async function(url) {', ' try {', ' const data = await fetch(url);', ' const blob = await data.blob();', ' await navigator.clipboard.write([', ' new ClipboardItem({', ' [blob.type]: blob', ' })', ' ]);', ' console.log("Image copied.");', ' var $div = $("<div>Image copied to clipboard</div>");', ' $div.css({', ' display: "none",', ' position: "absolute",', ' top: "5%",', ' left: "50%",', ' transform: "translate(-50%, 0)",', ' "-size": "30px",', ' "-family": "Tahoma, sans-serif",', ' "-style": "italic",', ' "background-color": "seashell",', ' padding: "10px",', ' border: "2px solid black",', ' "border-radius": "5px"', ' });', ' $div.appendTo("body");', ' $div.fadeIn(3000, function() {', ' $div.fadeOut(3000);', ' });', ' } catch(err) {', ' console.error(err.name, err.message);', ' }', ' }', ' );', '}' ) SVGicon_path <- paste0( "M97.67,20.81L97.67,20.81l0.01,0.02c3.7,0.01,7.04,1.51,9.46,3.93c2.4,2.", "41,3.9,5.74,3.9,9.42h0.02v0.02v75.28 v0.01h-0.02c-0.01,3.68-1.51,7.03-", "3.93,9.46c-2.41,2.4-5.74,3.9-9.42,3.9v0.02h-0.02H38.48h-0.01v-0.02 c-3", ".69-0.01-7.04-1.5-9.46-3.93c-2.4-2.41-3.9-5.74-3.91-9.42H25.1c0-25.96,", "0-49.34,0-75.3v-0.01h0.02 c0.01-3.69,1.52-7.04,3.94-9.46c2.41-2.4,5.73", "-3.9,9.42-3.91v-0.02h0.02C58.22,20.81,77.95,20.81,97.67,20.81L97.67,20", ".81z M0.02,75.38L0,13.39v-0.01h0.02c0.01-3.69,1.52-7.04,3.93-9.46c2.41", "-2.4,5.74-3.9,9.42-3.91V0h0.02h59.19 c7.69,0,8.9,9.96,0.01,10.16H13.4h", "-0.02v-0.02c-0.88,0-1.68,0.37-2.27,0.97c-0.59,0.58-0.96,1.4-0.96,2.27h", "0.02v0.01v3.17 c0,19.61,0,39.21,0,58.81C10.17,83.63,0.02,84.09,0.02,75", ".38L0.02,75.38z M100.91,109.49V34.2v-0.02h0.02 c0-0.87-0.37-1.68-0.97-", "2.27c-0.59-0.58-1.4-0.96-2.28-0.96v0.02h-0.01H38.48h-0.02v-0.02c-0.88,", "0-1.68,0.38-2.27,0.97 c-0.59,0.58-0.96,1.4-0.96,2.27h0.02v0.01v75.28v0", ".02h-0.02c0,0.88,0.38,1.68,0.97,2.27c0.59,0.59,1.4,0.96,2.27,0.96v-0.0", "2h0.01 h59.19h0.02v0.02c0.87,0,1.68-0.38,2.27-0.97c0.59-0.58,0.96-1.4,", "0.96-2.27L100.91,109.49L100.91,109.49L100.91,109.49 L100.91,109.49z" ) CopyToClipboard <- list( name = "Copy", icon = list( path = SVGicon_path, width = 111, height = 123 ), click = htmlwidgets::JS(js) ) plot_ly( asd, x = ~week, y = ~a, name = "a", type = "scatter", mode = "lines" ) %>% add_trace(y = ~b, name = "b", mode = "lines") %>% layout( margin = list(l = 100, r = 100, b = 100, t = 100), xaxis = list( title = "Week", showgrid = FALSE, rangemode = "normal" ), yaxis = list( title = "", showgrid = FALSE, rangemode = "tozero" ), hovermode = "x unified" ) %>% config(modeBarButtonsToAdd = list(CopyToClipboard))
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