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What is the Bradley-Terry model?

[This article was first published on R – Statistical Odds & Ends, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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The Bradley-Terry model

The Bradley-Terry model, named after R. A. Bradley and M. E. Terry, is a probability model for predicting the outcome of a paired comparison. Imagine that we have K teams competing against each other. The model assigns team i a score p_i, with higher scores corresponding to better teams. Given two teams i and j, the model asserts that

\begin{aligned} \text{Prob(} i \text{ beats } j) &= \dfrac{p_i}{p_i + p_j}. \end{aligned}

(Notice that the model implies that either i beats j or j beats i: there is no room for ties.) If we parameterize the scores by p_i = \exp(\beta_i), then the model above is equivalent to

\begin{aligned} \text{logit} \left( \text{Prob(} i \text{ beats } j) \right) &= \log \left( \dfrac{\text{Prob(} i \text{ beats } j) }{\text{Prob(} j \text{ beats } i) }\right) \\  &= \log \left( \dfrac{p_i}{p_j} \right) = \beta_i - \beta_j. \end{aligned}

Thus, estimating the parameters \beta_1, \dots, \beta_K amounts to fitting a logistic regression, which is pretty straightforward. The part that’s not as straightforward is converting typical win-loss data into the data matrix required for the logistic regression.

One nice thing about the Bradley-Terry model is that it’s really easy to take home field advantage into account. Home field advantage amounts to including an intercept in the model (assuming that team i is the home team):

\begin{aligned} \text{logit} \left( \text{Prob(} i \text{ beats } j) \right) &= \alpha + \beta_i - \beta_j. \end{aligned}

The Bradley-Terry model doesn’t just apply to sports teams: it applies whenever we are trying to rank items, e.g. which documents are most relevant to a user query.

An example: NBA regular season 2018-19

For the rest of this article, we demonstrate how to fit a Bradley-Terry model to NBA data. All the code in this post can be found in one script here.

Preparing the data

First, let’s import packages that we’ll use:


Next, let’s pull the relevant data from an SQLite database (your filepath to the data will probably be different from mine):

seasonYear <- 2018  # represents 2018-2019 season

# this filepath specific to my local drive
mainFile <- "../data/nba-kaggle-wyattowalsh/basketball.sqlite"

# get all regular season games (only relevant columns 
# selected)
mydb <- dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), mainFile)
df <- dbGetQuery(mydb, "SELECT * FROM Game")
season_df <- df %>% mutate(GAME_DATE = as.Date(GAME_DATE),
                              SEASON = as.numeric(SEASON)) %>% 
  filter(SEASON == seasonYear) %>%


# 1 2018-10-16 Golden State Warriors  Oklahoma City Thunder       W       L
# 2 2018-10-16        Boston Celtics     Philadelphia 76ers       W       L
# 3 2018-10-17     San Antonio Spurs Minnesota Timberwolves       W       L
# 4 2018-10-17       New York Knicks          Atlanta Hawks       W       L
# 5 2018-10-17          Phoenix Suns       Dallas Mavericks       W       L
# 6 2018-10-17           LA Clippers         Denver Nuggets       L       W

The data contains information on which team is home and which is away: we can use that information when fitting the Bradley-Terry model with home field advantage.

To make our subsequent analysis and plots more readable, we get team names and abbreviations. Note that teams will only contain the team names from the 2018-19 season, while team_abbrev_df contains teams from all the seasons present in the original SQLite database.

# get team abbreviations and names
team_abbrev_df <- df %>% select(team = TEAM_NAME_HOME, 
                                team_abbr = TEAM_ABBREVIATION_HOME) %>%
teams <- sort(unique(season_df$TEAM_NAME_HOME))

Next, we make the data matrix needed for the Bradley Terry model. For each row of season_df representing one game, we need to turn that into a vector of 30 numbers. If team is the home team, there should be a 1 in the th spot; if team is the away team, there should be a -1 in the th spot; otherwise the vector element should be 0. The function get_data_vec() does this for us, and we apply it to every row in season_df.

# get dataframe for Bradley-Terry model
get_data_vec <- function(home_team, away_team, teams) {
  vec <- rep(0, length(teams))
  vec[teams == home_team] <- 1
  vec[teams == away_team] <- -1

X <- apply(season_df, 1, 
           function(row) get_data_vec(row["TEAM_NAME_HOME"], 
X <- t(X)
colnames(X) <- teams

# [1] 1230   30

Bundle X and the response (did team win or not?) together in a data frame:

y <- as.numeric(season_df$WL_HOME == "W")
bt_df <-, y))

Fitting the Bradley-Terry model

Preparing the data was the hard part: fitting the model is simply logistic regression, which we can do with the glm() function:

# Bradley-Terry model with home advantage
bt_mod <- glm(y ~ ., data = bt_df, family = binomial())

# Call:
# glm(formula = y ~ ., family = binomial(), data = bt_df)
# Deviance Residuals: 
#     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max  
# -2.3657  -1.0417   0.5943   0.9370   2.0810  
# Coefficients: (1 not defined because of singularities)
#                          Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
# (Intercept)               0.45312    0.06451   7.024 2.15e-12 ***
# `Atlanta Hawks`          -0.14263    0.33801  -0.422 0.673045    
# `Boston Celtics`          0.95279    0.33708   2.827 0.004704 ** 
# `Brooklyn Nets`           0.57338    0.33323   1.721 0.085313 .  
# `Charlotte Hornets`       0.42252    0.33290   1.269 0.204369    
# `Chicago Bulls`          -0.56384    0.35012  -1.610 0.107310    
# `Cleveland Cavaliers`    -0.77299    0.35977  -2.149 0.031668 *  
# `Dallas Mavericks`        0.18056    0.34024   0.531 0.595646    
# `Denver Nuggets`          1.34069    0.34632   3.871 0.000108 ***
# `Detroit Pistons`         0.51927    0.33477   1.551 0.120878    
# `Golden State Warriors`   1.49502    0.35119   4.257 2.07e-05 ***
# `Houston Rockets`         1.27371    0.34470   3.695 0.000220 ***
# `Indiana Pacers`          0.88599    0.33580   2.638 0.008328 ** 
# `LA Clippers`             0.98431    0.33971   2.898 0.003761 ** 
# `Los Angeles Lakers`      0.39871    0.33801   1.180 0.238164    
# `Memphis Grizzlies`       0.18822    0.33950   0.554 0.579314    
# `Miami Heat`              0.42317    0.33174   1.276 0.202095    
# `Milwaukee Bucks`         1.59581    0.35456   4.501 6.77e-06 ***
# `Minnesota Timberwolves`  0.35609    0.33764   1.055 0.291591    
# `New Orleans Pelicans`    0.15370    0.33992   0.452 0.651159    
# `New York Knicks`        -0.90066    0.36632  -2.459 0.013945 *  
# `Oklahoma City Thunder`   1.03916    0.34122   3.045 0.002323 ** 
# `Orlando Magic`           0.56597    0.33298   1.700 0.089184 .  
# `Philadelphia 76ers`      1.07406    0.34054   3.154 0.001611 ** 
# `Phoenix Suns`           -0.68639    0.36436  -1.884 0.059590 .  
# `Portland Trail Blazers`  1.28427    0.34507   3.722 0.000198 ***
# `Sacramento Kings`        0.49275    0.33739   1.460 0.144160    
# `San Antonio Spurs`       0.97029    0.33981   2.855 0.004298 ** 
# `Toronto Raptors`         1.47941    0.34897   4.239 2.24e-05 ***
# `Utah Jazz`               1.08503    0.34131   3.179 0.001478 ** 
# `Washington Wizards`           NA         NA      NA       NA    
# ---
#   Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
# (Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)
# Null deviance: 1662.6  on 1229  degrees of freedom
# Residual deviance: 1441.9  on 1200  degrees of freedom
# AIC: 1501.9
# Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 4

Some notes are in order:

# Compare BT coefficients with overall win percentage
coef_df <- data.frame(
  team = teams,
  beta = c(summary(bt_mod)$coefficients[2:length(teams), "Estimate"], 0)

# get team win percentages
home_df <- season_df %>% group_by(TEAM_NAME_HOME) %>%
  summarize(home_win  = sum(WL_HOME == "W"),
            home_loss = sum(WL_HOME == "L"))
away_df <- season_df %>% group_by(TEAM_NAME_AWAY) %>%
  summarize(away_win  = sum(WL_AWAY == "W"),
            away_loss = sum(WL_AWAY == "L"))
win_pct_df <- inner_join(home_df, away_df, 
                         by = c("TEAM_NAME_HOME" = "TEAM_NAME_AWAY")) %>%
  transmute(team = TEAM_NAME_HOME,
            win = home_win + away_win,
            loss = home_loss + away_loss) %>%
  mutate(win_pct = win / (win + loss)) %>%
  arrange(desc(win_pct)) %>%

win_pct_df %>% inner_join(coef_df) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = win_pct, y = beta)) +
  geom_point() +
  geom_text_repel(aes(label = team_abbr)) +
  labs(x = "Win percentage", y = "Bradley-Terry beta",
       title = "Bradley-Terry beta vs. Win %")

As we probably expected, there’s high agreement between the two measures of team quality. (Why not use win percentage right off the bat? That’s because win percentage depends on “strength of schedule”. A team that plays weaker teams is likely to have a win percentage that is biased upwards, and vice versa for a team that plays stronger teams. Win percentage does not account for this but the Bradley-Terry model does.)

(I also just noticed that there are some extraneous labels in the figure; it’s because some teams have had multiple abbreviations throughout the history of the game, and I should have filtered them out from team_abbrev_df.)

Bradley-Terry model without home advantage

Fitting the model without home advantage is the same as performing logistic regression without an intercept. This is easy to do: we just add + 0 in the formula argument.

bt_mod1 <- glm(y ~ . + 0, data = bt_df, family = binomial())

Let’s compare the coefficients for the teams from the two models:

coef_df1 <- data.frame(
  team = teams,
  beta = c(summary(bt_mod1)$coefficients[, "Estimate"], 0)
plot(coef_df$beta, coef_df1$beta, pch = 16,
     xlab = "Beta with home adv.",
     ylab = "Beta w/o home adv.")
abline(0, 1, col = "red", lty = 2)

The dotted red line is the line. For this data, it looks like both models give very similar coefficients for the teams. Notice though that the points don’t lie exactly on the line: the model without home advantage gives coefficients that are slightly shrunken toward zero.

Predicting the second half of the season

We end off this post by showing how to use the Bradley-Terry model to make predictions. We split our data into two halves: we will use the first half of the season as training data, and will use the model to predict the results for the second half of the season.

n_train <- nrow(X) / 2
train_df <- bt_df[1:n_train, ]
test_df <- bt_df[(n_train + 1):nrow(X), ]

Code for training and making predictions:

train_mod_home <- glm(y ~ ., data = train_df, family = binomial())
pred_home <- predict(train_mod_home, newdata = test_df, type = "response")
train_mod_no_home <- glm(y ~ . + 0, data = train_df, family = binomial())
pred_no_home <- predict(train_mod_no_home, newdata = test_df, type = "response")

Let’s compare the predictions made by the two models:

plot(pred_home, pred_no_home, pch = 16, cex = 0.5,
     xlab = "Prob. of home win (model w. home adv.)",
     ylab = "Prob. of home win (model w/o home adv.)")
abline(0, 1)

As you might expect, the model that takes home advantage into account always gives a higher predicted probability of a home win. What’s interesting is that the size of this home advantage changes across the range: it is largest for probabilities around 0.5 and smallest for probabilities close to the extremes.

The code below plots the ROC curves for the two models on the test data. In this situation it looks like whether we incorporate home advantage or not doesn’t make much of a difference.

pred_df <- data.frame(
  truth = test_df$y,
  pred_home = pred_home,
  pred_no_home = pred_no_home
) %>%
               names_to = "model", 
               values_to = "prediction")

roc_plot <- ggplot(pred_df) +
  geom_roc(aes(d = truth, m = prediction, color = model), labels = FALSE)

roc_plot +
  labs(x = "True positive fraction",
       y = "False positive fraction",
       title = "Test set ROC plots") +
  geom_abline(slope = 1, intercept = 0, linetype = "dashed") +
  theme(legend.position = "bottom")

We can use the calc_auc() function from the plotROC package to compute the area under the curve (AUCs) from the plot object:


# PANEL group       AUC
# 1     1     1 0.7120678
# 2     1     2 0.7133042

We can also compute the Brier scores for the two models:

mean((pred_home - test_df$y)^2)
# [1] 0.2130266

mean((pred_no_home - test_df$y)^2)
# [1] 0.2186777

Recall that smaller Brier scores are better, and that a model that always outputs probability 0.5 has a Brier score of 0.25. Looking at the Brier scores and AUCs, it looks like these models are better than random guessing, but not a whole lot better.

Update (2022-02-01): In private correspondence, Justin Dyer correctly points out that it’s not clear a priori that Brier scores of ~0.21 are bad: we should benchmark the scores against other models, or the Brier scores implied by bookmaking odds. Presumably bookmaking odds incorporate a lot more information than the simple Bradley-Terry model above! We’ll leave this for a future blog post.


  1. Wikipedia. Bradley-Terry model.

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