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I’ve had several requests for an R function to simulate future values from a TBATS model. We will eventually include TBATS in the fable
package, and the facilities will be added there. But in the meantime, if you are using the forecast
package and want to simulate from a fitted TBATS model, here is how do it.
Simulating via one-step forecasts
Doing it efficiently would require a more complicated approach, but this is super easy if you are willing to sacrifice some speed. The trick is to realise that a simulation can be handled easily for almost any time series model using residuals and one-step forecasts. Note that a residual is given by $e_t = y_t – \hat{y}_{t|t-1}$ so we can write
$$y_t = \hat{y}_{t|t-1} + e_t.$$
Therefore, given data to time $T$, we can simulate iteratively using $$y_{T+i}^* = \hat{y}_{T+i|T+i-1} + \varepsilon_{T+i}, \qquad i=1,\dots,h,$$ where $\varepsilon_{T+i}$ is randomly generated from the error distribution, or bootstrapped by randomly sampling from past residuals. The value of $\hat{y}_{T+i|T+i-1}$ can be obtained by applying the model to the series $\{y_1,\dots,y_T,y^*_{T+1},\dots,y^*_{T+i-1}\}$ (without re-estimating the parameters) and forecasting one-step ahead. This is the same trick we use to get prediction intervals for neural network models.
Because simulate()
is an S3 method in R, we have to make sure the corresponding simulate.tbats()
function has all the necessary arguments to match other simulate
functions. It’s also good to make it as close as possible to other simulate
functions in the forecast
package, to make it easier for users when switching between them. The real work is done in the last few lines.
simulate.tbats <- function(object, nsim=length(object$y), seed = NULL, future=TRUE, bootstrap=FALSE, innov = NULL, ...) { if (is.null(innov)) { if (!exists(".Random.seed", envir = .GlobalEnv)) { runif(1) } if (is.null(seed)) { RNGstate <- .Random.seed } else { R.seed <- .Random.seed set.seed(seed) RNGstate <- structure(seed, kind = as.list(RNGkind())) on.exit(assign(".Random.seed", R.seed, envir = .GlobalEnv)) } } else { nsim <- length(innov) } if (bootstrap) { res <- residuals(object) res <- na.omit(res - mean(res, na.rm = TRUE)) e <- sample(res, nsim, replace = TRUE) } else if (is.null(innov)) { e <- rnorm(nsim, 0, sqrt(object$variance)) } else { e <- innov } x <- getResponse(object) y <- numeric(nsim) if(future) { dataplusy <- x } else { # Start somewhere in the original series dataplusy <- ts(sample(x, 1), start=-1/frequency(x), frequency = frequency(x)) } fitplus <- object for(i in seq_along(y)) { y[i] <- forecast(fitplus, h=1)$mean + e[i] dataplusy <- ts(c(dataplusy, y[i]), start=start(dataplusy), frequency=frequency(dataplusy)) fitplus <- tbats(dataplusy, model=fitplus) } return(tail(dataplusy, nsim)) }
I’ve added this to the forecast
package for the next version.
Something similar could be written for any other forecasting function that doesn’t already have a simulate
method. Just swap the tbats
call to the relevant modelling function.
library(forecast) library(ggplot2) fit <- tbats(USAccDeaths) p <- USAccDeaths %>% autoplot() + labs(x = "Year", y = "US Accidental Deaths", title = "TBATS simulations") for (i in seq(9)) { p <- p + autolayer(simulate(fit, nsim = 36), series = paste("Sim", i)) } p
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