R and Shiny Training

December 14, 2022 | pacha.dev/blog

I am doing R and Shiny training, and I am a certified Tidyverse and Shiny Instructor. I will help you understand the basics of R or Shiny in a way that will contribute to your daily work. If you have knowledge of spreadsheets, I will also show you... [Read more...]

SQL Databases for Students and Educators

December 14, 2022 | pacha.dev/blog

Publicly accessible databases often impose query limits or require registration. I’ve decided to host different light/medium size by using PostgreSQL at databases.pacha.dev. If you need access to the online DBs (i.e., not configuring your local co... [Read more...]

R and Shiny Training

December 14, 2022 | Pachá

I am doing R and Shiny training, and I am a certified Tidyverse and Shiny Instructor. I will help you understand the basics of R or Shiny in a way that will contribute to your daily work. If you have knowledge of spreadsheets, I will also show you h... [Read more...]

SQL Databases for Students and Educators

December 14, 2022 | Pachá

Publicly accessible databases often impose query limits or require registration. I’ve decided to host different light/medium size by using PostgreSQL at databases.pacha.dev. If you need access to the online DBs (i.e., not configuring your local copy... [Read more...]

Luzon’s hiking trails

December 14, 2022 | Two Points Make a Line

I have lately been experimenting with R’s map-making capabilities, and as a project I wanted to try visualizing the great mountain ranges of Luzon. The Philippines has some remarkable mountain ranges, and hiking through them is a unique sort of pl...
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Check if the Column Contains a String or not

December 14, 2022 | finnstats

The post Check if the Column Contains a String or not appeared first on finnstats. If you are interested to learn more about data science, you can find more articles here finnstats. Check if the Column Contains a String or not, The methods listed below can be used to determine ... [Read more...]

On target

December 13, 2022 | HighlandR

Here are some notes on getting started with {targets}. The project I am working on involves several different reports, each at least 30 pages, and each with about 20 plots and 20 tables per document. As well as a myriad of functions, I had ...
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Advent of 2022, Day 13 – Automated ML

December 13, 2022 | tomaztsql

In the series of Azure Machine Learning posts: Automated ML is a no-code automated machine learning task. It iterates over many combinations of algorithms and hyperparameters in order to find the best model for your dataset and your prediction variable(s).…Read more ›
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europeanaR: Exploring A Digitized Art Database with Shiny

December 12, 2022 | Appsilon

Art provides insight into the experiences and values of a culture. We see parallels between Shiny and art. Both are canvases for sharing insight. They are used to transform information or ideas in a way that connects with people. In this spirit, our developers built EuropeanaR, a Shiny app for ...
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