Leaving a PhD Program

July 18, 2022 | Pachá

Abstract Purpose The purpose of this post is to offer the author’s view about the conceptualization of what it is to be a successful Ph.D. student and some of the challenges Iberoamerican students face to have an impact. Approach This post is a ... [Read more...]

How to Use Spread Function in R?-tidyr Part1

July 18, 2022 | Jim

The post How to Use Spread Function in R?-tidyr Part1 appeared first on Data Science Tutorials How to Use Spread Function in R, To “spread” a key-value pair across multiple columns, use the spread() method from the tidyr package. The basic syntax used by this function is as follows. ... [Read more...]

2022 Projections & FFA App Updates

July 18, 2022 | Val Pinskiy

This offseason, we worked hard to update our FFA Projection and Lineup Optimizer apps. We are excited to provide the apps to our subscribers to test out and provide feedback.[...] The post 2022 Projections & FFA App Updates appeared first on Fantasy Football Analytics.
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Part 2 of 3: 300+ milestone for Big Book of R

July 18, 2022 | Oscar

This is part 2 of a 3 part series highlighting a selection of 35 new entries into Big Book of R. Read part 1. The site now has well over 300 free R programming titles. Onto the second batch of new books! Sign up to the newsletter for the next … The post Part 2 of 3: 300+ milestone ...
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R Matrix

July 18, 2022 | sabir

A matrix is a two-dimensional data structure where data are arranged into rows and columns. For example, {IMAGE: 2 * 3 matrix with integer data} Here, the above matrix is 2 * 3 (pronounced "two by three") matrix because it has 2 rows and 3 columns. Create a Matrix in R In R, we use the matrix() function ... [Read more...]

R Read and Write xlsx Files

July 18, 2022 | sabir

An xlsx is a file format used for Microsoft Excel spreadsheets. Excel can be used to store tabular data. R has built-in functionality that makes it easy to read and write an xlsx file. Sample xlsx File To demonstrate how we read xlsx files in R, let's suppose we have ... [Read more...]

R Read and Write CSV Files

July 18, 2022 | sabir

The CSV (Comma Separated Value) file is a plain text file that uses a comma to separate values. R has a built-in functionality that makes it easy to read and write a CSV file. Sample CSV File To demonstrate how we read CSV files in R, let's suppose we have ... [Read more...]

R strip Chart

July 18, 2022 | sabir

A strip chart is a type of chart that displays numerical data along a single strip. A strip chart can be used to visualize dozens of time series at once. Dataset to Create Strip Chart In R, first we need to load the dataset of which we want to ... [Read more...]

R Boxplot

July 18, 2022 | sabir

A boxplot is a graph that gives us a good indication of how the values in the data are spread out. Box plots provide some indication of the data's symmetry and skew-ness. Dataset to Create Boxplot In R, first we need to load the dataset of which we want to ... [Read more...]

R Pie Chart

July 18, 2022 | sabir

A pie chart is a circular statistical graphic, which is divided into slices to illustrate numerical proportion. Pie charts represents data visually as a fractional part of a whole, which can be an effective communication tool. Create Pie Plot in R... [Read more...]

R Histogram

July 18, 2022 | sabir

A histogram is a graphical display of data using bars of different heights. Histogram is used to summarize discrete or continuous data that are measured on an interval scale. Create Histogram in R In R, we use the hist() function to create Histog... [Read more...]

R Date

July 18, 2022 | sabir

Depending on what purposes we're using R for, we may want to deal with data containing dates and times. R Provides us various functions to deal with dates and times. Get Current System Date, and Time in R In R, we use Sys.Date(), Sys.time() to get the current ... [Read more...]

Generalized Linear Models, Part I: The Logistic Model

July 17, 2022 | Pachá

Context Let’s say we are interested in predicting the gender of a candidate for the British General Elections in 1992 by using the Political Parties as a predictor. We have the next data:

elections <- tibble(
  party = c("Tories", "Labour", "LibDem", "Green", "Other"),
  women = c(57,126,136,60,135),
  men = c(577,508,496,192,546)

## # A tibble: 5 × 3
##   party  women   men
##   <chr>  <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 Tories    57   577
## 2 Labour   126   508
## 3 LibDem   136   496
## 4 Green     60   192
## 5 Other    135   546
Being the dependent variable a categorical one, we need to propose a Logistic Model. Let \(... [Read more...]

Mapping a marathon with {rStrava}

July 17, 2022 | R on Nicola Rennie

After a long run in the Forest of Bowland when visiting Lancaster for a few days, I decided to try out the {rStrava} package to make some maps of where I’d been. This tutorial blog will walk through the process of getting the data from Strava, making the map, ...
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Extracting numbers from a stacked density plot

July 17, 2022 | Derek Jones

A month or so ago, I found a graph showing a percentage of PCs having a given range of memory installed, between March 2000 and April 2020, on a TechTalk page of PC Matic; it had the form of a stacked density plot. This kind of installed memory data is rare, how ...
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How to Calculate Percentiles in R

July 17, 2022 | finnstats

The post How to Calculate Percentiles in R appeared first on finnstats. How to Calculate Percentiles in R, Although percentages and percentiles are different concepts, they are comparable in many ways and occasionally used interchangeably. A percentile is the percentage of data points in a data... If you are interested ... [Read more...]

Academicons: my first quarto extension

July 16, 2022 | schochastics

I have been following the development of quarto for a while now and I am pretty excited about it. Not only its features but also its rich and detailed documentation will make me transition from Rmarkdown to Quarto in the long run. While moving my personal webpage, I realized though ... [Read more...]
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