Better help window in rstudio

November 2, 2022 | R – kata helion

RStudio takes up a lot of screen real estate with its panes. I prefer to have two floating windows for script and console, plus help when needed. Unfortunately entering ?pch, for example, opens up a pane and squeezes everything out … Continue reading →
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R XML: How to Work With XML Files in R

November 2, 2022 | Dario Radečić

R programming language can read all sorts of data, and XML is no exception. There are many ways to read, parse, and manipulate these markup language files in R, and today we’ll explore two. By the end of the article, you’ll know how to use two R packages ...
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Extract POIs from a Suunto watch

November 2, 2022 | Michael

The Suunto watches (Spartan, Suunto 9,…) can record waypoints (or POIs) but although they can be visualized in the Suunto app (or on the watch), they cannot be exported to be used with other tools. It used to be possible to access them from the Movescount website but it was discontinued ... [Read more...]

365 Data Science courses free until November 21

November 1, 2022 | Sofia Cohen

The initiative presents a risk-free way to break into data science and an opportunity to upskill for free The online educational platform 365 Data Science launches its #21DaysFREE campaign, providing 100% free unlimited access to all its content for three weeks. From November 1 to 21, you can take courses from renowned instructors, complete ...
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How do I count thee? Let me count the ways?

November 1, 2022 | Jerry Tuttle

How do I count thee? Let me count the ways? by Jerry Tuttle    In Major League Baseball, a player who hits 50 home runs in a single season has hit a lot of home runs. Suppose I want to count the number of 50 homer seasons by team, and also the number ...
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XLConnect 1.0.6

November 1, 2022 | Mirai Solutions

XLConnect 1.0.6 now available from CRAN and from our GitHub repository. We are pleased to announce the release of XLConnect 1.0.6. This release is mainly a maintenance release and comes with the following changes: Add overwriteFormulaCells pa... [Read more...]

XLConnect 1.0.6

November 1, 2022 | Mirai Solutions

XLConnect 1.0.6 now available from CRAN and from our GitHub repository. We are pleased to announce the release of XLConnect 1.0.6. This release is mainly a maintenance release and comes with the following changes: Add overwriteFormulaCells pa... [Read more...]

XLConnect 1.0.6

November 1, 2022 | Mirai Solutions

XLConnect 1.0.6 now available from CRAN and from our GitHub repository. We are pleased to announce the release of XLConnect 1.0.6. This release is mainly a maintenance release and comes with the following changes: Add overwriteFormulaCells pa... [Read more...]

A Footnote in History

October 31, 2022 | Category R on Quantum Jitter

Producing a journal-quality table requires fine-grained and reproducible control over presentation. Surgical targeting of footnotes, capable of adapting to changes in the underlying data, is one example. This post briefly explores the shifts in the ... [Read more...]

Modeling the Extinction of Species with SVM-Kernel

October 31, 2022 | Selcuk Disci

In the last article, we analyzed carbon emissions and the effects that created them. This time I want to look into another important environmental issue, animal biodiversity; by animals, I mean mammals, birds, fish, reptiles, and amphibians. The metric we are going to be interested in is the living planet ...
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Getting acquainted with Mastodon — Instances

October 30, 2022 | Karsten W.

Elon Musk has to buy Twitter after all. I took this as an opportunity to look at Mastodon at the weekend, a decentralised alternative. TL/DR: super! What I had to understand first was the concept of an “instance”. My first impression is that you can compare a Mastodon server ... [Read more...]

Find the next number in the sequence

October 29, 2022 | Jerry Tuttle

Between ages two and four, most children can count up to at least ten. If you ask your child, "What number comes next after 1, 2, 3, 4, 5?" they will probably say "6." But to math nerds, any number can be the next number in a finite sequence. I like -14. Given a sequence of ...
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