Should you dual wield y axes?

November 9, 2022 | Two Points Make a Line

Consider this: all charts are essentially squiggles on a Cartesian plane. There’s a horizontal, or x, axis and there’s a vertical, or y, axis. This implies that the underlying datasets ever only need two columns, corresponding to the two axes. Man...
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The giant French Olympic-size swimming pool

November 9, 2022 | Michael

Day 7 of 30DayMapChallenge : « Openstreetmap » (previously). What if all private swimming pools could be merged into one 25 m width pool? OSM is not just a map, it’s a database, so ask OSM… I know that not all swimming pools are present in OSM, but it’s just an exercise 🙂 and ...
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Use data from Wikipedia

November 8, 2022 | Michael

Ariane 5 – CC BY-NC-ND by NASA HQ PHOTO Day 9 of 30DayMapChallenge: « space » (previously). Scrape and geolocate data from Wikipedia. We will map the active space launch sites. library(tidyverse) library(lubridate) library(janitor...
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Vienna<-R 2022 November Meetup (live/virtual)

November 8, 2022 | Quantargo Blog

Vienna After a longer COVID break we are happy to announce the upcoming ViennaR Meetup on Thursday, November 10! 🙌🎉🥳 The (live) Meetup is hosted at TU Vienna, the legendary Goldenes Lamm, Seminarraum 107/1 - where some R-Core magic happened. 👉REGISTER FOR LIVE MEETUP Note, that this meetup is hybrid and also available ...
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Into The Fediverse!

November 8, 2022 | hrbrmstr

This is more of a test post after enabling some new Fediverse features on the server. Said Fediverse got a bit more real-ish this week (with moderate apologies to the pioneers in this space who’ve languished for ~five years) You can find me at: @[email protected] (general blathering/... [Read more...]

The giant French Olympic-size swimming pool

November 7, 2022 | Michael

pool swimming – CC BY by VV Nincic Day 8 of 30DayMapChallenge: « Openstreetmap » (previously). What if all private swimming pools could be merged into one 25 m width pool? OSM is not just a map, it’s a database, so ask OSM… I ...
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Mapping the Metro Manila subway

November 7, 2022 | Two Points Make a Line

Today I’ll experiment with making maps via leaflet, which I’m using for the first time. I’m relying mainly on this tutorial. library(tidyverse) library(leaflet) Below is a map pointing out some of the planned stations of the future Metro Manila Subway, which will be built… sometime… ...
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R and Shiny Training

November 5, 2022 | pacha.dev/blog

I am doing R and Shiny training, and I am a certified Tidyverse and Shiny Instructor. I will help you understand the basics of R or Shiny in a way that will contribute to your daily work. If you have knowledge of spreadsheets, I will also show you... [Read more...]

Clases de R y Shiny en Castellano

November 5, 2022 | pacha.dev/blog

Estoy haciendo clases de R y Shiny, soy instructor certificado de Tidyverse y Shiny. Ofrezco clases con un 50% de descuento para personas en América Latina que estén interesadas. Te ayudaré a entender los fundamentos de R o Shiny de manera que con... [Read more...]

Clases de R y Shiny en Castellano

November 5, 2022 | Pachá

Estoy haciendo clases de R y Shiny. Ofrezco clases con un 50% de descuento para personas en América Latina que estén interesadas. Te ayudaré a entender los fundamentos de R o Shiny de manera que contribuya a tu trabajo diario. Si tienes conocimiento... [Read more...]

R and Shiny Training

November 5, 2022 | Pachá

I am doing R and Shiny training, and I am a certified Tidyverse and Shiny Instructor. I will help you understand the basics of R or Shiny in a way that will contribute to your daily work. If you have knowledge of spreadsheets, I will also show you h... [Read more...]

Acerca de R White Dwarf

November 5, 2022 | R with White Dwarf

White Dwarf esta comprometido con promover el uso de R y llevarlo a mas personas. Manuel Teodoro Tenango (teoten) Teoten es estad?stico y analista de datos con estudios en ecolog?a y ciencias ambientales. Cuando no est? trabajando por dinero o idealism... [Read more...]

another drawer of socks

November 5, 2022 | xi'an

A socks riddle from the Riddler but with no clear ABC connection! Twenty-eight socks from fourteen pairs of socks are taken from a drawer, one by one, and laid on a surface that only fit nine socks at a time, with complete pairs removed. What is the probability that all ...
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Use data from data.gouv.fr

November 5, 2022 | Michael

TGV – CC BY-NC-ND by Enzo JIANG Day 6 of 30DayMapChallenge: « network » (previously). Using GIS data directly from data.gouv.fr : railways network of France. library(dplyr) library(ggplot2) library(sf) library(glue) library(httr) ...
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