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Top 21 #RStats tweets of 2021

[This article was first published on R programming – Oscar Baruffa, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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13 December 2021

The R Community has been as active as ever on Twitter during 2021. Here’s a selection of the top 21 tweets of the year.

Not on Twitter and don’t know where to start? Don’t worry! I co-authored the free book Twitter for R programmers with Veerle van Son to give you a gentle introduction to the platform and awesome community.

Without further ado, let’s go on a trip down memory lane

Milos is a prolific map creator and he has a tonne of tutorials on his blog. His posts often generate a lot of discussion outside of R communities.

My new map of Europe shows % of people who work in science & technology field in 2019#science #tech #DataScience #dataviz #maps #rstats

— Milos Popovic/Милош Поповић (@milos_agathon) February 23, 2021

Hadley needs no intro and good to see RStudio diversify their product base.

As well as package stickers the RStudio swag store ( now includes a small supply of dplyr masks: #rstats

— Hadley Wickham (@hadleywickham) March 24, 2021

If picture is worth a thousand words then a GIF is worth 1000 x n-frames, as this fantastic example from Indrajeet shows.

I am often asked why I insist on complicating a plot by overlaying a violin plot on top of a box plot when the latter already gives a good visual summary of the distribution.

This gif provides a reason.

For a more nuanced argument, see: #dataviz

— Indrajeet Patil (इंद्रजीत पाटील) (@patilindrajeets) March 25, 2021

This thread is a thing of beauty and Virginia knows the value of good meme-creation skills.

Asked my students to do stats memes for extra credit and *was not disappointed*.#rstats #memes #statistics

— Virginia Matzek (@v_matzek) March 30, 2021

You had me at “I want to remove my plot legend”

In an age where virtual assistant programs have become ubiquitous, you may also wish to have one that helps you find solutions to common ggplot formatting problems.

The {gghelp} function {ggx} mimics behavior of such an assistant #DataScience

— R Function A Day (@rfunctionaday) April 15, 2021

I think it’s pronounced “gee-giraffe”.

ggiraph + shiny is fantastic!
~30 lines of code.#dataviz #rstats

— Claus Wilke (@ClausWilke) April 20, 2021

Every tweet gets a “Hadley bump” when you’re Hadley :). This book is changing lives.

Mastering Shiny has just gone into production, so now's a great to pre-order if you want a physical copy! (Or continue to read online for free at #rstats

— Hadley Wickham (@hadleywickham) April 29, 2021

I remember the day when Moriah released this treasure trove of a thread. Still brings a tear of a joy to my eye . She’s also a twitch streamer streaming games and R.

Having trouble picking a color palette for your #Rstats visualization? Well here's a MEGA thread about all the ways you can choose a palette! [1/22]

— Moriah Taylor (she/her) (@moriah_taylor58) May 20, 2021

The ultra cool Mara “M. Averick” Averick boosting another great post from Cédric (he’s got a few of his own posts below) . Follow her.

This really is such a bookmark-worthy post:
“The Evolution of a ggplot (Ep. 1)” by @CedScherer #rstats #dataviz
[GIF: shows each stage of evolution of the plot]

— Mara Averick (@dataandme) May 25, 2021

If you know #RStats, you probably know Cédric, a data vizard who’s trying to convince us he’s a mere mortal but keeps producing magic like this.

New blog post!

I finally finished the post on "Visualizing Distributions with Raincloud Plots with #ggplot2" showing why such hybrid charts are a good alternative to boxplots and numerous ways how to create them in #rstats with #ggplot2. #dataviz

— Cédric Scherer (@CedScherer) June 6, 2021

When he’s not co-authoring amazing works like Supervised Machine Learning for Text Analysis in R, Emil casually lobs something this into the Twittersphere.

If you are reading the 2nd edition of "An Introduction to Statistical Learning" and want to pick up #tidymodels at the same time, then you are in luck

I have compiled complementary labs using tidymodels for all of you to use and teach with #rstats

— Emil Hvitfeldt (@Emil_Hvitfeldt) August 9, 2021

Tyler. What can one say other than he’s an R alchemist. Most of his tweets get very popular especially when rendering pigs in 3D but alas none of those were as liked as this one. Still pretty cool though ;).

New dataviz: The Humanity Globe. Population density across the world, visualized in 3D with #rayrender (using #RStats and #rayshader to process the data).


Rayrender: #DataVisualization

— Tyler Morgan-Wall (@tylermorganwall) August 17, 2021

#RStats is filled with educators who generously share their material and products. Thanks Stephanie!

Teaching R this fall? Me too!

I'm so excited to share this (work-in-progress, but stable for now) new #rstats package I'm been working towards. Announcing the {introverse}, a one-stop-shop for computing novices heading into R and the tidyverse. 1/9

— Stephanie Spielman, PhD (@stephspiel) August 24, 2021

Another awesome Tyler post that’ll hypnotise you.

New #dataviz! The Earth's submarine fiber optic cable network, visualized in #RStats with #rayrender.


Rayrender Github:

— Tyler Morgan-Wall (@tylermorganwall) September 22, 2021

No need to wait for that Hogwarts letter. Cédric the Vizard is teaching you his wizarding magic right here.

Collection of tweets featuring open-access materials that I have shared over the last years:
Talks, seminars, blog posts, hands-on notebooks, codes, and more!
#rstats #ggplot2 #tidyverse #dataviz

— Cédric Scherer (@CedScherer) September 23, 2021

Sharon, author of Practical R for Mass Communication and Journalism, shares a lot of cool stuff on her feed. Did you know she also posts a tonne of handy R screencasts over at Do More with R youtube playlist?

Tutorials on using #rstats for geospatial analysis: #gis

— Sharon Machlis (@sharon000) October 11, 2021

R’s not just a programming language, but a love language too. He’s a keeper Rebecca!

Husband surprised me with a new license plate when he renewed our car’s registration #rstats

— Rebecca Janis (@rbjanis5) October 14, 2021

Somehow flotsam is living their best life, just churning our rayshader geospatial beauties like this one. “Slinky Chile” lives in my head rent-free.

A population density map of long, slinky Chile. Took a bit of time to find an angle I like.#rayshader adventures, an #rstats tale

— flotsam (@researchremora) October 23, 2021

R in the front, kids in the trunk #SquadGoals.

When it’s time to go home but your code isn’t done running. #RStats

— Matt Cheng (@MLCheng3) October 24, 2021

Another example of people sharing their bountiful knowledge. Thank you Andrew!

I've become a big fan of using multilevel models with panel data (i.e. country/year data), but I always forget how to specify them and can't remember how all the moving parts work, so I created a new practical guide for doing this with #rstats and brms

Andrew Heiss (@andrewheiss) December 1, 2021

And ending off 2021 with a absolute bang. Checkout the quote tweets and replies if you want to see full grown adults losing their minds. I think Sean moonlights as Santa.

Today is launch day!
I am super excited to introduce *Tidy Data Tutor* a web application for visualizing your #rstats #tidyverse data analysis pipelines:
(Developed with Philip Guo)

— Sean Kross (@seankross) December 4, 2021

Thank you joining me on this little trip down memory lane. I hope you enjoyed those and maybe found a few you missed :). I don’t know what 2022 will bring but we can be sure there be more amazing tweets from awesome peeps.

Want to try Twitter out for yourself? Veerle van Son and I have you covered:

I’ve co-authored a book! Twitter for R Programmers

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    The post Top 21 #RStats tweets of 2021 appeared first on Oscar Baruffa.

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