error: No CurrentVersion entry in Software/JavaSoft registry!
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error: No CurrentVersion entry in Software/JavaSoft registry!. When receiving the following problem while trying to install package xlxs in R.
Error: package or namespace load failed for ‘xlsx’: .onLoad failed in loadNamespace() for 'rJava', details: call: fun(libname, pkgname) error: No CurrentVersion entry in Software/JavaSoft registry! Try re-installing Java and make sure R and Java have matching architectures.
error: No CurrentVersion entry in Software/JavaSoft registry!
There is no entry for CurrentVersion in the Software/JavaSoft register! Reinstall Java and double-check that R and Java have the same architecture.
The problem will persist if you try to reinstall Java.
Error in x[6, ]: subscript out of bounds »
The error usually arises when the architectures of java and r (32/64 bit) do not match.
In cmd, use java -version to verify the version of Java.
You can resolve the issue by doing the following setup.
Step1:-Open Rstudio > tools > global options

Step2:-general settings > R-version > change (to the architecture same as that of java)

Yes, That’s all issue solved. Now you can load the package.
error: JAVA_HOME cannot be determined from the Registry
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