September 2021

Calculating hotel occupancy with R

September 16, 2021 | HighlandR

I saw a question on reddit today which can be answered using {patientcounter} The asker wants to know how to work out how many folk are in a hotel, at any given time, based on check in and check out dates. Here’s the setup: check_in_date &... [Read more...]

Monotonic binning using XGBOOST

September 16, 2021 | R'tichoke

When developing credit risk scorecards, it is generally a good idea to discretise (bin) numeric variables in a manner that ensures monotonically increasing or decreasing event rates as the variable increases or decreases. While discretising individual variables adds stability to the model, monotonic bins ensure that the model output is ...
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{emayili} Rendering R Markdown

September 16, 2021 | R - datawookie

In a previous post I documented a new feature in {emayili}, the ability to render Plain Markdown directly into the body of an email message. Today I’m announcing the release of a new minor version, 0.5.0, in which {emayili} is now able to render R Markdown into an email. This ...
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Beautiful Maps with MazamaSpatialPlots

September 16, 2021 | jonathanatmazamascience

Many of us have become addicted to The NY Times COVID maps — maps of US state or county level data colored by cases, vaccinations, per capita infections, etc. While recreating maps like these in R is possible, it is disappointingly difficult. The just released MazamaSpatialPlots R package takes a first ...
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How to Identify Outliers-Grubbs’ Test in R

September 15, 2021 | finnstats

How to Identify Outliers, The Grubbs’ Technique is a statistical test that may be used to detect outliers in a dataset. A dataset should be generally normally distributed and have at least 7 observations... The post How to Identify Outliers-Grubbs’ Test in R appeared first on finnstats. [Read more...]

Writing Versatile Functions with R

September 15, 2021 | Albert Rapp

This week, I had to deal with two very similar tasks on two very similar but not identical data sets that required me to write a function that is versatile enough to deal with both data sets despite their subtle differences. The differences that had to be accounted for mainly ... [Read more...]

Does 100 m equal 1 km ?

September 15, 2021 | Michael

Photo : Alexis Martín In trail running or orienteering people say that if you have to run 100 m of elevation up and down it would take the same time as running flat for 1000 m. We can find a similar old rule of thumb and more recently, some researchers (Davey, Hayes & ... [Read more...]

The Statsomat Apps with R and Python

September 15, 2021 | Denise Welsch

The Statsomat project and site ( was launched at the beginning of 2021 and has the goal of developing and maintaining open-source and web-based apps for automated data analysis. Special about the reports generated by the Statsomat apps is the annotated output and the human-readable interpretation in natural language. ... [Read more...]

LA R Expands Beyond California

September 15, 2021 | R Consortium

R Consortium talks to LA R Users founder Szilard Pafka about how the community started, how they adapted to the pandemic and how things have evolved in the past fifteen... The post LA R Expands Beyond California appeared first on R Consortium.
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Learning Path: Introduction to R

September 15, 2021 | Mirai Solutions

Enhance your data science toolkit with our “Introduction to R” learning path: from the basis of the syntax, to operations and functions, for solid programming foundations. R is one of the most popular programming, scripting, and markup languages. Wr...
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Register now! PSI Scientific Meeting: Generating Insights through Modern Applications of Data Visualisation

September 14, 2021 | R Consortium

Upcoming event: PSI Scientific Meeting: Generating Insights through Modern Applications of Data Visualisation While data visualisation has been used to gain insights into medical data for over 150 years, modern methods including... The post Register now! PSI Scientific Meeting: Generating Insights through Modern Applications of Data Visualisation appeared first on R ...
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Animating Network Evolutions with gganimate

September 14, 2021 | schochastics

People regularly ask me if it is possible to animate a network evolution with {{ggraph}} and {{gganimate}}. Unfortunately this is not yet possible. But fear not! There is a way to still get it done with some hacking around the ggraph package. In th... [Read more...]
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