September 2021

Mistakes: you’ll make a few

September 21, 2021 | Oscar

Running into errors and warnings is a completely normal part of programming – even the best of the best can count on it happening daily! Getting comfortable with what the errors mean and how to find the solution is part of your learning journey. Here’s a checklist (pdf /png) with … ...
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Another 9 R books added to BigBookofR

September 21, 2021 | Oscar

The collection of R books at BigBookofR continues to grow! Thanks to @erictleaungu , @StanLazic, @rohmanoabdur, @preposterior, @lago67522285 and @lfvasconcelos_ for their contributions. Computing for the social sciences By Dr. Benjamin Soltoff The goal of this course is to teach you basic computational skills and provide you with the means … The ...
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Numerical Calculation of FRN Duration in R

September 21, 2021 | sang-heon lee

The duration of a floating rate note (FRN) is the remaining time until the first next payment date. Using this fact, a duration of FRN has not been calculated explicitly but has been understood conceptually. Instead of this reasoning, this post trie...
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{emayili} Managing CSS

September 21, 2021 | R - datawookie

I love the clean simplicity of an R Markdown document. But sometimes it can feel a little bare and utilitarian. This is especially the case if it’s rendered into the body of an email. How about injecting a little more pizzazz? library(emayili) Check on the installed version. packageVersion("...
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Side-by-Side plots with ggplot2

September 21, 2021 | finnstats »

How to Create Side-by-Side Plots in ggplot2?. Using the ggplot2 package in R, you can often construct two plots side by side. Fortunately, with the patchwork and gridExtra packages, this is simple to accomplish. Side-by-Side plots with ggplot2 ...
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Side-by-Side plots with ggplot2

September 21, 2021 | finnstats

How to Create Side-by-Side Plots in ggplot2?. Using the ggplot2 package in R, you can often construct two plots side by side. Fortunately, with the patchwork and gridExtra packages, this is simple to accomplish. The post Side-by-Side plots with ggplot2 appeared first on finnstats.
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forester: An AutoML R package for Tree-based Models

September 21, 2021 | Ly Thien

Have you ever spent the whole day applying different Machine Learning (ML) algorithms from several libraries, coping with a legion of conditional and unconditional hyperparameters, and attempting to deal with different data processing techniques? Undeniably, it is a try-and-error work with prerequisite experience. These repeatable trials can be very time-consuming ...
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Getting Started With R

September 21, 2021 | udayan

R is an interpreted programming language. It also allows you to carry out modular programming with the help of functions. It is widely used to analyze statistical information as well as graphical representation. R allows you to integrate with progr... [Read more...]

Creando Tu R-universe

September 20, 2021 | rOpenSci - open tools for open science

This is a cross-post from Yanina Bellini Saibene’s blog, originally published July 17th 2021 Durante useR! 2021 Jeroen Ooms presentó el proyecto universo R en su keynote. Comentó sobre el proyecto, los casos de uso y repasó las instrucciones para crear tu propio universo-r. En este post the explico como crear ... [Read more...]

ARIMA Method from {fable}: The Election is Coming for Turkey?

September 20, 2021 | Selcuk Disci

Nowadays, every journalist and intellectual talks about a probable early election in Turkey’s ongoing poor economic conditions. But, is it politically right decision to go early election before the officially announced 23 June 2023 in terms of ruling parties? In order to answer this question, we have to choose some variables ...
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