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It is all about measuring time using useless clocks. Script takes a system time and displays any given clock in a rather “static” way. You can choose between analog, small digital and big digital clock. And when playing with the time, you can also learn something new.
Analog Clock
Using the following code, you can create a nice analog clock, with three hands (for hour, minute and second) with optional colour background. If you want to use some sounds with the clock, install package beepr and uncomment the beepr() function in analogClock() function. You will be annoyed
require(grid) #install.packages("beepr") DrawClock <- function(hour, minute, second) { t <- seq(0, 2*pi, length=13)[-13] x <- cos(t) y <- sin(t) grid.newpage() pushViewport(dataViewport(x, y, gp=gpar(lwd=3))) # Clock background grid.circle(x=0, y=0, default="native", r=unit(1, "native")) # Hour hand hourAngle <- pi/2 - (hour + minute/60)/12*2*pi grid.segments(0, 0, 0.6*cos(hourAngle), .6*sin(hourAngle), default="native", gp=gpar(lex=4, col="red")) # Minute hand minuteAngle <- pi/2 - (minute)/60*2*pi grid.segments(0, 0, 0.8*cos(minuteAngle), .8*sin(minuteAngle),default="native", gp=gpar(lex=2)) # Second hand secondAngle <- pi/2 - (second)/60*2*pi grid.segments(0, 0, 0.8*cos(secondAngle), .7*sin(secondAngle), default="native", gp=gpar(lex=1, col = "blue"), draw=TRUE) grid.circle(0,0, default="native", r=unit(1, "mm"), gp=gpar(fill="white")) } AnalogClock <- function() { while(TRUE){ hh <- as.integer(format(Sys.time(), format="%H")) mm <- as.integer(format(Sys.time(), format="%M")) ss <- as.integer(format(Sys.time(), format="%S")) Sys.sleep(1) DrawClock(hh,mm,ss) beepr::beep(sound = 1, expr = NULL) } } #Run Function / clock AnalogClock()
Resulting in the following clock:
Small Digital Clock
Well this one is pretty boring:
SmallDigitalClock <- function() { cat("\014") while(TRUE){ Sys.sleep(0.1) cat("\r", strftime(Sys.time(), format="%H:%M:%S")) } } SmallDigitalClock()
Giving you a tiny clock in console, you ought to put your glasses on to read this:
Big digital clock
Now, this one is a major upgrade – in size, to be precisely.
And of course, the code for this rather big digital clock:
# Create Numbers n0 <- c("██████" ,"██ ██" ,"██ ██" ,"██ ██" ,"██████") n1 <- c(" ██" ," ██" ," ██" ," ██" ," ██") n2 <- c("██████" ," ██" ,"██████" ,"██ " ,"██████") n3 <- c("██████" ," ██" ,"██████" ," ██" ,"██████") n4 <- c("██ ██" ,"██ ██" ,"██████" ," ██" ," ██") n5 <- c("██████" ,"██ " ,"██████" ," ██" ,"██████") n6 <- c("██████" ,"██ " ,"██████" ,"██ ██" ,"██████") n7 <- c("██████" ," ██" ," ██" ," ██" ," ██") n8 <- c("██████" ,"██ ██" ,"██████" ,"██ ██" ,"██████") n9 <- c("██████" ,"██ ██" ,"██████" ," ██" ,"██████") colon <- c(" " ," ██ " ," " ," ██ " ," ") df0 <- as.data.frame(n0) df1 <- as.data.frame(n1) df2 <- as.data.frame(n2) df3 <- as.data.frame(n3) df4 <- as.data.frame(n4) df5 <- as.data.frame(n5) df6 <- as.data.frame(n6) df7 <- as.data.frame(n7) df8 <- as.data.frame(n8) df9 <- as.data.frame(n9) dfc <- as.data.frame(colon) numbers <- cbind(df0, df1,df2,df3,df4,df5,df6,df7,df8,df9, dfc) rm(df0, df1,df2,df3,df4,df5,df6,df7,df8,df9, dfc,n0,n1,n2,n3,n4,n5,n6,n7,n8,n9, colon) # Get number / variable from data frame getVariable <- function(x) { stopifnot(is.numeric(x)) if (x == 0) {return (numbers$n0)} if (x == 1) {return (numbers$n1)} if (x == 2) {return (numbers$n2)} if (x == 3) {return (numbers$n3)} if (x == 4) {return (numbers$n4)} if (x == 5) {return (numbers$n5)} if (x == 6) {return (numbers$n6)} if (x == 7) {return (numbers$n7)} if (x == 8) {return (numbers$n8)} if (x == 9) {return (numbers$n9)} } BigDitigalClock <- function() { while(TRUE){ Sys.sleep(1) cat("\014") #hour h1 <- substr(strftime(Sys.time(), format="%H"),1,1) h2 <- substr(strftime(Sys.time(), format="%H"),2,2) #minute m1 <- substr(strftime(Sys.time(), format="%M"),1,1) m2 <- substr(strftime(Sys.time(), format="%M"),2,2) #second s1 <- substr(strftime(Sys.time(), format="%S"),1,1) s2 <- substr(strftime(Sys.time(), format="%S"),2,2) dfh1 <- as.data.frame(getVariable(as.integer(h1))) dfh2 <- as.data.frame(getVariable(as.integer(h2))) dfm1 <- as.data.frame(getVariable(as.integer(m1))) dfm2 <- as.data.frame(getVariable(as.integer(m2))) dfs1 <- as.data.frame(getVariable(as.integer(s1))) dfs2 <- as.data.frame(getVariable(as.integer(s2))) current_time <- cbind(dfh1, dfh2, numbers$colon, dfm1, dfm2 , numbers$colon, dfs1, dfs2) #Remove column namens and row names colnames(current_time) <- c(" "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ") print.data.frame(current_time, row.names = F) } } # Run the clock BigDitigalClock()
For better formatting, please use the Github repository and get all the code samples there. Go to Useless R function repository on URL: https://github.com/tomaztk/Useless_R_functions and all three functions (for all the clocks) are available in separate files.
Enjoy your time and most importantly, stay on time
As always, code is available in at the Github in same Useless_R_function repository.
Happy R-coding!
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