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Taking Outlier Treatment to the Next Level

[This article was first published on An Accounting and Data Science Nerd's Corner, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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By Joachim Gassen (Humboldt University Berlin, TRR 266 “Accounting for Transparency”) and David Veenman (University of Amsterdam)

“To reduce the impact of outliers on our findings, we winsorize the dependent and independent variables at the top and bottom percentile.” If you do empirical archival research in accounting and/or corporate finance, we bet that you have read and written such a sentence many times throughout your career. We know that outliers exist and that we have to “deal” with them. As Mitton (RFS, 2021) shows, outlier treatment is among the most impactful design choices in our work. Yet, at least until recently, we often did not really devote too much thought to extreme observations. Winsorize and done.

For a few years, the new hot kid in town when it comes to outlier treatment is “robust” regression. As Leone, Minutti-Meza, and Wasley discuss in an influential recent publication (Leone et al., TAR 2019), robust regression methods are capable of identifying and downweighting outliers in regressions. Different from winsorizing, they identify multivariate outliers based on regression residuals. This removes the need for an arguably arbitrary winsorization choice. Not surprisingly, robust regression approaches are becoming more and more common in the literature.

In this blog post, we use insights from the robust statistics literature and our own recent working paper to make three, what we believe to be important points:

A: Outliers in applied work are rarely random;

B: Regression models are often miss-specified;

C: Because of A and B, robust regression, while being a powerful tool to identify outliers, can yield biased inferences.

To establish these three points, we first use simulations to explain the nature of outliers and why they can be disastrous for our dear OLS estimates. Then we introduce the concept of robust regression and how it “deals” with outliers. After this, we will take a look at some real data to demonstrate A, B and C in an applied accounting setting. We will conclude with some suggestions on how to use robust regression to your advantage and how to deal with outliers like a pro. This being a blog, we will do all this with fancy pictures and without equations. If you love equations (who doesn’t?) you can still turn to our paper. All the R code required to run the analyses and prepare the visuals of this blog post are available in the GitHub repository that accompanies our paper.

OK. Let’s get to work. Below you see a scatter plot of 100 simulated data points. We simulated these in a way that y is equal to the sum of a random normally distributed x variable plus an also randomly distributed error term. To make our life easy, x and the error term are independent from each other and both have a mean of 0 and a variance of 1. Not surprisingly, the slope of a simple regression on this dataset is close to one and the intercept of the regression is close to zero.

Simulated correlated normally distributed sample (n=100)

So, what happens when we disturb this statistical dream by changing one data point to become an outlier? We pick the data point that is closest to the distribution center and inflate its error term. This creates a ‘vertical outlier’, meaning a data point with a large absolute residual but which does not have an extreme value in terms of the independent variable(s). See the animation below for what a vertical outlier does to our regression.

Vertical outlier

At first glance not much, you might say. But on closer inspection, you will see that as our courageous little outlier moves up vertically, the gray area highlighting the confidence interval of our regression estimates widens. This is what a vertical outlier does: it leaves the coefficient estimate unaffected but widens the standard errors, potentially making your precious regression table stars disappear.

Next let’s turn to another class of outliers, the so-called ‘leverage points’. They result from extreme values of independent variables. Depending on whether their corresponding dependent variable values reflect the underlying association or not, they can be characterized as either ‘good’ or ‘bad’. Good leverage points are located close to the unbiased regression line. They reduce the standard error (maybe even to an extent that can be considered too much) but they do not bias the coefficient. Let’s take a look at what a bad leverage point does to a regression.

Bad leverage point

Oops… This does not look good. A single observation is capable of tilting the regression line downwards, biasing it towards zero. Please note that this is the case here as our bad leverage point is strictly moving horizontally. If you have outliers that combine aspects of a vertical outlier and of a leverage point, then these can bias your coefficient up or down conditional on their location.

OK. Outliers can be bad for inference. How does robust regression help? To show you the intuition of how robust regression works, we simulated a sample that builds on the assumptions from above but contains a mixture of both vertical and horizontal outliers. Here it is along with a normal OLS regression line.

Outlier sample and OLS

You see that the outliers are doing their job. The regression line is clearly different from the correct 45° diagonal and the confidence interval is relatively wide. Robust regression to the rescue! The animation below tries to communicate the intuition on how robust regression works. It visualizes an M-estimator using a Huber loss function with a k value of 1.345 where the scale is being adjusted based on the median absolute deviation of the residuals. We throw all this detail at you so that you see that there is no such thing as “the robust regression method”. Robust regression approaches involve several design choices that you need to make and to communicate in your paper. If you are interested in more detail, read our paper, or maybe even better a good textbook on robust methods.

M Regression and iterated reweighted estimation

Back to the intuition. Robust regression involves several iterating steps where our sample observations are re-weighted. In a normal OLS, all observations enter into the estimation with a weight of one. The basic idea of robust regression is that you down-weight observations that have large absolute residuals. In the animation, these down-weighted observations are marked in red. The more they are down-weighted, the lighter they are plotted in the animation. After each reweighting, you (or your computer to be precise) generate(s) a new weighted estimate based on the new weights. This leads to new residuals based on which you can calculate new weights. These steps are repeated until the residuals do not change “much” anymore. You see that after these iterating steps, the resulting regression line is back to where it belongs: almost perfectly matching the 45° diagonal. Granted, we deliberately took an example where robust regression works very nicely. But rest assured that in a simulated setup like ours, robust regression methods are often well-suited to address the effect of random outliers on coefficient estimates.

Time to take this shiny method to some real data to see how it performs. Below you see a scatter plot of cash flow (cfo) and total accruals (tacc) data for a European sample of publicly listed non-financial firms (28,494 firm-year observations of Eurozone countries, covering the time period 2005 – 2019, data from Compustat Global). We follow the extant literature and scale both of these variables by firms’ average total assets. The vast majority of the data is bunched in the lower right corner of the graph. Clearly, as you can see below, the data contain extreme values for both the cash flow variable and the accrual variable that are much more extreme than our simulated data. Keep in mind that these data are deflated by average assets, meaning that a maximum value for tacc of more than 40 indicates that a firm has total accruals more than 40 times its average total assets. Wow!

Accruals by Cashflows – unwinsorized

Let’s see how a robust regression estimator handles this dataset. For this, the animation below “zooms” in on the scatter plot by limiting the plotting area for each iteration step to observations that have a weight > 0.1.

Accrual by Cashflows – Robust Regression

You see that, overall, the robust regression approach succeeds at down-weighting the extreme outliers and at focusing on the bulk of the data. You also see that the linear regression with the negative slope does not fit the data particularly well. We will come back to this later, but first we want to explore the nature of the outliers that our robust regression has identified a little bit.

First let’s see how the share of down-weighted observations compares across industries.

Fama/French Industry % down-weighted
Utilities 7.0%
Chemicals and Allied Products 20.4%
Consumer Durables 20.9%
Wholesale, Retail, and Some Services 21.0%
Consumer Non-durables 22.2%
Manufacturing 22.3%
Other 24.6%
Oil, Gas, and Coal Extraction and Products 26.6%
Business Equipment 32.6%
Telephone and Television Transmission 33.4%
Healthcare, Medical Equipment, and Drugs 37.4%

Now this does not look like a random distribution. Observations from intangible-intensive industries are much more likely to be down-weighted. What does the association of regression weights with size look like?

Robust weights by firm size

The smaller the firms, the more likely they are to get down-weighted and the smaller weights they receive. As a last test: is there also an association with sales growth? Yes!

Robust weights by sales growth

You see: the smaller, the more intangible-intensive, and the more extreme in terms of growth firms are, the more likely they are to be down-weighted in our robust regression setup. This is a result of several aspects. While we discuss them in more detail in our working paper, here they are in a nutshell:

The implication of all this is that in an applied setting with non-random outliers, robust regression creates a sample selection bias. Depending on the research question at hand, this can be more or less problematic. To the very least, researchers should be aware of this bias and document and discuss it (see the end of this blog post for some suggestions on how to do this).

Next, we turn to our point “B” from above: The effect of misspecified regression models. While we use linear models in most of our settings, the association in the data is often not really linear. Sometimes, we have theoretical support for such non-linearity. In our case, for example, Ball and Shivakumar (JAR 2006) make a convincing case that, because of accounting conservatism, we can expect negative cash flows to have a less negative association with accruals than positive cash flows.

Why is this a problem for robust regression? Remember that it adjusts its weights according to the magnitude of the residuals, systematically down-weighting observations that are far away from the (potentially miss-specified) regression line. This causes the method to “zoom in” on the most dominant linear slope of the data, down-weighting any non-linearity present in the data. OLS instead fits its coefficients to reflect the average slope. This is an important difference. It is easy to overlook non-linearities when you use robust regression.

To visualize this problem, let’s look at a final simulation (we promise!). Below you see a plot of a polynomial of the type y = x^3 + x^2 + x. We sampled 100 data points from a normal x (mean = 0, variance = 1) and added an independently normal distributed error term (again, mean = 0, variance = 1) to calculate y. You see that the OLS regression picks up some of the steeper slopes of the extremes.

Simulation of a non-linear association with OLS (n = 100)

Now let’s see what the iterated reweighted estimation approach of the robust regression does to the same data. You notice that it, consistent with the misspecified linear form of the regression model, systematically down-weights the extreme observations. This results in a significant decline in slope, essentially fitting the model to the central bulk of the data, disguising the prominent non-linearity in the data.

Non-linear association and robust regression

Of course, you might argue that this effect is driven by the specific sample having rather extreme observations. To show you that this indeed is a systematic issue, we repeat the exercise 100 times and compare the OLS and M-estimator coefficients. In the plot below, the blue lines indicate OLS and the red lines robust regressions. You can instantly see that robust regressions have smaller slopes on average, down-weighting the effect of the non-linearity.

100 regressions – OLS and robust

Now how does this affect our analysis of the cash flow-accrual relation? To see this, we first take a “traditional” approach and estimate a linear model based on OLS for a sample with winsorized data. We then compare these regression results (blue line) with those that we get from a robust regression based on non-winsorized data (red line).

Accruals by cashflows – linear OLS and RR

You see a clear difference between the two regressions. The robust red line is more downward sloping than the blue line from the OLS estimation. When instead of a normal linear model, we estimate a Ball-Shivakumar interacted model that allows different slopes and intercepts for negative and positive cash flow observations, we get the following result.

Accruals by cashflows – interacted OLS and RR

You see for this specification that robust regression of the untreated data and OLS based on winsorized data yield almost identical results. Thus, the differences between the robust regression and OLS results above were not driven by outliers biasing OLS, but by model misspecification affecting both approaches differently. While for OLS, the linear coefficient is a weighted average of the negative and positive slopes, the robust regression approach puts more weight on positive cash flow observations and biases the coefficient downwards.

We hope that the above was helpful to you to understand our three main points: (A) Outliers are almost always not random, (B) models are often misspecified and thus, (C) we can expect robust regression to yield biased estimates in applied settings. Does this mean that we should discard robust regression and instead return to running OLS with arbitrary outlier treatments? No! In most applied settings, estimates will be biased regardless of the method used. A careful researcher should be aware of these biases and trade off method efficiency with bias, as well as communicate the advantages and disadvantages of a certain method choice to the reader in an understandable way.

So, here are our suggestions on how to deal with outliers like a pro. The following is based on the assumption that you already have a prediction that you want to test and the required data for it in mind.

Step 1: Explore!

Step 2: Estimate!

Step 3: Explain!

Link to the paper on SSRN: Link to the Github page containing the analyses of this blog post and relevant programs:

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