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Hi R-bloggers ?
Starting from today, all posts from this blog in the R
category will also appear on R-bloggers. I would like to thank Tal for aggregating my blog, and say “hi!” to all R-bloggers readers. I’m a particle physicist with a passion for R, Statistics and Machine Learning. If you want to find out something more about me, you can take a look at my website, and links therein.
R-universe is a cool initiative from rOpenSci, which allows you to create your own CRAN-like repository. The latter is synced with the GitHub repositories (main or specific branches, or releases) associated to your R packages, so that using an R-universe is a very effortless way to organize and share your personal package ecosystem.
If you want to setup your own R-universe, follow the instructions in this blog post. In this post, I assume that you have created your own R-universe, and show you how to retrieve metadata on your packages using the R-universe API.
Retrieving packages descriptions from your R-universe API
Once you will have it set up, your R-universe will be available at the URL your-user-name.r-universe.dev
. For instance, mine is vgherard.r-universe.dev. From your R-universe home page, you can access the documentation of the API. We will use the command:
GET /stats/descriptions NDJSON stream with data from package DESCRIPTION files.
The JSON stream can be read with jsonlite
, as follows:
con <- url("https://vgherard.r-universe.dev/stats/descriptions") pkgs <- jsonlite::stream_in(con) Found 6 records... Imported 6 records. Simplifying...
The result is a dataframe with alll the entries of your packages’ DESCRIPTION file, e.g.:
pkgs[, c("Package", "Title", "Version")] Package Title 1 r2r R-Object to R-Object Hash Maps 2 kgrams Classical k-gram Language Models 3 scribblr A Notepad Inside RStudio 4 gsample Efficient Weighted Sampling Without Replacement 5 sbo Text Prediction via Stupid Back-Off N-Gram Models 6 fcci Feldman-Cousins Confidence Intervals Version 1 2 0.1.0 3 4 0.1.0 5 0.5.0 6 1.0.0
I use this query on my personal website to automatically generate a resume of the packages available on my R-universe (this is combined with a GitHub Action scheduled workflow which periodically updates the Code
section of my website). More precisely, I define an R string txt
containing the Markdown code for my resume, and I inline it in R Markdown using the synthax `r `
. This is the code I use on my website:
txt <- "" for (i in seq_len(nrow(pkgs))) { txt <- paste0( txt, "### [`", pkgs[i, "Package"], "`](", pkgs[i, "RemoteUrl"], ")", "\n", "[![CRAN status](https://www.r-pkg.org/badges/version/", pkgs[i,"Package"], ")](https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=",pkgs[i, "Package"], ")", "\n\n", "*", pkgs[i, "Title"], ".* ", pkgs[i, "Description"], "\n\n" ) }
and this is the output:
R-Object to R-Object Hash Maps. Implementation of hash tables (hash sets and hash maps) in R, featuring arbitrary R objects as keys, arbitrary hash and key-comparison functions, and customizable behaviour upon queries of missing keys.
Classical k-gram Language Models. Tools for training and evaluating k-gram language models in R, supporting several probability smoothing techniques, perplexity computations, random text generation and more.
A Notepad Inside RStudio. A project aware notepad inside RStudio, for taking quick project-related notes without distractions. RStudio addin.
Efficient Weighted Sampling Without Replacement. Sample without replacement using the Gumbel-Max trick (c.f. ).
Text Prediction via Stupid Back-Off N-Gram Models. Utilities for training and evaluating text predictors based on Stupid Back-Off N-gram models (Brants et al., 2007, https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/D07-1090/).
Feldman-Cousins Confidence Intervals. Provides support for building Feldman-Cousins confidence intervals [G. J. Feldman and R. D. Cousins (1998) doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.57.3873].
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