Hull-White 1-factor model using R code
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This post explains how to simulate short rates, discount factors, future spot rates, and so on using the Hull-White 1 factor model with given calibrated parameters. We summarize important model blocks using previous post for clear understanding and finally implement them sequentially for simulation using R code. Want to share your content on R-bloggers? click here if you have a blog, or here if you don't.
Hull-White 1-factor model using R code
Purpose of this post simulate future spot rates and other related time series using Hull-White 1-factor model like the following figures which is the simulation of future spot rates.
For detailed derivations and explanations regarding useful theorems, refer to the earlier posts on Hull-White 1-factor model
We summarize all results in Hull-White 1-factor model from previous posts and provide R code for the simulation of short rate, discount factors, and so on.
Hull and White (1990) introduced the no-arbitrage condition of Ho and Lee (1986) to Vasicek (1977). This model generates an exact fitting to the given initial term structure so that it can be used to price interest rate contingent claims such as IR option, swaption, structured IR products, and so on. It also provides the closed-form solution for interest rate cap, floor, and swaption.
As a starting point for developing this model, we assume that under the risk-neutral measure Q using money market account (Bt) as the numeraire, the stochastic process of short rates (r(t)) is as follows.
Here, r(t) can be divided into two parts : the stochastic (x(t)) and deterministic parts (φ(t)).
θ(t) and φ(t) have the following forms after some derivations.
For any s(<t), x(t) can be expressed as integrated form.
1. Zero-coupon bond
Let P(t,T) denotes the time t price of zero-coupon bond with a maturity of T. If Ft is the information generated by x(t) available up to the time t, P(t,T) is defined as P(t,T)=E[exp(−∫Ttr(u)du)|Ft]=E[exp(−∫Ttx(u)+φ(u)du)|Ft]
We also define B(t,T) and V(t,T) for convenience.
We can have the integrated form of x(t) from t to T. ∫Ttx(u)du=x(t)B(t,T)+∫Ttσ(u)B(u,T)dW(u)
From the above result, we can find that ∫Ttx(u)du follows the normal distirbution with mean x(t)B(t,T) and variance V(t,T). When random variable follows the normal distribution with mean μ and variance σ2, E[exp(Y)]=exp(μ+12σ2). Using this theorem, P(t,T) can be expressed as follows. P(t,T)=exp(−∫Ttφ(u)du)E[exp(−∫Ttx(u)du)|Ft]=exp(−∫Ttφ(u)du−x(t)B(t,T)+12V(t,T))
The no-arbitrage condition says that P(t,T) can explain the initial term structure with the perfect fit. The above equation meets this no-arbitrage condition if the market discount factor P(0,T) is incorporated into P(t,T) of the Hull-White model. P(0,T)=exp(−∫T0φ(u)du+12V(0,T))→exp(−∫T0φ(u)du)=P(0,T)exp(–12V(0,T))
Using the above no-arbitrage condition, the following relationship holds regarding φ(.) function. exp(−∫Ttφ(u)du)=P(0,T)P(0,t)exp(−12{V(0,T)−V(0,t)})
Therefore, the zero-coupon bond price is P(t,T)=P(0,T)P(0,t)exp(−x(t)B(t,T)+12{V(t,T)−V(0,T)+V(0,t)})
Substituting with V(t,T), a reduced expression for P(t,T) is available. P(t,T)=P(0,T)P(0,t)exp(−x(t)B(t,T)+12Ω(t,T))Ω(t,T)=∫t0σ(u)2{B(u,t)2−B(u,T)2}du
2. Simulation
We assume that at given times T1,T2,…,TN, cash flows of a derivaties take places with f1,f2,…,fN. The risk-neutral price of this derivatives is
At first, let’s discretize time axis with Δti=ti+1–ti.
The discretized process of x(t) has the following form. xti+1=xtie−∫ti+1tia(v)dv+ϵ√∫ti+1tiσ(u)2e−2∫ti+1ua(v)dvdu
Here, ϵ is the standard normal random number. From the above scenario, since we can get xt0,xt1, xt2, xt3,…, discount factor at time Tj is
Cash flow at time Tj is calculated as follows
Finally, using scenarios for discount factors and cash flows, the present value of a derivatives with cash flows f(T1),f(T2),…,f(TN) at times T1,T2,…,TN under the risk-neutral measure (P0) is P0=N∑j=1E[f(Tj)BTj]
In other words, the present value of derivatives product is an average of values from many iterated simulation.
3. Numerical Integration
Since market data is not continuous, parameters for mean-reversion speed and volatility are also treated as a discrete case. But constant parameter is too restrictive to use practically. As you can see the following figure, it is typical to use piecewise constant volatility function and constant or two-regime mean-reversion speed function.
At first, we assume that a(t) have two regime according to the threshold year which divide time axis into short-term and long-term. a(t)={a1if t<τa2if t≥τ
σ(t) is assumed to have the following piecewise constant function. σ(t)={σ1if t0≤t<t1σ2if t1≤t<t2...σM−1if tM−2≤t<tM−1σMif tM−1≤t
Using these functional forms of parameters, we need to calculate the following numerical integration before running a simulation. A(t,T)=e−∫uta(v)dvB(t,T)=∫Tte−∫uta(v)dvduZ(t)=∫t0σ(u)2e−∫tua(v)dvB(u,t)duξ(t)=∫t0σ(u)2e−2∫tua(v)dvduΩ(t,T)=∫t0σ(u)2{B(u,t)2−B(u,T)2}du
For these numerical integrations, a(t) and σ(t) are applied differently according to which time is selected. A(t,T)={e−a1(T−t)if T<τe−a2(T−t)if t>τe−a1(τ−t)−a2(T−τ)if t≤τ≤TB(t,T)={1−e−a1(T−t)a1if T<τ1−e−a2(T−t)a2if t>τ1−e−a1(τ−t)a1+e−a1(τ−t)1−e−a2(T−τ)a2if t≤τ≤T
Z(t)={∫t0σ(u)2e−a1(t−u)1−e−a1(t−u)a1duif t<τe−a2(t−τ)∫τ0σ(u)2e−a1(τ−u){1−e−a1(τ−u)a1}du+e−a2(t−τ)∫τ0σ(u)2e−a1(τ−u){e−a1(τ−u)1−e−a2(t−τ)a2}du+∫tτσ(u)2e−a2(t−u)1−e−a2(t−u)a2duif t≥τξ(t)={∫t0σ(u)2e−2a1(t−u)duif t<τe−2a2(t−τ)∫τ0σ(u)2e−2a1(τ−u)du+∫tτσ(u)2e−2a2(t−u)duif t≥τ
With closer scrutiny, these numerical integrations have the following ingredient in common. I(t)=∫t0σ(u)2eaudu
When maximum value is m which are tj<t, calculation of I(t) have the following form of summation.
(i) a≠0 : I(t)=m∑j=1σ2j∫tjtj−1eaudu+σ2m+1∫ttmeaudu=m∑j=1σ2jeatj–eatj−1a+σ2m+1eatt–eatma
(ii) a=0 : I(t)=m∑j=1σ2j(tj–tj−1)+σ2m+1(t–tm)
Now let’s express Z(t) and ξ(t) using I(t,a,b)=∫t0σ(u)2aebudu.
Z(t) has the following functional form using I(t,a,b).
(i) t<τ Z(t)=1a1e−a1tI(t,1,a1)−1a1e−2a1tI(t,1,2a1)
(ii) τ≤t Z(t)=e−a2(t−τ)Z(τ,1,a1)+e−a2(t−τ)–2a1τB(τ,t,a2)I(τ,1,2a1)+Z(t,1,a2)–(1a2e−a2tI(τ,1,a2)–1a2e−2a2tI(τ,1,2a2))
ξ(t) has the following functional form using I(t,a,b).
(i) t<τ ξ(t)=e−2a1tI(t,1,2a1)
(ii) τ≤t ξ(t)=e−2a2(t−τ)−2a1τI(τ,1,2a1)+e−2a2t(I(t,1,2a2)−I(τ,1,2a2))
We can simulate x(t) using the following discretized stochastic process for x(t).
4. Simulation : R code
For ease of exposition, we assume that model parameters are given after some calibration.
* Calibrated parameters for Hull-White 1 factor model
The following R code is for simulating short rates, discount factors, and so on using the Hull-White 1 factor model with given calibrated parameters.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 | #=========================================================================# # Financial Econometrics & Derivatives, ML/DL using R, Python, Tensorflow # by Sang-Heon Lee # # #————————————————————————-# # Numerical Simulation for Hull-White 1 factor model #=========================================================================# library(Rfast) # colCumProds # clear all graphs rm(list = ls()) # remove all files from your workspace setwd(“D:/a_book_FIER_Ki_Lee/ch05_HW1F/code”) # Functions for numerical Integration #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~# # I(t) = Int_0^t sigma(s)^2 A exp(Bs) ds #————————————————————-# # t # I(t) = ∫ σ(u)^2 A exp(Bu) du # 0 #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~# fI<–function(t, A, B, lt.HW) { M <– 0; value <– 0 tVol <– lt.HW$tsig # volatility tenor Vol <– lt.HW$sigma # volatility vector nVol <– lt.HW$nsig # # of volatility # find Maximum M from j which is t_j < t M <– ifelse(length(which(tVol<=t))==0,1,max(which(tVol<=t))+1) # summation part if (B==0) { if (M==1) value <– value + Vol[1]^2*A*t else { for (i in 1:(M–1)) { add <– Vol[i]^2*A*(tVol[i] – ifelse(i==1,0,tVol[i–1])) value <– value + add } add <– Vol[ifelse(M==(nVol+1),M–1,M)]^2*A*(t–tVol[M–1]) value <– value + add } } else { if (M==1) { value <– value + Vol[1]^2*A/B*(exp(B*t)–1)} else { for (i in 1:(M–1)) { add <– Vol[i]^2*A/B* (exp(B*tVol[i])–ifelse(i==1,1,exp(B*tVol[i–1]))) value <– value + add } add <– Vol[ifelse(M==(nVol+1),M–1,M)]^2*A/B* (exp(B*t)–exp(B*tVol[M–1])) value <– value + add } } return(value) } #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~# # A(s,t)=e^(-Int_s^t a(v) dv) #————————————————————-# # s # A(s,t) = exp( -∫ a(v)dv ) # t #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~# fA<–function(s, t, lt.HW) { tau <– lt.HW$tkap # tau K1 <– lt.HW$kappa[1] # short-term kappa K2 <– lt.HW$kappa[2] # long-term kappa if (tau <= s) f <– exp(–K2*(t–s)) else if (t < tau ) f <– exp(–K1*(t–s)) else f <– exp(–K1*(tau–s)–K2*(t–tau)) return(f) } #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~# # B(s,t)=Int_s^t e^(-Int_t^u a(v) dv) du #————————————————————-# # t u # B(s,t) = ∫ exp( -∫ a(v)dv ) du # s t #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~# fB1<–function(s, t, kappa) {return((1 – exp(–kappa*(t–s)))/ kappa)} fB<–function(s, t, lt.HW) { tau <– lt.HW$tkap # tau K1 <– lt.HW$kappa[1] # short-term kappa K2 <– lt.HW$kappa[2] # long-term kappa if (tau <= s) f <– fB1(s, t, K2) else if (t < tau ) f <– fB1(s, t, K1) else f <– fB1(s,tau,K1)+exp(–K1*(tau–s))*fB1(tau,t,K2) return(f) } #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~# # Zeta(t) = Int_0^t σ(u)^2 e^(-2 Int_u^t a(v) dv) du #————————————————————-# # t t # Zeta(t) = ∫ σ(u)^2 exp( -2∫ a(v)dv ) du # 0 u #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~# fZeta<–function(t, lt.HW) { tau <– lt.HW$tkap # tau K1 <– lt.HW$kappa[1] # short-term kappa K2 <– lt.HW$kappa[2] # long-term kappa if (t < tau) f = exp(–2*K1*t)*fI(t,1,2*K1,lt.HW) else f = exp(–2*K2*(t–tau)–2*K1*tau)*fI(tau,1,2*K1,lt.HW)+ exp(–2*K2*t)*(fI(t,1,2*K2,lt.HW)–fI(tau,1,2*K2,lt.HW)) return(f) } #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~# # Z(t) = Int_0^t σ(u)^2 e^(-Int_u^t a(v) dv) B(u,t) du #————————————————————-# # t t # Z(t) = ∫ σ(u)^2 exp( -∫ a(v)dv ) B(u,t) du # 0 u #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~# fZ1<–function(t, kappa, lt.HW) { I1 = exp( –kappa*t)*fI(t,1, kappa, lt.HW) / kappa I2 = exp(–2*kappa*t)*fI(t,1,2*kappa, lt.HW) / kappa return(I1 – I2) } fZ<–function(t, lt.HW) { tau <– lt.HW$tkap # tau K1 <– lt.HW$kappa[1] # short-term kappa K2 <– lt.HW$kappa[2] # long-term kappa if (t < tau) f = fZ1(t, K1, lt.HW) else { I1 = exp(–K2*(t–tau))*fZ1(tau, K1, lt.HW) I2 = exp(–K2*(t–tau))*fB(tau,t,lt.HW)* exp(–2*K1*tau)*fI(tau,1,2*K1,lt.HW) I3 = exp(–K2*t) * fI(tau, 1, K2, lt.HW) / K2 I4 = exp(–2*K2*t) * fI(tau, 1, 2*K2, lt.HW) / K2 f = I1 + I2 + fZ1(t, K2, lt.HW) – I3 + I4 } return(f) } #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~# # Omega(t,T) = Int_0^t sigma(s)^2 [B(s,t)^2 – B(s,T)^2] ds #————————————————————-# # t # Omega(t,T) = ∫ σ(s)^2 [B(s,t)^2 – B(s,T)^2] ds # 0 #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~# fOmega<–function(t, T, lt.HW) { return(–fB(t,T,lt.HW) * (2.0*fZ(t,lt.HW) + fB(t,T,lt.HW)*fZeta(t,lt.HW))) } #=========================================================================# # Main : Hull-White 1 Factor Model Simulation #=========================================================================# #—————————————————————–# # Information List for the Hull-White model #—————————————————————–# # – tkap : threshold year which divide mean-reversion speed # – kappa : mean-reversion speed parameters # – tsig : maturity vector for volatility parameters # – sigma : volatility parameter vector # – tDF : maturity vector for spot rates # – rc :spot rates curve #—————————————————————–# # list object which contain Hull-White model related information lt.HW <– list( tkap = 10, kappa = c(0.05, 0.02), tsig = c(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 5.0, 7.0, 10.0), sigma = c(0.004761583,0.004000462,0.004073902, 0.004487176,0.00507169,0.00496086), tDF = c(1.0, 2.0,3.0,5.0,7.0,10.0,15.0,20.0), rc = c(0.01596,0.01608,0.016525,0.01756, 0.0185,0.01973,0.02056,0.020925) ) # Add other information to list lt.HW$nDF <– length(lt.HW$tDF) # # of spot lt.HW$nsig <– length(lt.HW$sigma) # # of vol lt.HW$nkap <– length(lt.HW$kappa) # # of kappa # Check for Numerical Integration Functions for HW1F m.temp <– matrix(NA,15,5) colnames(m.temp) <– c(“I”, “B”, “Zeta”, “Z”, “Omega”) for(i in 1:15) { m.temp[i,1] <– fI (i, 2, 3, lt.HW) m.temp[i,2] <– fB (0.5, i, lt.HW) m.temp[i,3] <– fZeta (i, lt.HW) m.temp[i,4] <– fZ (i, lt.HW) m.temp[i,5] <– fOmega(0.5, i, lt.HW) } print(“Check for Numerical Integration Functions for HW1F”) print(m.temp) # Discount Factor lt.HW$DF <– exp(–lt.HW$tDF*lt.HW$rc) #—————————————————————–# # Preprocessing for simulation #—————————————————————–# # Simulation information denom.1y <– 365 # # of dt in 1-year # t : valuation date, T : maturity lt.HW.sim <– list(t=0, T=50, dt=1/denom.1y, nscenario =5000) lt.HW.sim$nt <– round(lt.HW.sim$t*denom.1y,0) lt.HW.sim$nT <– round(lt.HW.sim$T*denom.1y,0) # spit the time axis by dt v.Ti <– seq(lt.HW.sim$dt, lt.HW.sim$T, length = lt.HW.sim$nT) #—————————————————————–# # Linear Interpolation of spot rate curve #—————————————————————–# # rule=2 : For outside the interval [min(x), max(x)], # the value at the closest data extremeis used. #—————————————————————–# frci <–approxfun(x=lt.HW$tDF, y=lt.HW$rc, rule=2) v.rci <– frci(v.Ti) # interpolated spot rates v.DFi <– exp(–v.Ti*v.rci) # interpolated DF #—————————————————————–# # temporary use for blog width adjustment #—————————————————————–# sim <– lt.HW.sim par <– lt.HW dt <– lt.HW.sim$dt # standard normal random error set.seed(123456) # predetermined vector v.A <– v.Zeta <– v.dZeta.sqrt <– v.B <– v.Omega <– rep(0, sim$nT) for (n in 1:sim$nT) { v.A[n] <– fA (v.Ti[n]–dt, v.Ti[n], par) v.Zeta[n] <– fZeta (v.Ti[n], par) v.B[n] <– fB (v.Ti[n]–dt, v.Ti[n], par) v.Omega[n] <– fOmega(v.Ti[n]–dt, v.Ti[n], par) } v.dZeta.sqrt <– c(sqrt(v.Zeta[1]), sqrt(v.Zeta[–1]–v.A[–1]^2*v.Zeta[–sim$nT])) # selecting some indices because plotting is time-consuming v.idx.sample <– sample(1:sim$nscenario, 500) #—————————————————————–# # Simulation Part #—————————————————————–# # interpolated discount factor from initial yield curve v.P0 <– v.DFi # ratio of bond price P(0,t+dt)/P(0,t) v.P0T_P0T1 <– c(v.P0[1]/1,v.P0[–1]/v.P0[–sim$nT]) m.P.ts <– matrix(0, sim$nT, sim$nscenario ) # P(t,t+dt) m.Rsc.ts <– matrix(0, sim$nT, sim$nscenario ) # short rate # Simulate from now on. # for n=1 m.P.ts [1,] <– v.P0T_P0T1[1] m.Rsc.ts[1,] <– –log(m.P.ts[1,])/dt xt <– rnorm(sim$nscenario, 0, 1)*v.dZeta.sqrt[1] for(n in 2:sim$nT) { print(n) m.P.ts[n,] <– v.P0T_P0T1[n]*exp(–xt*v.B[n]+0.5*v.Omega[n]) xt <– xt*v.A[n] + rnorm(sim$nscenario, 0, 1)*v.dZeta.sqrt[n] } m.Rsc.ts <– –log(m.P.ts)/dt # spot rates m.DF.ts <– colCumProds(m.P.ts) # Dscount Factors m.R0T.ts <– –log(m.DF.ts)/v.Ti # future spot rates ## plot paths t <– seq(dt, lt.HW.sim$T, dt) x11(width=6, height=5); matplot(m.P.ts[,v.idx.sample], type=“l”, lty=1, xlab=“Mat”,ylab=“P(t,t+dt)”,main=“Simulated ZCB”) x11(width=6, height=5); matplot(m.Rsc.ts[,v.idx.sample], type=“l”, lty=1, xlab=“Mat”,ylab=“R(t,t+dt)”,main=“Simulated Short Rate”) x11(width=6, height=5); matplot(m.DF.ts[,v.idx.sample], type=“l”, lty=1, xlab=“Mat”,ylab=“DF(0,T)” ,main=“Simulated Discount Factor”) x11(width=6, height=5); matplot(m.R0T.ts[,v.idx.sample], type=“l”, lty=1, xlab=“Mat”,ylab=“R(0,T)” ,main=“Simulated Spot Rate”) | cs |
5. Simulation Results
After running the above R code, you can find the simulated outputs. To further illustrate the dynamic characteristics of simulated variables, we draw four graphs for a clear understanding of the Hull-White model simulation.
The following graph draws future zero coupon bond prices with dt maturity. Since maturity is too short, most simulated prices are centered on the neighborhood of 1.
The following graph is the result of future short rates. As the Hull-White model is the normal model, we can find some of the future short rates below zero which is negative.
The following graph shows the simulated discount factors. As the Hull-White model is the normal model, we can find some of the discount factors exceeding 1.
The following graph is about the simulation of future spot rates. Due to the same reason, we also observe some negative values.
The remaining job is to calibrate parameters of the Hull-White 1 factor model with market data such as the swaption volatility matrix. This topic will be discussed next time. ◼
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