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rOpenSci News Digest, May 2021

[This article was first published on rOpenSci - open tools for open science, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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Dear rOpenSci friends, it’s time for our monthly news roundup!

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You can read this post on our blog. Now let’s dive into the activity at and around rOpenSci!

🔗 rOpenSci HQ

We have no less than three categories of (online ?) events coming up: social co-working events, a community call, a conference with contributions from four rOpenSci staff members. ✨

🔗 Community Calls

🔗 Social Co-Working

We held our first two Social Co-Working and Label-athon events on April 29th and May 13th. These were truly international events with 14 participants from Canada, Germany, Switzerland, USA, the UK, France, Singapore, and Mexico. We had a blast socializing (scavenger hunts!) and co-working on our personal R projects including repository organization, creating/labelling issues, preliminary research, personal GitHub README files, and those packages you can never find time for. We had quiet and noisy rooms to work in, so everyone was able to find an environment that worked best for them. Sound like fun? We have two more coming up!

🔗 rOpenSci at useR! 2021

Registration for the useR! 2021 conference has begun, with Early Bird Deadline until May 28th. useR! conferences are non-profit conferences organized by community volunteers for the community, supported by the R Foundation. useR! 2021 will take place online.

Get excited for four contributions by rOpenSci staff members:

Find out about more events.

🔗 Software review in Spanish

Another great piece of news: censo2017 was the first package to pass rOpenSci software peer-review in Spanish! ? The censo2017 package by Pachá (aka Mauricio Vargas Sepúlveda) provides access to the 2017 Chilean Census. Editor Melina Vidoni was in charge of this review, the reviewers were Frans van Dunné and María Paula Caldas. Frans van Dunné most kindly translated our review template to Spanish!

Thank you to people in the Latin American R community for discussion and encouragement that helped make this happen.

🔗 Software ?

🔗 New packages

The following two packages recently became a part of our software suite:

Discover more packages, read more about Software Peer Review.

🔗 New versions

The following forty packages have had an update since the latest newsletter: gert (v1.3.0), babette (v2.3), BaseSet (v0.0.16), beastier (v2.3.1), beautier (v2.5), bold (v1.2.0), brranching (v0.7.0), c14bazAAR (2.3.0), circle (v0.7.1), codemetar (v0.3.0), drake (7.13.2), exoplanets (v0.2.1), fingertipsR (v1.0.6), ijtiff (v2.2.6), jqr (v1.2.1), lingtypology (v1.1.5), magick (v2.7.2), mauricer (v2.4), mcbette (v1.14), MtreeRing (v1.4.5), oai (v0.3.2), opencv (v0.2.1), pangaear (v1.1.0), pathviewr (v1.0.1), rbhl (v0.9.2), rdhs (0.7.2), rglobi (v0.2.24), rnoaa (v1.3.4), rzmq (v0.9.8), solrium (v1.2.0), ssh (v0.8.0), stantargets (0.0.2), tarchetypes (0.2.0), targets (0.4.2), terrainr (v0.4.0), tidyhydat (0.5.3), tracerer (v2.2), UCSCXenaTools (v1.4.4), workloopR (v1.1.4), writexl (v1.4.0).

🔗 Software Peer Review

There are sixteen recently closed and active submissions and 4 submissions on hold. Issues are at different stages:

Find out more about Software Peer Review and how to get involved.

🔗 On the blog

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🔗 Software Review

🔗 Other topics

🔗 Citations

Below are the citations recently added to our database of 1295 articles, that you can explore on our citations page. We found use of…

Thank you for citing our tools!

🔗 Use cases

Three use cases of our packages and resources have been reported since we sent the last newsletter.

Explore other use cases and report your own!

🔗 Call for maintainers

There’s no open call for new maintainers at this point but you can refer to our contributing guide for finding ways to get involved! As the maintainer of an rOpenSci package, feel free to contact us on Slack or email to get your call for maintainer featured in the next newsletter.

🔗 Package development corner

Some useful tips for R package developers. ?

Sometimes you find yourself documenting internal functions with roxygen2 without really wanting everyone to get to see the docs. Do you know the difference between the @internal and @NoRd tags?

Speaking of documentation, when writing examples, do you know the difference between \dontrun{}, \donttest{} and \dontshow{}? (Is this newsletter section turning into a quizz? ?) The roxygen2 docs feature a table explaining when different types of examples are run depending on the context (in example(), help(), R CMD check, R CMD check –as-cran) which is very useful when you wonder how to safeguard your package examples on e.g. CRAN. The same documentation section introduces the very handy @examplesIf roxygen2 tag that you can use for finer control.

Now on to code archaeology! Do you want to “pinpoint the version at which a certain argument appeared in a specific function of a package (or that its default value changed)", e.g. to figure out the minimal version required? You might like the apicheck package by David Hugh-Jones, that helps you “explore the historical API of functions in CRAN packages”; and rcheology by the same author for data on base packages. Related to this are:

🔗 Last words

Thanks for reading! If you want to get involved with rOpenSci, check out our Contributing Guide that can help direct you to the right place, whether you want to make code contributions, non-code contributions, or contribute in other ways like sharing use cases.

If you haven’t subscribed to our newsletter yet, you can do so via a form. Until it’s time for our next newsletter, you can keep in touch with us via our website and Twitter account.

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