Arbitrage-free Nelson Siegel model with R code

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Sang-Heon Lee

This article explains how to estimate parameters of the Arbitrage-Free dynamic Nelson-Siegel (AFNS) model (Christensen, Diebold, and Rudebusch; 2009, Christensen, Diebold, and Rudebusch; 2011) using Kalman filter. We estimate not only parameters but also filtered latent factor estimates such as level, slope, and curvature using R code.

1. AFNS model

AFNS model can be expressed as a state state model which consists of measurement equation and state equation as follows.

Christensen et al. (2009, 2011) introduces the yield adjustment term to ensure the no-arbitrage condition for bond price. This yield adjustment term looks very complicated but can be calculated using estimated parameters such as τ, λ, Σ (see Christensen et al. (2009, 2011) for the detailed derivation).
where A=coef(1,1),B=coef(2,2),C=coef(3,3),D=coef(1,2),E=coef(1,3),F=coef(2,3) if we denote coef(i,j)=σi1σj1+σi2σj2+σi3σj3.

Since AFNS model have a continuous-time representation, we should express AFNS model as the discretized form for estimating parameters using discrete time series data as follows. yt(τ)=B(τ)Xt+A(τ)τ+ϵt(τ)Xt=(IeKPΔt)θP+eKPΔtXt1+ηt
where Δt is 1/12 for monthly data and 1/52 for weekly data.

AFNS model as a state space model is linear with respect to factors, we can use Kalman filter to estimate parameters. If we use ψ0=(IeKPΔt)θP , ψ1=eKPΔt for initialization, Kalman filtering is represented as the following recursive calculations. Xt|t1=ψ0+ψ1Xt1|t1Vt|t1=ψ1Vt1|t1ψ1+Σηet|t1=ytB(τ)XtA(τ)/τevt|t1=B(τ)Vt|t1B(τ)+ΣϵXt|t=Xt|t1+Ktet|t1Vt|t=Vt|t1KtB(τ)Vt|t1
where Kt=Vt|t1B(τ)ev1t|t1 is the Kalman gain which reflects the uncertainty of prediction and is used as a weight for updating the time t1 prediction after observing time t data.

The conditional covariance (Ση) and unconditional covariance (Ση,0) are defined as Ση=Δt0exp(Kps)ΣΣexp(Kps)dsΣη,0=0exp(Kps)ΣΣexp(Kps)ds
Christensen and Rudebusch (2015) explain the way to calculate the analytical covariance as follows. Ση=V(ωijλi+λj(1e(λi+λj)Δt))n×nV
where V and Λ are the eigenvector matrix and the diagonal matrix with eigenvalues respectively from the diagonalization of KP=VΛV1. λi is the (i,i)-th element of Λ and ωij is the (i,j)-th element of Ω=V1ΣΣ(V1).

From the equation for the conditional covariance matrix, we can eaily derive the unconditional covariance matrix. Ση,0=V(ωijλi+λj)n×nV
Since Kalman fitler is an iterative procedure, we use X1|0=θP and V1|0=Ση,0 for initial guess. We use numerical optimization algorithm to search parameters for maximizing the log likelihood function that is constructed from conditional prediction errors (et|t1) and its uncertainties (evt|t1). lnLt(θ)=NT2ln(2π)12Tt=1ln|evt|t1|12Tt=1et|t1(evt|t1)1et|t1

2. R code for AFNS model

Now we can implement the AFNS model using R code as follows. Our estimation is based on monthly KTB (Korean Treasury Bond) from January 2011 to December 2019. The data are end-of-month, zero-coupon yields at thirteen maturities: 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 5, 7, 10, and 20 years.

# Financial Econometrics & Engineering, ML/DL using R, Python, Tensorflow 
# by Sang-Heon Lee 
# AFNS estimation using Kalman filter
library(numDeriv)  # clear all graphs
rm(list = ls()) # remove all files from your workspace
# DNS factor loading matrix
NS.B<function(lambda, tau)
    col1 <,length(tau))
    col2 < (1exp(lambda*tau))/(lambda*tau)
    col3 < col2  exp(lambda*tau) 
# yield adjustment term in AFNS
AFNS.C<function(sigma, lambda, tau)
    s < sigma; la < lambda; t < tau
    s11<s[1,1]; s12<s[1,2]; s13<s[1,3]
    s21<s[2,1]; s22<s[2,2]; s23<s[2,3]
    s31<s[3,1]; s32<s[3,2]; s33<s[3,3]
    A<s11^2+s12^2+s13^2; D<s11*s21+s12*s22+s13*s23
    B<s21^2+s22^2+s23^2; E<s11*s31+s12*s32+s13*s33 
    C<s31^2+s32^2+s33^2; F<s21*s31+s22*s32+s23*s33
# parameter restrictions
    bb < b
    bb[1]  < 1/(1+exp(b[1]))  # kappa11
    bb[13< b[13]^2          # lambda
    bb[14:npara] < b[14:npara]^2          # measurement error
# log likelihood function
    # parameter restrictions
    para < trans(para_un)
    # restricted parameters
    kappa  < rbind(c(para[1],0,0),
    sigma  < rbind(c(para[4],0,0),
    theta  < para[10:12]
    lambda < para[13]
    H      < diag(para[14:npara])
    B  < NS.B(lambda,v.mat); tB < t(B) # factor loading matrix
    C  < AFNS.C(sigma,lambda,v.mat)     # yield adjustment
    # Conditional and Unconditional covariance matrix : Q, Q0
    m    < eigen(kappa) 
    eval < m$values 
    evec < m$vectors; ievec<solve(evec)
    Smat < ievec%*%sigma%*%t(sigma)%*%t(ievec)
    Vdt  < Vinf < matrix(0,nf,nf)
    for(i in 1:nf) { for(j in 1:nf) {
        Vdt[i,j] <Smat[i,j]*(1exp((eval[i]+eval[j])*dt))/
                             (eval[i]+eval[j]) # conditional
        Vinf[i,j]<Smat[i,j]/(eval[i]+eval[j]) # unconditional
    # Analytical Covariance matrix
    # Q : conditional, Q0 : unconditional
    Q  < evec%*%Vdt%*%t(evec)
    Q0 < evec%*%Vinf%*%t(evec)
    # initialzation of vector and matrix
    prevX < theta; prevV < Q0
    Phi1  < expm(kappa*dt)
    Phi0  < (diag(nf)Phi1)%*%theta
    loglike < 0 # log likelihood function
    for(i in 1:nobs) {
        Xhat < Phi0+Phi1%*%prevX        # predicted state
        Vhat < Phi1%*%prevV%*%t(Phi1)+# predicted cov
        y        <[i,] # the observed yield
        yimplied < B%*%Xhat+# the model-implied yields
        er       < yyimplied # prediction error
        # updating 
        ev < B%*%Vhat%*%tB+H; iev<solve(ev)
        KG < Vhat%*%tB%*%iev # Kalman Gain
        prevX < Xhat+KG%*%er       # E[X|y_t]   updated state 
        prevV < VhatKG%*%B%*%Vhat # Cov[X|y_t] updated cov
        # log likelihood function
        loglike < loglike  0.5*(nmat)*log(2*pi)
        gm.factor[i,] << prevX
#  Main : AFNS term structure model estimation
    dt < 1/12 #1/52 # weekly
    nf < 3
    # read excel spot data
    file < “spot_2011_2019.xlsx”; sheet < “monthly” < read_excel(file,sheet,col_names=TRUE)
    # divide date and data
    v.ymd  <[,1]
    v.mat  < as.numeric(colnames([1]) < as.matrix([,1])
    nmat < length(v.mat) # # of maturities
    nobs < nrow(  # # of observations
    # factor estimates
    gm.factor < matrix(0,nobs,nf)
    # initial guess for unconstrained parameters(para_un)
    init_para_un < c(
      1.226637,  0.840692,  0.603496# kappa
     0.005464,  0.003441,  
     0.0007070.003399,  0.010891# sigma
      0.0325770.0125360.002748# theta 
      0.5    ,                       # lambda
      rep(0.000524,nmat)              # measurement error
    npara < length(init_para_un) # # of observations
             control = list(maxit=5000, trace=2),
    prev_likev < m$value
    v.likev    < m$value
    i < 1
    repeat {
        print(paste(i,“-th iteration”))
                 control = list(maxit=5000, trace=2),
        v.likev < cbind(v.likev, m$value)
        print(paste(m$value,” <- likelihood value"))
        if (abs(m$value  prev_likev) < 0.00000000001) {
        prev_likev < m$value
        i < i + 1
    name_theta < 
      c(“kappa_1”   , “kappa_2”   , “kappa_3” ,
        “sigma_11”  , “sigma_21”  , “sigma_22”,
        “sigma_31”  , “sigma_32”  , “sigma_33”,
        “theta_1”   , “theta_2”   , “theta_3” ,
        “lambda”    , “epsilon_1” ,
        “epsilon_2” , “epsilon_3” , “epsilon_4”,
        “epsilon_5” , “epsilon_6” , “epsilon_7”,
        “epsilon_8” , “epsilon_9” , “epsilon_10”,
    # draw 3 factor estimates
    x11(width=6, height=5);
    matplot(gm.factor,type=“l”, ylab=“L,S,C”, lty = 1
            main = “AFNS 3 Factor Estimates (L,S,C)”, lwd=2)
    # Delta method for statistical inference
    grad    < jacobian(trans, m$par)
    hess    < hessian(func=loglike, x=m$par,
    vcv_con < grad%*%solve(hess)%*%t(grad)
    # parameter | std.err | t-value | p-value
    theta   < trans(m$par)
    stderr  < sqrt(diag(vcv_con))
    tstat   < theta/stderr
    pvalue  < 2*pt(abs(tstat),df=nobsnpara)
    df.est  < cbind(theta, round(stderr,4),
                     round(tstat,4), round(pvalue,4))
    rownames(df.est) < name_theta # parameter name
    colnames(df.est) <c(“parameter”,“std.err”,“t-stat”,“p-value”)

3. Estimated AFNS model

Running the above R code for the AFNS model, we can get the estimated parameters and the latent factor estimates(L,S,C). The following figure prints out the convergence of the log-likelihood function and estimated parameters with standard errors, t-statistics, and p-values. We use the delta method for statistical inference.

AFNS model estimation r code

We can also plot the time-varying filtered estimates of latent factors (level, slope, curvature factors).

level slope curvature r code afns


Christensen, J. H. E., F. X. Diebold, and G. D. Rudebusch, 2009, An Arbitrage-free Generalized Nelson-Siegel Term Structure Model, Econometrics Journal 12, 33~64.

Christensen, J. H. E., F. X. Diebold, and G. D. Rudebusch, 2011, The Arbitrage-free Class of Nelson-Siegel Term Structure Models. Journal of Econometrics 164, 4-20.

Christensen, J. H. E. and G. D. Rudebusch (2015), Analytical Formulas for the Second Moment in Affine Models with Stochastic Volatility, working paper

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