The 2021 USMS ePostal Championship Results, Working Up Data for a Shiny App
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Final results for the 2021 USMS ePostal National Championships have been posted. We’ll take a look at them using some basic summary stats and charts, then work up the data from inclusion in Shiny application built to present it interactively.
If you’d like to just skip to playing with the app and not bother about working up the data the app is available here.
This will be a tutorial style post, where I’ll prioritize making the code clear and readable, while perhaps sacrificing efficiency. No building functions and them map
ping them like I sometimes do.
With that in mind let’s grab some packages. We’ll use readr
to actually read in the data set. Then dplyr
and stringr
to work it up and finally ggplot2
and flextable
to present it at various points throughout the article.
library(readr) library(dplyr) library(stringr) library(ggplot2) library(flextable) flextable_style <- function(x) { x %>% flextable() %>% bold(part = "header") %>% # bolds header bg(bg = "#D3D3D3", part = "header") %>% # puts gray background behind the header row autofit() }
I’ve already collected the data from USMS, wrestled it into a .csv file and hosted that on Github (you’re all very welcome). We can grab it directly with read_csv
Postal <- read_csv("")
Last year I did a big analysis of the 2020 ePostal results and another on the ePostal over the past two+ decades. Rather than just repurposing all that code (which you’re welcome to do if you’d like) we’ll just take a quick look at the 2021 results before working up all the data, from all the years for the Shiny app.
How Many People Participated This Year?
Postal %>% filter(Year == "2021") %>% group_by(Gender) %>% summarise(Count = n()) %>% flextable_style()
Gender | Count |
M | 317 |
W | 372 |
How Does That Compare to Previous Years?
Postal %>% group_by(Year, Gender) %>% summarise(Count = n()) %>% ggplot() + geom_line(aes(x = Year, y = Count, color = Gender)) + theme_bw() + labs(title = "USMS ePostal Participation by Year")
It’s fewer people. Probably COVID, and the general trends discussed here. Moving on.
Shiny App
Cleaning Data for a Shiny App
The data we’ve already downloaded and named Postal
contains the as-reported results from all ePostals from 1998 through 2021. Let’s take a look.
names(Postal) ## [1] "Place" "Name" "Age" "USMS_ID" ## [5] "Distance" "Club" "Gender" "Year" ## [9] "National_Record"
Pretty self explanatory column names, and quite a bit of information. There’s more though that we can tease out.
I’d like to add to Postal
in the following ways:
- Age groups. The ePostal is scored by age group, 18-24 and then by 5 year windows thereafter (25-29 etc.)
- Athlete’s relative place within their age and gender category by year
- An athlete’s average 50 split, based on distance traveled and assuming a 25 yard pool
- Cleaning up USMS identification to identify athletes across years
- Club sizes. USMS defines club sizes and scores based on those sizes, both by gender and total size by year
- Summary stats for clubs by year
- Total distance swam
- Club rankings by gender
- Average distance traveled and 50 split by gender
- Average age by gender
Since this is headed for a Shiny app, where it will be displayed the goal will be to make information readable, which will involve some sacrifices. For example an athlete’s relative place will be a string in the form of “Athlete place of Total place” (i.e. “1 of 54”) rather than just a naked numeric.
Age Groups
Since we already have an Age
column making an age group column is a simple matter of using dplyr::case_when
to match the appropriate age range to the Age
. We’ll do this using dplyr::between
. between
takes three arguments - a value x, a left and a right. If x >= left & x <= right then between
returns TRUE
. Otherwise between
returns FASLE
. The resulting code is perhaps long, and there are more compact ways to do this, but it’s also very readable, approximating written English. Readability is useful in the context of a blog entry and I’ll continue to prioritize it throughout.
Postal <- Postal %>% mutate( Age_Group = case_when( between(Age, 0, 24) ~ "18-24", between(Age, 25, 29) ~ "25-29", between(Age, 30, 34) ~ "30-34", between(Age, 35, 39) ~ "35-39", between(Age, 40, 44) ~ "40-44", between(Age, 45, 49) ~ "45-49", between(Age, 50, 54) ~ "50-54", between(Age, 55, 59) ~ "55-59", between(Age, 60, 64) ~ "60-64", between(Age, 65, 69) ~ "65-69", between(Age, 70, 74) ~ "70-74", between(Age, 75, 79) ~ "75-79", between(Age, 80, 84) ~ "80-84", between(Age, 85, 89) ~ "85-89", between(Age, 90, 94) ~ "90-94", between(Age, 95, 99)~ "95-99", between(Age, 100, 104) ~ "100-104", TRUE ~ "NA" # if for some reason Age doesn't match any of the above this will catch it and write the string 'NA' ) ) %>% mutate(Age_Group = factor(Age_Group, levels = c("18-24", "25-29", "30-34", "35-39", "40-44", "45-49", "50-54", "55-59", "60-64", "65-69", "70-74", "75-79", "80-84", "85-89", "90-94", "95-99"))) # demonstration table Postal %>% select(Place, Name, Distance, Year, Age, Age_Group, Gender) %>% head(5) %>% flextable_style()
Place | Name | Distance | Year | Age | Age_Group | Gender |
1 | Robert Wagner | 5450 | 2021 | 19 | 18-24 | M |
2 | Elliott Roman | 5215 | 2021 | 24 | 18-24 | M |
3 | William Kemp | 4700 | 2021 | 22 | 18-24 | M |
4 | Dylan Ogle | 4250 | 2021 | 23 | 18-24 | M |
5 | Gregory Willett | 4035 | 2021 | 24 | 18-24 | M |
Athlete Relative Place
As discussed above the athlete place column will contain a string giving an individual athlete’s place within their age and gender category for a given year. The point is to provide a means of comparing two athletes in the Shiny app. If Athlete A and Athlete B both finished 6th, but Athlete A did so in a category with 50 entrants vs. only 10 in Athlete B’s category then that’s worth knowing when comparing them.
Here we’ll just paste
an athlete’s Place
, the string " of "
and the max
imumn place from that age group together.
Postal <- Postal %>% group_by(Gender, Age_Group, Year) %>% # places are caluclated by gender, age group and year mutate(Relative_Place = paste(Place, max(Place, na.rm = TRUE), sep = " of ")) # use paste to build string # demonstration table Postal %>% select(Place, Name, Distance, Year, Age_Group, Gender, Relative_Place) %>% head(5) %>% flextable_style()
Place | Name | Distance | Year | Age_Group | Gender | Relative_Place |
1 | Robert Wagner | 5450 | 2021 | 18-24 | M | 1 of 5 |
2 | Elliott Roman | 5215 | 2021 | 18-24 | M | 2 of 5 |
3 | William Kemp | 4700 | 2021 | 18-24 | M | 3 of 5 |
4 | Dylan Ogle | 4250 | 2021 | 18-24 | M | 4 of 5 |
5 | Gregory Willett | 4035 | 2021 | 18-24 | M | 5 of 5 |
Average 50 Split
I’m accustomed to looking at 50 splits in swimming, and I think it’s an interesting metric by which to evaluate ePostal results as well. An athlete’s split can be calculated by converting the time (1 hour), then multiplying that number of seconds by 50 and then multiplying again by reciprocal distance to get a number in units of seconds per 50 yards. We can then round
and format
the result to make it pleasant to look at.
Postal <- Postal %>% mutate(Avg_Split_50 = (1 / Distance) * 60 * 60 * 50) %>% # compute split mutate(Avg_Split_50 = format(round(Avg_Split_50, 2), nsmall = 2)) # want two decimal places, even if the last one is a zero # demonstration table Postal %>% select(Place, Name, Distance, Year, Age_Group, Gender, Avg_Split_50) %>% head(5) %>% flextable_style()
Place | Name | Distance | Year | Age_Group | Gender | Avg_Split_50 |
1 | Robert Wagner | 5450 | 2021 | 18-24 | M | 33.03 |
2 | Elliott Roman | 5215 | 2021 | 18-24 | M | 34.52 |
3 | William Kemp | 4700 | 2021 | 18-24 | M | 38.30 |
4 | Dylan Ogle | 4250 | 2021 | 18-24 | M | 42.35 |
5 | Gregory Willett | 4035 | 2021 | 18-24 | M | 44.61 |
The value in USMS_ID
has two parts. The first four characters, before the "-"
vary year to year. The last five characters, after the "-"
are an athlete’s permanent identification string, used to identify athletes without relaying on names. We discuss this records matching problem a lot around here, because athlete names aren’t a stable means of identification. Sometimes people get married and change their names. Sometimes people use nicknames. Things happen and the permanant portion of the USMS_ID
is a good way of handling things. Sadly ePostal results only include USMS_ID
after 2010, so we need to come up with something for pre-2011 results.
Here’s the plan. We’ll break off the permanent portion of USMS_ID
into a new column called Perm_ID
based on the location of "-"
using str_split_fixed
. Rows without a USMS_ID
will have an empty character string ""
in Perm_ID
, which we’ll convert to NA
with na_if
. Then we’ll group athletes by name. If any entry for that athlete, using that name, is from post-2010 they’ll have a Perm_ID
which we’ll be able to copy to all rows involving that name using the tidyr::fill
function. It’s of course possible to have two athletes with the same name. We could be stricter here and group_by
name and club for example, but athletes do change clubs. There are other things we could try as well, like matching on age progression, but for right now we’re just going to accept that there might be some false matches.
Postal <- Postal %>% mutate(Perm_ID = str_split_fixed(USMS_ID, "-", n = 2)[, 2], # only want the second part of the split Perm_ID = na_if(Perm_ID, "")) %>% # turn empty strings "" into NAs group_by(Name) %>% tidyr::fill(Perm_ID, .direction = "updown") # all instances of name will get non-NA value of Perm_ID - assumes there's only one unique Perm_ID for each name
Some athletes still don’t have a Perm_ID
though, because they don’t have a USMS_ID
# demonstration table Postal %>% filter(Year == 1998) %>% select(Place, Name, Year, USMS_ID, Perm_ID) %>% head(5) %>% flextable_style()
Place | Name | Year | USMS_ID | Perm_ID |
1 | Becky Crowe | 1998 | ||
2 | Johanna Hardin | 1998 | ||
3 | Sarah Anderson | 1998 | ||
4 | Sarah Baker | 1998 | 09RB9 | |
5 | Jane Kelsey | 1998 |
We’re going to make them fake Perm_ID
s. Each fake Perm_ID
will be a six character string of upper case letters. We’ll use this slightly different format (compared to the five character alphanumeric real Perm_ID
s) so that it’s possible to differentiate the fake from the real.
Each unique name without a real Perm_ID
needs a fake Perm_ID. Let’s first collect those unique names.
Unique_Names <- Postal %>% ungroup() %>% select(Name, Perm_ID) %>% # don't need all the columns, only these two filter( == TRUE) %>% # want only rows where there isn't a Perm_ID unique() # don't need duplicates Unique_Names %>% head(5) %>% flextable_style()
Name | Perm_ID |
Glen Christiansen | |
Lou Hill | |
Sue Lyon | |
Masao Miyasaka | |
Karina Horton |
Now we need a list of random strings, one for each name. Since we’re generating something random we’ll use set.seed
to make it reproducible. Then we’ll use the stringi::stri_rand_strings
function to generate a list of random strings with length 6. The length of the list will be the number of rows in unique_names
set.seed(1) # to make random strings reproducible Unique_Names <- Unique_Names %>% mutate(Perm_ID = stringi::stri_rand_strings( # make random strings n = nrow(Unique_Names), # number of random strings to make length = 6, # number of characters in each string pattern = "[A-Z]" # what to make the string out of, in this case all capital letters )) # demonstration table Unique_Names %>% head(5) %>% flextable_style()
Name | Perm_ID |
Glen Christiansen | GJOXFX |
Lou Hill | YRQBFE |
Sue Lyon | RJUMSZ |
Masao Miyasaka | JUYFQD |
Karina Horton | GKAJWI |
Now we’ll join Postal
and Unique_Names
back up by Name
and use coalesce
to get non-NA
values of Perm_ID
for each row. Each Name
, which hopefully means each athlete, now has a unique Perm_ID
Postal <- Postal %>% left_join(Unique_Names, by = "Name") %>% # attach newly made strings back to original data frame based on name mutate(Perm_ID = coalesce(Perm_ID.x, Perm_ID.y)) %>% # use first non-na value between original data frame (x) and new data frame (y) select(-Perm_ID.x, -Perm_ID.y) # don't need these columns any more # demonstration table Postal %>% filter(Year == 1998) %>% select(Place, Name, Year, USMS_ID, Perm_ID) %>% head(5) %>% flextable_style()
Place | Name | Year | USMS_ID | Perm_ID |
1 | Becky Crowe | 1998 | XZPOKS | |
2 | Johanna Hardin | 1998 | EOFXZG | |
3 | Sarah Anderson | 1998 | YSAWZT | |
4 | Sarah Baker | 1998 | 09RB9 | |
5 | Jane Kelsey | 1998 | DHNSNX |
Club Sizes
USMS defines categories of club size for the ePostal as small, medium, large and extra large based on the number of athletes representing that club. Here we’ll count the number of athletes for each club with n
and categorize appropriately with case_when
. It’s also interesting to look at participation by gender, so we’ll count the male and female athletes for each club using sum
. We’ll get new columns of the form Club_Count
(number of athletes in a club) and Club_Size
(a factor with levels S, M, L, XL).
# total club size Postal <- Postal %>% group_by(Club, Year) %>% # working with clubs now, by year mutate(Club_Count = n()) %>% # number of athletes in each club for a given year mutate(Club_Size_Combined = case_when( # code in club sizes based on number of athletes Club_Count < 26 ~ "S", Club_Count < 50 ~ "M", Club_Count <= 100 ~ "L", TRUE ~ "XL" )) %>% mutate(Club_Size_Combined = factor(Club_Size_Combined, levels = c("S", "M", "L", "XL"))) # male club size Postal <- Postal %>% group_by(Club, Year) %>% mutate(Club_Count_Male = sum(Gender == "M", na.rm = TRUE)) %>% # only want to count men this time mutate(Club_Size_Male = case_when( Club_Count_Male < 26 ~ "S", Club_Count_Male < 50 ~ "M", Club_Count_Male <= 100 ~ "L", TRUE ~ "XL" )) %>% mutate(Club_Size_Male = factor(Club_Size_Male, levels = c("S", "M", "L", "XL"))) # female club size Postal <- Postal %>% group_by(Club, Year) %>% mutate(Club_Count_Female = sum(Gender == "W", na.rm = TRUE)) %>% # only want to count women this time mutate(Club_Size_Female = case_when( Club_Count_Female < 26 ~ "S", Club_Count_Female < 50 ~ "M", Club_Count_Female <= 100 ~ "L", TRUE ~ "XL" )) %>% mutate(Club_Size_Female = factor(Club_Size_Female, levels = c("S", "M", "L", "XL"))) # demonstration table Postal %>% select(Club, Year, Club_Count, Club_Size_Combined, Club_Size_Male) %>% head(5) %>% flextable_style()
Club | Year | Club_Count | Club_Size_Combined | Club_Size_Male |
BSMT | 2021 | 46 | M | S |
SKY | 2021 | 15 | S | S |
SKY | 2021 | 15 | S | S |
GS | 2021 | 3 | S | S |
SKY | 2021 | 15 | S | S |
Club Summary Stats
In addition to making comparisons between athletes we can also make comparisons between clubs.
Club Total and Average Distance
Clubs are scored based on the total distance swam by their memberships. Here we can group_by
club can year, then add up the total distance each club swam with sum
# total club stats Postal <- Postal %>% mutate(Distance = na_if(Distance, 0)) %>% # shouldn't be any distance NA values, but convert to zero if there are group_by(Club, Year) %>% mutate(Total_Distance_Combined = sum(Distance, na.rm = TRUE)) %>% # add up distance for each club/year mutate(Avg_Distance_Combined = Total_Distance_Combined / Club_Count) %>% # calculate avg distance per athlete mutate(Avg_Distance_Combined = round(Avg_Distance_Combined, 0))# don't want decimal places # male stats Postal <- Postal %>% group_by(Club, Year) %>% mutate(Total_Distance_Male = sum(Distance[Gender == "M"], na.rm = TRUE)) %>% mutate(Avg_Distance_Male = Total_Distance_Male / Club_Count_Male) %>% mutate(Avg_Distance_Male = round(Avg_Distance_Male, 0)) # female stats Postal <- Postal %>% group_by(Club, Year) %>% mutate(Total_Distance_Female = sum(Distance[Gender == "W"], na.rm = TRUE)) %>% mutate(Avg_Distance_Female = Total_Distance_Female / Club_Count_Female) %>% mutate(Avg_Distance_Female = round(Avg_Distance_Female, 0)) # demonstration table Postal %>% filter(Gender == "W") %>% select(Club, Year, Total_Distance_Female, Avg_Distance_Female) %>% head(5) %>% flextable_style()
Club | Year | Total_Distance_Female | Avg_Distance_Female |
IM | 2021 | 45420 | 3785 |
GS | 2021 | 5850 | 2925 |
UC08 | 2021 | 3400 | 3400 |
CRUZ | 2021 | 18475 | 4619 |
1776 | 2021 | 38340 | 4260 |
Club Rank
Clubs can be ranked within their size/gender categories by total distance swam in much the same way we ranked swimmers within their age/gender categories. Since their are only three categories (combined, male, female) I’m not going to bother about including category size like with did with individual athletes although it’s certainly possible to do so. Here we’ll just group_by
the appropriate Club_size
column and the year and then use dense_rank
to get the ranking for each club. dense_rank
is one of the the six dplyr
ranking functions. It ranks values in a vector giving tied values a minimum rank and does not skip places as a result of ties. Here’s a demonstration, because some of you might not be familiar with dense_rank
Assume four clubs A-D, each of which swam some total distance.
distances <- c(10000, 15000, 15000, 20000) names(distances) <- c("A", "B", "C", "D") distances ## A B C D ## 10000 15000 15000 20000
What we’d like to say is that club D is first, clubs B and C are tied for second and club A is third. Club B and C both getting second (rather than say, 2.5th, or randomly giving one 2nd and the other 3rd) is what I mean by “giving tied values a minimum rank”. Club A getting third, rather than forth (as the forth club on the list) is what I mean by “not skip[ping] places as a result of ties”. We also need to use desc
because we want the clubs with the largest distance values to get the lowest valued places - club D should be first.
dense_rank(desc(distances)) ## [1] 3 2 2 1
Now to use dense_rank
with our real data.
# total club stats Postal <- Postal %>% group_by(Club_Size_Combined, Year) %>% mutate(Combined_Rank = dense_rank(desc(Total_Distance_Combined))) # calculate ranking # male stats Postal <- Postal %>% group_by(Club_Size_Male, Year) %>% mutate(Male_Rank = dense_rank(desc(Total_Distance_Male))) # female stats Postal <- Postal %>% group_by(Club_Size_Female, Year) %>% mutate(Female_Rank = dense_rank(desc(Total_Distance_Female))) # demonstration table Postal %>% filter(Gender == "W") %>% select(Club, Year, Club_Size_Female, Total_Distance_Female, Female_Rank) %>% head(5) %>% flextable_style()
Club | Year | Club_Size_Female | Total_Distance_Female | Female_Rank |
IM | 2021 | S | 45420 | 5 |
GS | 2021 | S | 5850 | 44 |
UC08 | 2021 | S | 3400 | 67 |
CRUZ | 2021 | S | 18475 | 14 |
1776 | 2021 | S | 38340 | 8 |
Average Club Splits
Average club splits are similar to athlete splits, just for an entire club. There are lots of ways to calculate such a value. We could group_by
club and average the Avg_Split_50
that we already calculated. Or we could recalculate based on Avg_Club_Distance
. Let’s do that.
# total club splits Postal <- Postal %>% ungroup() %>% group_by(Club, Year) %>% mutate(Avg_Split_50_Club_Combined = (1 / Avg_Distance_Combined) * 60 * # compute 50 splits by club, year 60 * 50) %>% mutate(Avg_Split_50_Club_Combined = format(round(Avg_Split_50_Club_Combined, 2), nsmall = 2)) # male club splits Postal <- Postal %>% ungroup() %>% group_by(Club, Year) %>% mutate(Avg_Split_50_Club_Male = (1 / Avg_Distance_Male) * 60 * 60 * 50) %>% mutate(Avg_Split_50_Club_Male = format(round(Avg_Split_50_Club_Male, 2), nsmall = 2)) # female club splits Postal <- Postal %>% ungroup() %>% group_by(Club, Year) %>% mutate(Avg_Split_50_Club_Female = (1 / Avg_Distance_Female) * 60 * 60 * 50) %>% mutate(Avg_Split_50_Club_Female = format(round(Avg_Split_50_Club_Female, 2), nsmall = 2)) # demonstration table Postal %>% filter(Gender == "W") %>% arrange(desc(Avg_Distance_Female)) %>% select(Club, Year, Club_Size_Female, Avg_Split_50_Club_Female, Female_Rank) %>% head(5) %>% flextable_style()
Club | Year | Club_Size_Female | Avg_Split_50_Club_Female | Female_Rank |
CFMS | 2015 | S | 33.12 | 88 |
UHM | 2000 | S | 33.77 | 55 |
LVM | 2009 | S | 34.42 | 75 |
TERA | 1999 | S | 34.42 | 51 |
ALEX | 2014 | S | 34.45 | 105 |
Average Club Age
Here we’ll go the other way, and compute average club ages by group
and Year
and then taking the mean
of Age
for all athletes in each group.
# total club age Postal <- Postal %>% group_by(Club, Year) %>% mutate(Avg_Age_Club = mean(Age, na.rm = TRUE)) %>% # average age of club athletes in a given year mutate(Avg_Age_Club = round(Avg_Age_Club, 2)) # round off to 2 decimal places # male club age Postal <- Postal %>% group_by(Club, Year) %>% mutate(Avg_Age_Club_Male = mean(Age[Gender == "M"], na.rm = TRUE)) %>% mutate(Avg_Age_Club_Male = round(Avg_Age_Club_Male, 2)) # female club age Postal <- Postal %>% group_by(Club, Year) %>% mutate(Avg_Age_Club_Female = mean(Age[Gender == "W"], na.rm = TRUE)) %>% mutate(Avg_Age_Club_Female = round(Avg_Age_Club_Female, 2)) # demonstration table Postal %>% arrange(Avg_Age_Club) %>% select(Club, Year, Club_Size_Combined, Avg_Age_Club, Combined_Rank) %>% head(5) %>% flextable_style()
Club | Year | Club_Size_Combined | Avg_Age_Club | Combined_Rank |
BAY | 2013 | S | 19 | 129 |
SBAS | 2006 | S | 19 | 78 |
UCSB | 2006 | S | 20 | 79 |
CHR | 2005 | S | 20 | 88 |
GSC | 2001 | S | 20 | 95 |
A Shiny App
We’re not going to build a Shiny app here, but I’ll show you one I’ve already built that runs off this data. You can explore it here and view the source code here. Please note I only have so much bandwidth available for the Shiny app. If it doesn’t open for you try again later. Below are some screen shots of the app in action.
It will let you view results from individual athletes and/or whole clubs over the years:
Screenshot of Timeseries Plot for SFGG Athletes
Or box plots by gender for a given year, similar to this post:
Screenshot of Box Plots for Age Groups by Gender in 2021
Or a table of club results for a given year:
Screenshot of Club Results Table 2021
All the data is downloadable as .csv files directly from the app.
Thank you for joining us here at Swimming + Data Science for what’s hopefully been an informative look at working up data and the USMS ePostal. Come back and join us next time when we’ll be doing - something else. I’m not quite sure yet. offers daily e-mail updates about R news and tutorials about learning R and many other topics. Click here if you're looking to post or find an R/data-science job.
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