April 2021

plusquamperfect squares

April 1, 2021 | xi'an

A perfect riddle: For some perfect squares, when you remove the last digit, you get another perfect square. The first five perfect squares are 16, 49, 169, 256 and 361. What are the next three ones? Is there a more than perfect square other than 169 such that removing the last two digits returns a […] [Read more...]

Dynamic Regression (ARIMA) vs. XGBoost

April 1, 2021 | Selcuk Disci

In the previous article, we mentioned that we were going to compare dynamic regression with ARIMA errors and the xgboost. Before doing that, let’s talk about dynamic regression. Time series modeling, most of the time, uses past observations as predictor variables. But sometimes, we need external variables that affect ...
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SharePoint R integration and analysis

April 1, 2021 | finnstats

SharePoint R integration and analysis, this tutorial is a continuation of the previous post Data analysis in R pdftools & pdftk. In the last... The post SharePoint R integration and analysis appeared first on finnstats. [Read more...]
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