Esquisse R Package
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Welcome to #FunDataFriday for Esquisse in R
A 3 minute read about a cool data resource.
Today’s #FunDataFriday article is about the esquisse R package.
An R package which creates easy ggplot charts through a drag and drop interface. You can use the pop up UI to create your perfect plot and then export the results as .png, .jpg or export the code!
Fast EDA – While ggplot is very fast and easy to use, if you are looking to visually explore your data at all angles with a variety of straight forward plot types, filters, groupings etc, this is your fastest path.
Gaining familiarity with ggplot – With this package you can rapidly make a graph, look at the code, make a change, see how that impacted the code and repeat!
The easiest path to getting started is by following the excellent tutorial provided in the vignette.
However, should you want to follow the example in the video, the code is below.
#To get the data install.packages('yarrr') library(yarrr) #To get the exploratory package install.packages("esquisse") library(esquisse) #To launch the UI and explore the pirates data esquisser(pirates)
Thank you to the multiple contributors to the esquisse package and Nathaniel D Phillips for the YaRrr data set. offers daily e-mail updates about R news and tutorials about learning R and many other topics. Click here if you're looking to post or find an R/data-science job.
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