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Update on the Shiny/Web Interface of GetDFPData2

[This article was first published on R | msperlin, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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GetDFPData is an academic project to provide free and unrestricted access to financial reports from B3, the brazilian exchange. Back in 2020 I split the code of GetDFDData into two distinct packages: GetDFPData2 and GetFREData. In short, I’ve found a new data source at CVM (comissão valores mobiliários) that is much easier to work than B3’s site. While the code in GetDFPData2 is becoming stable and will soon be released in CRAN, the shiny app was missing this important update.

Finally got some free time to work on the shinny app once again. The main change is that the underlying code is fully based on GetDFPData2, i.e., the data output is exactly the same as using an R session. Previous version used cached data from GetDFPData, which meant that every year I had to recompile and feed the new data to the app. This choice was not accidental as previous version of the package took a long time to parse all xml files from B3. The new version executes data importation very quickly, allowing for a web interface in a modest server such as mine.

The app is hosted at link_shiny. See a peek below:

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