Data Asset Exchange

[This article was first published on Little Miss Data, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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Welcome to #FunDataFriday for the Data Asset Exchange

A 3 minute read about a cool data resource.

Today’s #FunDataFriday article is about the website Data Asset Exchange.


The Data Asset Exchange (DAX) offers easy navigation of open datasets for AI that are ready to use in enterprise AI applications. For each dataset you have the option of downloading the data, exploring pre-created analysis notebooks (in R and Python), and also duplicating those notebooks in your own (free) Watson Studio environment.

Preview of the Data Asset Exchange (DAX)


There are a number of other open data portals out there that I love. But, I am a fan of the DAX, because it also offers guided exploration through pre-canned notebooks and a very straight forward path to replicating the sample analysis on your own.


Visit the Data Asset Exchange, pick a data set you like and try building off of the existing analysis!

Thank you for reading my #FunDataFriday blog and happy exploring! Please share any fun new analysis that you create with me by commenting below or tagging me on twitter!

— Written by Laura Ellis (AKA Little Miss Data)

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