Fast and Easy Aggregation of Multi-Type and Survey Data in R
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collapse is a C/C++ based package to facilitate and speed up advanced statistical computations in R. One of the key objectives for creating it was to introduce in R a fast, consistent, and easy to use toolset for aggregating complex datasets. This post showcases this functionality by aggregating 3 quite different survey datasets I happened to have used recently for a project:
A births dataset from the 2016 Demographic and Health Survey for Uganda (used for child mortality estimates, available here).
A dataset of poverty estimates from the Uganda National Household Survey 2016/17 (used to compute district level poverty indicators, not available for direct download, documented here).
The Uganda National Population and Housing Census 2014 (for district level population estimates and other data, available here under UBOS).
First, the STATA files are imported using the haven library. Columns with only missing values are removed from the DHS dataset, encoded columns are converted to factor variables.
library(haven) library(magrittr) library(collapse) # Uganda Demographic and Health Survey 2016: Birth Recode DHSBR <- paste0(DHS_path, "/Data/UGBR7BDT - Births Recode/UGBR7BFL.dta") %>% read_dta %>% get_vars(fNobs(.) > 0L) %>% as_factor # Uganda National Household Survey 2016/17: Poverty Estimates UNHSPOV <- paste0(UNHS_path, "/Household/pov16_rev1.dta") %>% read_dta %>% as_factor # Uganda National Population and Housing Census 2014 CENS <- paste0(CENS_path, "/UBOS 2014 Census.dta") %>% read_dta
We start with aggregating the DHS dataset. This data has 786 variables, most of which are categorical:
fdim(DHSBR) ## [1] 57906 786 table(vclasses(DHSBR)) ## ## character factor numeric ## 2 696 88
We can obtain a detailed statistical summary of the data using descr
. The output prints nicely to the console, but can also be converted to a data.frame.
descr(DHSBR, table = FALSE) %>% %>% head(10) ## Variable Class Label N Ndist Mean ## 1 caseid character case identification 57906 13745 NA ## 2 bidx numeric birth column number 57906 18 3.486720e+00 ## 3 v000 character country code and phase 57906 1 NA ## 4 v001 numeric cluster number 57906 696 3.557185e+02 ## 5 v002 numeric household number 57906 221 2.558897e+01 ## 6 v003 numeric respondent's line number 57906 20 1.960799e+00 ## 7 v004 numeric ultimate area unit 57906 696 3.557185e+02 ## 8 v005 numeric women's individual sample weight (6 decimals) 57906 686 9.848528e+05 ## 9 v006 numeric month of interview 57906 7 8.630176e+00 ## 10 v007 numeric year of interview 57906 1 2.016000e+03 ## SD Min Max Skew Kurt 1% 5% 25% 50% 75% 95% ## 1 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ## 2 2.367381e+00 1 18 1.05848241 3.806124 1 1 2 3 5 8 ## 3 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ## 4 1.915351e+02 1 697 0.01173270 1.881827 13 53 195 356 519 664 ## 5 2.926832e+01 1 545 3.89808066 31.759599 1 2 10 19 28 86 ## 6 1.201193e+00 1 21 5.53129314 49.135251 1 1 1 2 2 3 ## 7 1.915351e+02 1 697 0.01173270 1.881827 13 53 195 356 519 664 ## 8 5.543562e+05 45069 5145429 1.78199379 9.540138 102618 227215 702216 896184 1186668 1973187 ## 9 1.496144e+00 6 12 -0.01157971 2.034968 6 6 7 9 10 11 ## 10 0.000000e+00 2016 2016 NaN NaN 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 ## 99% ## 1 NA ## 2 10 ## 3 NA ## 4 691 ## 5 140 ## 6 8 ## 7 691 ## 8 3142092 ## 9 11 ## 10 2016
The DHS sample comprises 20,880 selected households and 18,506 women being interviewed. Of these women 13,745 had given birth and are recorded in this dataset. As the descriptive statistics above show, the first column gives the women-id (caseid), and the second column an integer id (bidx) for each of the born children.
The aggregation task for this dataset shall simply be to aggregate over the children for each women. A first step to decide how this aggregation is to be done is to examine which variables vary by women i.e. contain child characteristics.
# Tabulate child-variant variables table(varying(DHSBR, ~ caseid)) ## ## FALSE TRUE ## 521 264 # Examine the numeric child-variant variables DHSBR %>% fgroup_by(caseid) %>% num_vars %>% get_vars(varying(.)) %>% namlab ## Variable Label ## 1 bidx birth column number ## 2 bord birth order number ## 3 b1 month of birth ## 4 b2 year of birth ## 5 b3 date of birth (cmc) ## 6 b7 age at death (months, imputed) ## 7 b8 current age of child ## 8 b11 preceding birth interval (months) ## 9 b12 succeeding birth interval (months) ## 10 b17 day of birth ## 11 b18 century day code of birth (cdc) ## 12 b19 current age of child in months (months since birth for dead children) ## 13 b20 duration of pregnancy ## 14 midx index to birth history ## 15 hidx index to birth history ## 16 hidxa index to birth history ## 17 hwidx index to birth history ## 18 hw1 child's age in months ## 19 idxml index to birth history ## 20 idx94 index to birth history
These are all variables that we would prefer to aggregate using the average, not the sum or extreme values. It is also noteworthy that the weights don’t vary by child, but only by women, so weighted aggregation is actually not necessary in this case.
# Renaming weights variable setrename(DHSBR, v005 = weights) # Confirm that it does not vary by child varying(DHSBR, weights ~ caseid) ## weights ## FALSE
Thus aggregation in this case is very simple using the collap()
function, which by default aggregates numeric columns using the mean, and categorical columns using the statistical mode (i.e. the most frequent value):
# Aggregating, same as collap(DHSBR, ~ caseid, fmean, fmode), or collapv(DHSBR, 1) DHSBR_agg <- collap(DHSBR, ~ caseid) %>% fdroplevels head(DHSBR_agg) ## # A tibble: 6 x 786 ## caseid bidx v000 v001 v002 v003 v004 v005 v006 v007 v008 v008a v009 v010 v011 v012 ## <chr> <dbl> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> ## 1 " 00~ 1.5 UG7 1 3 2 1 1.10e6 8 2016 1400 42613 7 1991 1099 25 ## 2 " 00~ 1.5 UG7 1 4 1 1 1.10e6 8 2016 1400 42609 12 1975 912 40 ## 3 " 00~ 1 UG7 1 4 2 1 1.10e6 8 2016 1400 42609 7 1995 1147 21 ## 4 " 00~ 1.5 UG7 1 4 6 1 1.10e6 8 2016 1400 42611 1 1993 1117 23 ## 5 " 00~ 1.5 UG7 1 4 7 1 1.10e6 8 2016 1400 42609 2 1986 1034 30 ## 6 " 00~ 1 UG7 1 4 8 1 1.10e6 8 2016 1400 42609 5 1989 1073 27 ## # ... with 770 more variables: v013 <fct>, v014 <fct>, v015 <fct>, v016 <dbl>, v017 <dbl>, ## # v018 <fct>, v019 <fct>, v019a <fct>, v020 <fct>, v021 <dbl>, v022 <fct>, v023 <fct>, v024 <fct>, ## # v025 <fct>, v027 <dbl>, v028 <dbl>, v030 <dbl>, v034 <fct>, v040 <dbl>, v042 <fct>, v044 <fct>, ## # v045a <fct>, v045b <fct>, v045c <fct>, v046 <fct>, v101 <fct>, v102 <fct>, v104 <fct>, ## # v105 <fct>, v106 <fct>, v107 <fct>, v113 <fct>, v115 <fct>, v116 <fct>, v119 <fct>, v120 <fct>, ## # v121 <fct>, v122 <fct>, v123 <fct>, v124 <fct>, v125 <fct>, v127 <fct>, v128 <fct>, v129 <fct>, ## # v130 <fct>, v131 <fct>, v133 <fct>, v135 <fct>, v136 <dbl>, v137 <dbl>, v138 <dbl>, v139 <fct>, ## # v140 <fct>, v149 <fct>, v150 <fct>, v151 <fct>, v152 <fct>, v153 <fct>, awfactt <dbl>, ## # awfactu <dbl>, awfactr <dbl>, awfacte <dbl>, awfactw <dbl>, v155 <fct>, v157 <fct>, v158 <fct>, ## # v159 <fct>, v160 <fct>, v161 <fct>, v167 <fct>, v168 <fct>, v169a <fct>, v169b <fct>, ## # v170 <fct>, v171a <fct>, v171b <fct>, v190 <fct>, v191 <dbl>, v190a <fct>, v191a <dbl>, ## # ml101 <fct>, v201 <dbl>, v202 <dbl>, v203 <dbl>, v204 <dbl>, v205 <dbl>, v206 <dbl>, v207 <dbl>, ## # v208 <fct>, v209 <fct>, v210 <dbl>, v211 <dbl>, v212 <dbl>, v213 <fct>, v214 <dbl>, v215 <fct>, ## # v216 <fct>, v217 <fct>, v218 <dbl>, v219 <dbl>, ... # Aggregating preserves column order and data types / classes + attributes identical(namlab(DHSBR_agg, class = TRUE), namlab(DHSBR, class = TRUE)) ## [1] TRUE
Apart from the simplicity and speed of this solution, collap()
by default preserves the original column order (argument keep.col.order = TRUE
) and all attributes of columns and the data frame itself. So we can truly speak of an aggregated / collapsed version of this dataset. Calling fdroplevels
on the result is a likewise highly optimized and non-destructive solution to dropping any redundant factor levels from any of the 696 aggregated factor variables.
Let us now consider the poverty estimates dataset:
fdim(UNHSPOV) ## [1] 15636 44 table(vclasses(UNHSPOV)) ## ## factor numeric ## 17 27 descr(UNHSPOV, table = FALSE) %>% %>% head(10) ## Variable Class Label N Ndist Mean SD Min ## 1 hhid numeric Unique identifier in 2016/17 15636 15636 89610.296943 50753.531112 201.00000 ## 2 finalwgt numeric <NA> 15636 1731 540.811778 519.368731 10.65561 ## 3 district factor District Code 15636 112 NA NA NA ## 4 ea numeric Enumeration area 15636 67 9.157265 10.810512 1.00000 ## 5 urban factor Urban/Rural Identifier 15636 2 NA NA NA ## 6 subreg factor 15 sub region 15636 15 NA NA NA ## 7 region factor Region of Residence in 2016/17 15636 4 NA NA NA ## 8 regurb factor RegionxRural/Urban 15636 8 NA NA NA ## 9 equiv numeric (sum) equiv 15636 9448 3.438747 1.897926 0.71000 ## 10 hsize numeric (sum) hsize 15636 20 4.515285 2.548680 1.00000 ## Max Skew Kurt 1% 5% 25% 50% 75% ## 1 178010.00000 0.002337925 1.833309 2102.35000 9907.7500000 46178.250000 89401.500000 1.327083e+05 ## 2 5156.81494 3.097397657 18.780390 34.65487 76.0465393 207.895950 399.305145 6.978978e+02 ## 3 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ## 4 90.00000 3.683418249 21.263899 1.00000 1.0000000 3.000000 6.000000 1.100000e+01 ## 5 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ## 6 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ## 7 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ## 8 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ## 9 17.28507 0.904448197 4.183096 0.77380 0.8743333 2.009667 3.146083 4.559833e+00 ## 10 23.00000 0.734721072 3.761180 1.00000 1.0000000 3.000000 4.000000 6.000000e+00 ## 95% 99% ## 1 1.695023e+05 176403.65000 ## 2 1.444975e+03 2700.59717 ## 3 NA NA ## 4 2.800000e+01 60.00000 ## 5 NA NA ## 6 NA NA ## 7 NA NA ## 8 NA NA ## 9 6.972708e+00 8.84461 ## 10 9.000000e+00 12.00000
Using the qsu()
function, we can also summarize the variation in two of the key variables between district averages and within districts, separated for rural and urban areas. This can give us an idea of the variation in poverty levels we are erasing by aggregating this data to the district level.
qsu(UNHSPOV, fexp30 + welfare ~ urban, ~ district, ~ finalwgt, vlabels = TRUE)[,"SD",,] # Showing only the standard deviation (SD) ## , , fexp30: Monthly food expenses ## ## Overall Between Within ## Rural 168101.761 47831.6226 161254.386 ## Urban 243424.17 56966.9794 240210.089 ## ## , , welfare: Welfare based on usual members present ## ## Overall Between Within ## Rural 99872.8917 35288.1075 95355.6836 ## Urban 202069.239 64221.637 195061.104
The variance breakdown shows that apart from rural welfare, most of the variation in food expenditure and welfare levels is between district averages rather than within districts. We can again examine the numeric variables:
UNHSPOV %>% num_vars %>% namlab ## Variable Label ## 1 hhid Unique identifier in 2016/17 ## 2 finalwgt <NA> ## 3 ea Enumeration area ## 4 equiv (sum) equiv ## 5 hsize (sum) hsize ## 6 fexp30 Monthly food expenses ## 7 rexp30 Monthly household expenditures after adjusting for inflation ## 8 rrfxp30 <NA> ## 9 rrexp30 Monthly household expenditures in real prices after adjusting for regional price ## 10 nrrexp30 Monthly nominal household expenditures in market prices & after regional price a ## 11 cpexp30 Monthly household expenditures in constant prices after adjusting for regional p ## 12 fcpexp30 Monthly household food expenditures in constant prices after adjusting for regio ## 13 mult <NA> ## 14 rmult <NA> ## 15 welfare Welfare based on usual members present ## 16 fwelfare <NA> ## 17 hmult <NA> ## 18 plinen Poverty line in nominal terms ## 19 ctpline Poverty line in constant prices ## 20 hpline Food poverty line in 2009/10 constant prices ## 21 spline Poverty line in 2009/10 constant prices ## 22 fpoor_16 food Poor in 2016 based on welfare variable ## 23 decile Quantile group ## 24 pid Individual indentifier ## 25 hhage Age in completed years ## 26 hhedyrs Number of school years completed ## 27 hhelder <NA>
These are also all variables that we would aggregate using a measure of central tendency. The categorical variables are mostly identifiers and also some categorical versions of welfare variables (welfare quintiles), which can all sensibly be aggregated using the statistical mode:
UNHSPOV %>% cat_vars %>% namlab ## Variable Label ## 1 district District Code ## 2 urban Urban/Rural Identifier ## 3 subreg 15 sub region ## 4 region Region of Residence in 2016/17 ## 5 regurb RegionxRural/Urban ## 6 poor_16 Poverty status ## 7 quints Quintiles based on the national population ## 8 qurban Quintiles based on rural/urban population ## 9 qregion Quintiles based on regional population ## 10 hhrel Relationship of household member to the head of the household ## 11 mstat Marital status of household member ## 12 hhsex RECODE of R02 (Sex of the household member) ## 13 hhedlev <NA> ## 14 hhstatus_emp Activity status(employed, subsistence) ## 15 hhstatus Activity status(employed, subsistence, unemployed, not working) ## 16 hhindu RECODE of B4b ## 17 hhmrtsex Marital by headship
Below we aggregate this dataset, applying the weighted median to numeric data and the weighted mode (default) to categorical data, this time using collapg
which is a wrapper around collap
operating on grouped data frames / tibbles.
# Weighted aggregation by district, after removing household id and enumeration area UNHSPOV %>% fselect(-hhid, -ea) %>% fgroup_by(district) %>% collapg(fmedian, w = finalwgt) %>% fdroplevels %>% head ## # A tibble: 6 x 42 ## district finalwgt urban subreg region regurb equiv hsize fexp30 rexp30 rrfxp30 rrexp30 nrrexp30 ## <fct> <dbl> <fct> <fct> <fct> <fct> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> ## 1 "KALANG~ 12994. Rural Centr~ Centr~ Centr~ 1.87 2 2.46e5 1.83e5 240877. 180432. 324962. ## 2 "KAMPAL~ 460128. Urban Kampa~ Centr~ Centr~ 2.30 3 2.89e5 4.17e5 267612. 402942. 662020. ## 3 "KIBOGA" 20524. Rural Centr~ Centr~ Centr~ 3.16 4 1.81e5 2.45e5 171290. 233323. 418979. ## 4 " L~ 118868. Rural Centr~ Centr~ Centr~ 2.77 4 2.11e5 2.26e5 199803. 220439. 386698. ## 5 "MASAKA" 92389. Urban Centr~ Centr~ Centr~ 2.64 3 2.42e5 2.74e5 224339. 269409. 473376. ## 6 "MPIGI" 65521. Rural Centr~ Centr~ Centr~ 2.81 4 2.29e5 2.49e5 222739. 240048. 428228. ## # ... with 29 more variables: cpexp30 <dbl>, fcpexp30 <dbl>, mult <dbl>, rmult <dbl>, welfare <dbl>, ## # fwelfare <dbl>, hmult <dbl>, plinen <dbl>, ctpline <dbl>, hpline <dbl>, spline <dbl>, ## # poor_16 <fct>, fpoor_16 <dbl>, quints <fct>, decile <dbl>, qurban <fct>, qregion <fct>, ## # pid <dbl>, hhrel <fct>, hhage <dbl>, mstat <fct>, hhsex <fct>, hhedyrs <dbl>, hhedlev <fct>, ## # hhstatus_emp <fct>, hhstatus <fct>, hhindu <fct>, hhelder <dbl>, hhmrtsex <fct>
Note in the result above that the weighting variable is also aggregated. The default is wFUN = fsum
so the weights in each group are summed.
At last let’s consider the census dataset. On first sight it is a bit simpler than the other two, consisting of 5 character identifiers from the macro-region to the parish level, followed by 270 numeric variables.
fdim(CENS) ## [1] 7653 275 table(vclasses(CENS)) ## ## character numeric ## 5 270
The specialty of this data is however that some variables are recorded in population totals, and some in percentage terms.
descr(CENS, table = FALSE) %>% %>% head(15) ## Variable Class Label N Ndist ## 1 Region character <NA> 7653 4 ## 2 District character <NA> 7653 122 ## 3 County character <NA> 7653 199 ## 4 Subcounty character <NA> 7653 1382 ## 5 Parish character <NA> 7653 6438 ## 6 POP_M numeric Population Size: Male 7557 3548 ## 7 POP_F numeric Population Size: Female 7557 3664 ## 8 POP_SR numeric Population Size: Sex Ratio 7557 609 ## 9 POP numeric Population Size: Total 7557 4923 ## 10 HHEAD_M numeric Headship of Households by Sex: Male Headed: Number 7557 1736 ## 11 HHEAD_M_P numeric Headship of Households by Sex: Male Headed: Percent 7557 359 ## 12 HHEAD_F numeric Headship of Households by Sex: Female Headed: Number 7557 846 ## 13 HHEAD_F_P numeric Headship of Households by Sex: Female Headed: Percent 7557 359 ## 14 HHEAD_10_17 numeric Household Headship by specific age groups: 10-17: Number 7557 70 ## 15 HHEAD_10_17_P numeric Household Headship by specific age groups: 10-17: Percent 7556 40 ## Mean SD Min Max Skew Kurt 1% 5% 25% 50% 75% ## 1 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ## 2 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ## 3 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ## 4 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ## 5 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ## 6 2236.0525341 2060.3798193 39.0 45834.0 5.8878678 68.350438 335.000 549.00 1155.0 1782.0 2686.0 ## 7 2347.0690750 2285.1063696 26.0 52061.0 6.3804915 77.223950 324.000 550.60 1193.0 1852.0 2831.0 ## 8 97.1208813 10.7985572 35.0 365.2 5.2374120 86.423031 78.300 85.20 91.9 95.8 100.5 ## 9 4583.1216091 4338.2687374 65.0 97895.0 6.1578818 73.263475 668.680 1101.60 2350.0 3634.0 5520.0 ## 10 733.6140003 795.4130787 3.0 19855.0 7.5065928 101.724761 106.000 175.00 362.0 565.0 861.0 ## 11 77.0265979 6.0370928 21.3 95.5 -0.5516445 5.158277 61.956 67.28 73.1 77.3 81.2 ## 12 232.9163689 300.3926888 1.0 7018.0 7.3292989 91.895443 20.000 38.00 100.0 167.0 267.0 ## 13 22.9735477 6.0371554 4.5 78.7 0.5516337 5.158115 10.600 13.70 18.8 22.7 26.9 ## 14 4.7338891 7.3239515 0.0 148.0 5.0812704 49.771747 0.000 0.00 1.0 3.0 6.0 ## 15 0.4547512 0.4600549 0.0 9.2 4.0165231 49.845440 0.000 0.00 0.2 0.4 0.6 ## 95% 99% ## 1 NA NA ## 2 NA NA ## 3 NA NA ## 4 NA NA ## 5 NA NA ## 6 5102.40 10264.160 ## 7 5331.80 11562.360 ## 8 112.40 133.732 ## 9 10449.40 22273.800 ## 10 1677.00 3929.520 ## 11 86.30 89.400 ## 12 568.00 1590.760 ## 13 32.72 38.044 ## 14 16.00 37.000 ## 15 1.20 1.900
The population counts are easily aggregated by simply computing a sum, but variables providing percentages of the population need to be aggregated using a weighted mean, where the total population serves as the weighting variable. This shows the percentage change variables:
# gvr is a shorthand for get_vars(..., regex = TRUE) gvr(CENS, "_P$") %>% namlab %>% head(10) ## Variable Label ## 1 HHEAD_M_P Headship of Households by Sex: Male Headed: Percent ## 2 HHEAD_F_P Headship of Households by Sex: Female Headed: Percent ## 3 HHEAD_10_17_P Household Headship by specific age groups: 10-17: Percent ## 4 HHEAD_18_30_P Household Headship by specific age groups: 18-30: Percent ## 5 HHEAD_M_A60_P Household Headship by specific age groups: 60+: Percent ## 6 HPOP_0_17_P Household Population by Broad Ages: 0-17: Percent ## 7 HPOP_18_30_P Household Population by Broad Ages: 18-30: Percent ## 8 HPOP_31_59_P Household Population by Broad Ages: 31-59: Percent ## 9 HPOP_A60_P Household Population by Broad Ages: 60+: Percent ## 10 POP_L1_P Population Distribution by Special Age groups: Less than 1 year: Percent # Making sure all of these variables are indeed on a percentage scale range(fmax(gvr(CENS, "_P$"))) ## [1] 8.9 100.0
To aggregate this data with collap
, we need to supply the names or indices of both percentage and non-percentage variables together with the corresponding aggregator functions in a list passed to the custom
argument. Weights are passed to the w
argument. A specialty here is that we are using fsum_uw
instead of fsum
. The postfix _uw
prevents the weights from being passed to fsum
, which would otherwise calculate a survey total (i.e. a weighted sum) instead of a simple summation.
perc_vars <- gvr(CENS, "_P$", return = "indices") pop_vars <- setdiff(num_vars(CENS, "indices"), perc_vars) collap(CENS, ~ Region + District, w = ~ POP, custom = list(fmean = perc_vars, fsum_uw = pop_vars), keep.w = FALSE) %>% head ## # A tibble: 6 x 272 ## Region District POP_M POP_F POP_SR POP HHEAD_M HHEAD_M_P HHEAD_F HHEAD_F_P HHEAD_10_17 ## <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> ## 1 Centr~ Buikwe 207324 215447 6807. 422771 71148 72.8 26685 27.2 691 ## 2 Centr~ Bukoman~ 75109 76304 2442. 151413 23426 68.3 10902 31.7 177 ## 3 Centr~ Butamba~ 50082 50758 2495. 100840 15128 69.8 6550 30.2 139 ## 4 Centr~ Buvuma 48414 41476 4703. 89890 20289 81.3 4830 18.7 211 ## 5 Centr~ Gomba 82167 77755 3923. 159922 25794 73.3 9446 26.7 207 ## 6 Centr~ Kalanga~ 31349 22944 2353 54293 15493 77.1 4548 22.9 123 ## # ... with 261 more variables: HHEAD_10_17_P <dbl>, HHEAD_18_30 <dbl>, HHEAD_18_30_P <dbl>, ## # HHEAD_M_A60 <dbl>, HHEAD_M_A60_P <dbl>, HHEAD <dbl>, HPOP_0_17 <dbl>, HPOP_0_17_P <dbl>, ## # HPOP_18_30 <dbl>, HPOP_18_30_P <dbl>, HPOP_31_59 <dbl>, HPOP_31_59_P <dbl>, HPOP_A60 <dbl>, ## # HPOP_A60_P <dbl>, HPOP <dbl>, POP_L1 <dbl>, POP_L1_P <dbl>, POP_0_4 <dbl>, POP_0_4_P <dbl>, ## # POP_0_8 <dbl>, POP_0_8_P <dbl>, POP_2_8 <dbl>, POP_2_8_P <dbl>, POP_2_17 <dbl>, ## # POP_2_17_P <dbl>, POP_6_12 <dbl>, POP_6_12_P <dbl>, POP_6_15 <dbl>, POP_6_15_P <dbl>, ## # POP_10_15 <dbl>, POP_10_15_P <dbl>, POP_10_17 <dbl>, POP_10_17_P <dbl>, POP_15_24 <dbl>, ## # POP_15_24_P <dbl>, POP_16_24 <dbl>, POP_16_24_P <dbl>, POP_15_29 <dbl>, POP_15_29_P <dbl>, ## # POP_A2 <dbl>, POP_A2_P <dbl>, POP_A10 <dbl>, POP_A10_P <dbl>, POP_A15 <dbl>, POP_A15_P <dbl>, ## # POP_A18 <dbl>, POP_A18_P <dbl>, POP_A20 <dbl>, POP_A20_P <dbl>, POP_A65 <dbl>, POP_A65_P <dbl>, ## # EDU_6_12_NAS_M <dbl>, EDU_6_12_NAS_M_P <dbl>, EDU_6_12_NAS_F <dbl>, EDU_6_12_NAS_F_P <dbl>, ## # EDU_6_12_NAS <dbl>, EDU_6_12_NAS_P <dbl>, EDU_6_12_PRI_M <dbl>, EDU_6_12_PRI_M_P <dbl>, ## # EDU_6_12_PRI_F <dbl>, EDU_6_12_PRI_F_P <dbl>, EDU_6_12_PRI <dbl>, EDU_6_12_PRI_P <dbl>, ## # EDU_13_18_SEC_M <dbl>, EDU_13_18_SEC_M_P <dbl>, EDU_13_18_SEC_F <dbl>, EDU_13_18_SEC_F_P <dbl>, ## # EDU_13_18_SEC <dbl>, EDU_13_18_SEC_P <dbl>, EDU_A15_BS4_M <dbl>, EDU_A15_BS4_M_P <dbl>, ## # EDU_A15_BS4_F <dbl>, EDU_A15_BS4_F_P <dbl>, EDU_A15_BS4 <dbl>, EDU_A15_BS4_P <dbl>, ## # EDU_A18_HO_M <dbl>, EDU_A18_HO_M_P <dbl>, EDU_A18_HO_F <dbl>, EDU_A18_HO_F_P <dbl>, ## # EDU_A18_HO <dbl>, EDU_A18_HO_P <dbl>, EDU_A20_HA_M <dbl>, EDU_A20_HA_M_P <dbl>, ## # EDU_A20_HA_F <dbl>, EDU_A20_HA_F_P <dbl>, EDU_A20_HA <dbl>, EDU_A20_HA_P <dbl>, IL_A18_M <dbl>, ## # IL_A18_M_P <dbl>, IL_A18_F <dbl>, IL_A18_F_P <dbl>, IL_A18 <dbl>, IL_A18_P <dbl>, ## # IL_10_17 <dbl>, IL_10_17_P <dbl>, IL_18_30 <dbl>, IL_18_30_P <dbl>, IL_A60 <dbl>, ## # IL_A60_P <dbl>, BR_L1 <dbl>, ...
Also with the custom argument, the columns are by default (keep.col.order = TRUE
) rearranged into the order in which they occur. Here we additionally use keep.w = FALSE
, because the variable POP
is both used as the weighting variable but also contained in pop_vars
, and we don’t want to have it twice in the output.
Since we are only aggregating numeric data, we may compare the computation speed with a matching data.table expression1:
library(microbenchmark) library(data.table) setDT(CENS) microbenchmark( data.table = cbind(CENS[, lapply(.SD, weighted.mean, POP), by = .(Region, District), .SDcols = perc_vars], CENS[, lapply(.SD, sum), by = .(Region, District), .SDcols = pop_vars][, -(1:2)]), collapse = collap(CENS, ~ Region + District, w = ~ POP, custom = list(fmean = perc_vars, fsum_uw = pop_vars), keep.w = FALSE) ) ## Unit: milliseconds ## expr min lq mean median uq max neval cld ## data.table 153.317076 169.257733 181.740319 175.767603 191.12234 346.31187 100 b ## collapse 8.997704 9.260768 9.990888 9.837097 10.24251 14.12287 100 a
Which does however not maintain the original column order.↩︎ offers daily e-mail updates about R news and tutorials about learning R and many other topics. Click here if you're looking to post or find an R/data-science job.
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