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Stats and R has been launched on December 16, 2019. Since the blog is officially one year old today and after having discussed the main benefits of maintaining a technical blog, I thought it would be a good time to share some numbers and thoughts about it.
In this article, I show how to analyze a blog and its blog posts with the {googleAnalyticsR}
R package (see package’s full documentation). After sharing some analytics about the blog, I will also discuss about content creation/distribution and, to a smaller extent, the future plans. This is a way to share my journey as a data science blogger and a way to give you an insight about how Stats and R is doing.
I decided to share with you some numbers through the {googleAnalyticsR}
package instead of the regular Google Analytics dashboards for several reasons:
- There are plenty of data analysts who are much more experienced than me when it comes to analyzing Google Analytics data via their dedicated platform
- I recently discovered the
package in R and I would like to present its possibilities, and perhaps convince marketing specialists familiar with R to complement their Google Analytics dashboards with some data visualizations made in R (via some ggplot2 visualizations for instance) - I would like to automate the process such in a way that I can easily replicate the same types of analysis across the years. This will allow to see how the blog evolves throughout the years. We know that using R is a pretty good starting point when it comes to automation and replication—especially thanks to R Markdown reports
I am not an expert in the field of marketing, but who knows, it may still give some ideas to data analysts, SEO specialists or other bloggers on how to track the performance of their own blog or website using R.
Before going further, I would like to remind that I am not making a living from my blog (far from it!) and it is definitely not my goal as I do not believe that I would be the same kind of writer if it was my main occupation.
As for any package in R, we first need to install it—with install.packages()
—and load it—with library()
# install.packages('googleAnalyticsR', dependencies = TRUE) library(googleAnalyticsR)
Next, we need to authorize the access of the Google Analytics account using the ga_auth()
Running this code will open a browser window on which you will be able to authorize the access. This step will save an authorization token so you only have to do it once.
Make sure to run the ga_auth()
function in a R script and not in a R Markdown document. Follow this procedure if you want to use the package and its functions in a R Markdown report or in a blog post like I did for this article.
Once we have completed the Google Analytics authorization, we will need the ID of the Google Analytics account we want to access. All the available accounts linked to your email address (after authentication) are stored in ga_account_list()
accounts <- ga_account_list() accounts ## # A tibble: 2 x 10 ## accountId accountName internalWebProp… level websiteUrl type webPropertyId ## <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> ## 1 86997981 Antoine So… 129397861 STAN… https://w… WEB UA-86997981-1 ## 2 86997981 Antoine So… 218214896 STAN… https://w… WEB UA-86997981-2 ## # … with 3 more variables: webPropertyName <chr>, viewId <chr>, viewName <chr> accounts$webPropertyName ## [1] "Antoine Soetewey" "statsandr.com"
As you can see I have two accounts linked to my Google Analytics profile: one for my personal website (www.antoinesoetewey.com) and one for this blog.
Of course, I select the account linked to this blog:
# select the view ID by property name view_id <- accounts$viewId[which(accounts$webPropertyName == "statsandr.com")]
Make sure to edit the code with your own property name.
We are now finally ready to use our Google Analytics data in R for a better analysis!
Users, page views and sessions
Let’s start with some general numbers, such as the number of users, sessions and page views for the entire site. Note that for the present article, we use data over the past year, so from December 16, 2019 to December 15, 2020:
# set date range start_date <- as.Date("2019-12-16") end_date <- as.Date("2020-12-15") # get Google Analytics (GA) data gadata <- google_analytics(view_id, date_range = c(start_date, end_date), metrics = c("users", "sessions", "pageviews"), anti_sample = TRUE # slows down the request but ensures data isn't sampled ) gadata ## users sessions pageviews ## 1 321940 428217 560491
In its first year, Stats and R has attracted 321,940 users, who generated a total of 428,217 sessions and 560,491 page views.
For those unfamiliar with Google Analytics data and the difference between these metrics, remember that:
- a user is the number of new and returning people who visit your site during a set period of time
- a session is a group of user interactions with your website that take place within a given time frame
- a page view, as the name suggests, is defined as a view of a page on your site
So if person A reads three blog posts then leave the site and person B reads one blog post, your about page then leave the site, Google Analytics data will show 2 users, 2 sessions and 5 page views.
Sessions over time
In addition to the rather general metrics presented above, it is also interesting to illustrate the daily number of sessions over time in a scatterplot—together with a smoothed line—to analyze the evolution of the blog:
# get the Google Analytics (GA) data gadata <- google_analytics(view_id, date_range = c(start_date, end_date), metrics = c("sessions"), # edit for other metrics dimensions = c("date"), anti_sample = TRUE # slows down the request but ensures data isn't sampled ) # load required libraries library(dplyr) library(ggplot2) # scatter plot with a trend line gadata %>% ggplot(aes(x = date, y = sessions)) + geom_point(size = 1L, color = "steelblue") + # change size and color of points geom_smooth(color = "darkgrey", alpha = 0.25) + # change color of smoothed line and transparency of confidence interval theme_minimal() + labs( y = "Sessions", x = "", title = "Evolution of daily sessions", subtitle = paste0(format(start_date, "%b %d, %Y"), " to ", format(end_date, "%b %d, %Y")), caption = "Data: Google Analytics data of statsandr.com" ) + theme(plot.margin = unit(c(5.5, 15.5, 5.5, 5.5), "pt")) + # to avoid the plot being cut on the right edge scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::comma) # better y labels
(See how to draw plots with the {ggplot2}
package, or with the {esquisse}
addin if you are not familiar with the package.)
As you can see, there was a huge peak of traffic around end of April, with almost 12,000 users in a single day. Yes, you read it well and there is no bug. The blog post “A package to download free Springer books during Covid-19 quarantine” went viral and generated a massive traffic for a few days. The daily number of sessions returned to a more normal level after a couple of days. We also observe an upward trend in the last months (since end of August/beginning of September), which indicates that the blog is growing in terms of number of daily sessions.
Note that I decided to focus on the number of sessions and the number of page views in this section and the following ones, but you can always change to your preferred metrics by editing metrics = c("sessions")
in the code. See all available metrics provided Google Analytics in this article.
Sessions per channel
Knowing how people come to your blog is a pretty important factor. Here is how to visualize the evolution of daily sessions per channel in a line plot:
# Get the data trend_data <- google_analytics(view_id, date_range = c(start_date, end_date), dimensions = c("date"), metrics = "sessions", pivots = pivot_ga4("medium", "sessions"), anti_sample = TRUE # slows down the request but ensures data isn't sampled ) # edit variable names names(trend_data) <- c("Date", "Total", "Organic", "Referral", "Direct", "Email", "Social") # Change the data into a long format library(tidyr) trend_long <- gather(trend_data, Channel, Sessions, -Date) # Build up the line plot ggplot(trend_long, aes(x = Date, y = Sessions, group = Channel)) + theme_minimal() + geom_line(aes(colour = Channel)) + labs( y = "Sessions", x = "", title = "Evolution of daily sessions per channel", subtitle = paste0(format(start_date, "%b %d, %Y"), " to ", format(end_date, "%b %d, %Y")), caption = "Data: Google Analytics data of statsandr.com" ) + scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::comma) # better y labels
We see that a large share of the traffic is from the organic channel, which indicates that most readers visit the blog after a query on search engines (mostly Google). In my case, where most of my posts are tutorials and which help people with specific problems, it is thus not a surprise that most of my traffic comes from organic search.
We also notice some small peaks of sessions generated from the referral and direct channels, which are probably happening on the date of publication of each article.
We also see that there seems to be a recurrent pattern of ups and downs in the number of daily sessions. Those are weekly cycles, with less readers during the weekend and which indicates that people are working on improving their statistical or R knowledge mostly during the week (which actually makes sense!).
Sessions per day of week
As shown above, traffic seems to be different depending on the day of week. To investigate this further, we draw a boxplot of the number of sessions for every day of the week:
# get data gadata <- google_analytics(view_id, date_range = c(start_date, end_date), metrics = "sessions", dimensions = c("dayOfWeek", "date"), anti_sample = TRUE # slows down the request but ensures data isn't sampled ) ## Recoding gadata$dayOfWeek following GA naming conventions gadata$dayOfWeek <- recode_factor(gadata$dayOfWeek, "0" = "Sunday", "1" = "Monday", "2" = "Tuesday", "3" = "Wednesday", "4" = "Thursday", "5" = "Friday", "6" = "Saturday" ) ## Reordering gadata$dayOfWeek to have Monday as first day of the week gadata$dayOfWeek <- factor(gadata$dayOfWeek, levels = c( "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday" ) ) # Boxplot gadata %>% ggplot(aes(x = dayOfWeek, y = sessions)) + geom_boxplot() + theme_minimal() + labs( y = "Sessions", x = "", title = "Sessions per day of week", subtitle = paste0(format(start_date, "%b %d, %Y"), " to ", format(end_date, "%b %d, %Y")), caption = "Data: Google Analytics data of statsandr.com" ) + scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::comma) # better y labels
As you can see there are some outliers, probably due (in part at least) to the article that went viral. For the sake of illustration, below the same plot after removing points considered as potential outliers according to the interquartile range (IQR) criterion (i.e., points above or below the whiskers), and after a couple of visual improvements:
# boxplot gadata %>% filter(sessions <= 3000) %>% # filter out sessions > 3,000 ggplot(aes(x = dayOfWeek, y = sessions, fill = dayOfWeek)) + # fill boxplot by dayOfWeek geom_boxplot(varwidth = TRUE) + # vary boxes width according to n obs. geom_jitter(alpha = 0.25, width = 0.2) + # adds random noise and limit its width theme_minimal() + labs( y = "Sessions", x = "", title = "Sessions per day of week", subtitle = paste0(format(start_date, "%b %d, %Y"), " to ", format(end_date, "%b %d, %Y")), caption = "Data: Google Analytics data of statsandr.com\nPoints > 3,000 excluded" ) + scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::comma) + # better y labels theme(legend.position = "none") # remove legend
After excluding data points above 3,000, it is now easier to see that the median number of sessions (represented by the horizontal bold line in the boxes) is the highest on Wednesdays, and lowest on Saturdays and Sundays.
The difference in sessions between weekdays is, however, not as large as expected. For the interested reader, if you want to test whether there is a significant difference between the days in terms of number of sessions, you could perform an ANOVA.
Sessions per day and time
< !-- We have seen the traffic per day of week. The example below shows a visualization of traffic, broken down this time by **day of week and hour of day** in an interactive heatmap: --> < !-- With this interactive heatmap, we see again that the blog is most active during weekdays. But in addition to that, we also see that it is most active from 2 p.m. to 8 p.m and calm during the night (from 11 p.m. to 9 a.m). Moreover, it seems that, so far, the highest traffic happened on Wednesdays from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. -->We have seen the traffic per day of week. The example below shows a visualization of traffic, broken down this time by day of week and hour of day in a density plot. In this plot, the device type has also been added for more insights.
## Get data by deviceCategory, day of week and hour weekly_data <- google_analytics(view_id, date_range = c(start_date, end_date), metrics = c("sessions"), dimensions = c("deviceCategory", "dayOfWeekName", "hour"), anti_sample = TRUE # slows down the request but ensures data isn't sampled ) ## Manipulation using dplyr weekly_data_sessions <- weekly_data %>% group_by(deviceCategory, dayOfWeekName, hour) ## Reordering weekly_data_sessions$dayOfWeekName to have Monday as first day of the week weekly_data_sessions$dayOfWeekName <- factor(weekly_data_sessions$dayOfWeekName, levels = c( "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday" ) ) ## Plotting using ggplot2 weekly_data_sessions %>% ggplot(aes(hour, sessions, fill = deviceCategory, group = deviceCategory)) + geom_area(position = "stack") + labs( title = "Sessions per day and time", subtitle = paste0(format(start_date, "%b %d, %Y"), " to ", format(end_date, "%b %d, %Y")), caption = "Data: Google Analytics data of statsandr.com", x = "Time", y = "Sessions", fill = "Device" # edit legend title ) + theme_minimal() + facet_wrap(~dayOfWeekName, ncol = 2, scales = "fixed") + theme( legend.position = "bottom", # move legend axis.text = element_text(size = 7) # change of axis text ) + scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::comma) # better y labels
The above plot shows that:
- traffic increases in the afternoon then declines in the late evening
- traffic is the highest from Monday to Thursday, and lowest on Saturday and Sunday
In addition to that, thanks to the additional information on the device category, we also see that:
- the number of sessions on tablet is low (it is so low compared to desktop and mobile that it is not visible on the plot), and
- the number of sessions on mobile seems to be quite stable during the entire day,
- as opposed to sessions on desktop which are highest at the end of the day.
Sessions per month and year
In the following code, we create a barplot of the number of daily sessions per month and year:
# get data df2 <- google_analytics(view_id, date_range = c(start_date, end_date), metrics = c("sessions"), dimensions = c("date"), anti_sample = TRUE # slows down the request but ensures data isn't sampled ) # add in year month columns to dataframe df2$month <- format(df2$date, "%m") df2$year <- format(df2$date, "%Y") # sessions by month by year using dplyr then graph using ggplot2 barplot df2 %>% group_by(year, month) %>% summarize(sessions = sum(sessions)) %>% # print table steps by month by year # print(n = 100) %>% # graph data by month by year ggplot(aes(x = month, y = sessions, fill = year)) + geom_bar(position = "dodge", stat = "identity") + theme_minimal() + labs( y = "Sessions", x = "Month", title = "Sessions per month and year", subtitle = paste0(format(start_date, "%b %d, %Y"), " to ", format(end_date, "%b %d, %Y")), caption = "Data: Google Analytics data of statsandr.com" ) + scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::comma) # better y labels
This barplot allows to easily see the evolution of the number of sessions over the months, and compare this evolution across different years.
At the moment, since the blog is online only since December 2019, the year factor is not relevant. However, I still present the visualization for other users who work on older websites, and also to remind my future self to create this interesting barplot when there will be data for more than a year.
< !-- ### Forecasting sessions --> < !-- You also may be interested in forecasting in order to predict, for instance, the number of daily sessions over the next weeks or months. --> < !-- The example below uses the Holt-Winters method (which uses [time-series decomposition](http://www.dartistics.com/timeseries.html#decomposition){target="_blank"}) to apply some smoothing and seasonality to the data to build a forecast that includes the likely range of values for the next 4 months (again, you can change `h = 4` to change the forecasting horizon). Notice that we specified `frequency = 7` in our time series due to the fact that there is weekly cycle in our data. -->Top performing pages
Another important factor when measuring the performance of your blog or website is the number of page views for the different pages. The top performing pages in terms of page views over the year can easily be found in Google Analytics (you can access it via Behavior > Site Content > All pages
For the interested reader, here is how to get the data in R (note that you can change n = 7
in the code to change the number of top performing pages to display):
## Make the request to GA data_fetch <- google_analytics(view_id, date_range = c(start_date, end_date), metrics = c("pageviews"), dimensions = c("pageTitle"), anti_sample = TRUE # slows down the request but ensures data isn't sampled ) ## Create a table of the most viewed posts library(lubridate) library(reactable) library(stringr) most_viewed_posts <- data_fetch %>% mutate(Title = str_trunc(pageTitle, width = 40)) %>% # keep maximum 40 characters count(Title, wt = pageviews, sort = TRUE) head(most_viewed_posts, n = 7) # edit n for more or less pages to display ## Title n ## 1 A package to download free Springer b... 85684 ## 2 Variable types and examples - Stats a... 44951 ## 3 Descriptive statistics in R - Stats a... 43621 ## 4 Outliers detection in R - Stats and R 32560 ## 5 The complete guide to clustering anal... 27184 ## 6 Correlation coefficient and correlati... 21581 ## 7 Stats and R 16786
Here is how to visualize this table of top performing pages in a barplot:
# plot top_n(most_viewed_posts, n = 7, n) %>% # edit n for more or less pages to display ggplot(., aes(x = reorder(Title, n), y = n)) + geom_bar(stat = "identity", fill = "steelblue") + theme_minimal() + coord_flip() + labs( y = "Page views", x = "Title", title = "Top performing pages in terms of page views", subtitle = paste0(format(start_date, "%b %d, %Y"), " to ", format(end_date, "%b %d, %Y")), caption = "Data: Google Analytics data of statsandr.com" ) + scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::comma) # better y labels
This gives me a good first overview on how posts performed in terms of page views, so in some sense, what people find useful. For instance, I never thought that the post illustrating the different types of variables that exist in statistics (ranked #2) would be so appreciated when I wrote it.
This is something I learned with this blog: at the time of writing, there are some posts which I think no one will care about (and which I mostly write as a personal note for myself), and others which I think people will find very useful. However, after a couple of weeks after publication, sometimes I realize that it is actually exactly the opposite.
Time-normalized page views
When it comes to comparing blog posts, however, this is not as simple.
Based on the above barplot and without any further analysis, I would conclude that my article about variable types is performing much better than the one about outliers detection in R.
However, if I tell you that the article on outliers detection has been published on August 11 and the one about variable types on December 30, you will agree that the comparison does not make much sense anymore since page views for these articles were counted over a different length of time. One could also argue that a recent article had less time to generate backlinks, so it is unfair to compare it with an old post which had plenty of time to be ranked high by Google.
< !-- A potential solution would be to analyze each post individually, so that you could make a fair comparison of how each post performed in their first week or month. Nonetheless, this process requires a large amount of manual work (for example, data that need to be manually updated via copy-paste, lots of Excel sheets, etc.) and it quickly becomes tedious if you want to compare many posts, over different periods of time and for different metrics. And more importantly, we know that manual work cannot easily be replicated on other data sets without a lot of effort and time. -->In order to make the comparison more “fair”, we would need to compare the number of page views for each post since their date of publication. The following code does precisely this:2
- it pulls daily data for a bunch of pages,
- then tries to detect their publication date,
- time-normalizes the traffic for each page based on that presumed publication date,
- and finally, plots the daily traffic from the publication date on out, as well as overall cumulative traffic for the top n pages
# figure out when a page actually launched by finding the # first day where the page had at least 2 unique pageviews first_day_pageviews_min <- 2 # exclude pages that have total traffic (daily unique pageviews) that are relatively low total_unique_pageviews_cutoff <- 500 # set how many "days since publication" we want to include in our plot days_live_range <- 180 # set number of top pages to display n <- 7 # Create a dimension filter object # You need to update the "expressions" value to be a regular expression that filters to # the appropriate set of content on your site page_filter_object <- dim_filter("pagePath", operator = "REGEXP", expressions = "/blog/.+" ) # Now, put that filter object into a filter clause. The "operator" argument can be AND # or OR...but you have to have it be something, even though it doesn't do anything # when there is only a single filter object. page_filter <- filter_clause_ga4(list(page_filter_object), operator = "AND" ) # Pull the GA data ga_data <- google_analytics( viewId = view_id, date_range = c(start_date, end_date), metrics = "uniquePageviews", dimensions = c("date", "pagePath"), dim_filters = page_filter, anti_sample = TRUE # slows down the request but ensures data isn't sampled ) # Find the first date for each post. This is actually a little tricky, so we're going to write a # function that takes each page as an input, filters the data to just include those # pages, finds the first page, and then puts a "from day 1" count on that data and # returns it. normalize_date_start <- function(page) { # Filter all the data to just be the page being processed ga_data_single_page <- ga_data %>% filter(pagePath == page) # Find the first value in the result that is greater than first_day_pageviews_min. In many # cases, this will be the first row, but, if there has been testing/previews before it # actually goes live, some noise may sneak in where the page may have been live, technically, # but wasn't actually being considered live. first_live_row <- min(which(ga_data_single_page$uniquePageviews > first_day_pageviews_min)) # Filter the data to start with that page ga_data_single_page <- ga_data_single_page[first_live_row:nrow(ga_data_single_page), ] # As the content ages, there may be days that have ZERO traffic. Those days won't show up as # rows at all in our data. So, we actually need to create a data frame that includes # all dates in the range from the "publication" until the last day traffic was recorded. There's # a little trick here where we're going to make a column with a sequence of *dates* (date) and, # with a slightly different "seq," a "days_live" that corresponds with each date. normalized_results <- data.frame( date = seq.Date( from = min(ga_data_single_page$date), to = max(ga_data_single_page$date), by = "day" ), days_live = seq(min(ga_data_single_page$date): max(ga_data_single_page$date)), page = page ) %>% # Join back to the original data to get the uniquePageviews left_join(ga_data_single_page) %>% # Replace the "NAs" (days in the range with no uniquePageviews) with 0s (because # that's exactly what happened on those days!) mutate(uniquePageviews = ifelse(is.na(uniquePageviews), 0, uniquePageviews)) %>% # We're going to plot both the daily pageviews AND the cumulative total pageviews, # so let's add the cumulative total mutate(cumulative_uniquePageviews = cumsum(uniquePageviews)) %>% # Grab just the columns we need for our visualization! select(page, days_live, uniquePageviews, cumulative_uniquePageviews) } # We want to run the function above on each page in our dataset. So, we need to get a list # of those pages. We don't want to include pages with low traffic overall, which we set # earlier as the 'total_unique_pageviews_cutoff' value, so let's also filter our # list to only include the ones that exceed that cutoff. We also select the top n pages # in terms of page views to display in the visualization. library(dplyr) pages_list <- ga_data %>% group_by(pagePath) %>% summarise(total_traffic = sum(uniquePageviews)) %>% filter(total_traffic > total_unique_pageviews_cutoff) %>% top_n(n = n, total_traffic) # The first little bit of magic can now occur. We'll run our normalize_date_start function on # each value in our list of pages and get a data frame back that has our time-normalized # traffic by page! library(purrr) ga_data_normalized <- map_dfr(pages_list$pagePath, normalize_date_start) # We specified earlier -- in the `days_live_range` object -- how many "days since publication" we # actually want to include, so let's do one final round of filtering to only include those # rows. ga_data_normalized <- ga_data_normalized %>% filter(days_live <= days_live_range)
Now that our data is ready, we create two visualizations:
- Number of page views by day since publication: this plot shows how quickly interest in a particular piece of content drops off. If it is not declining as rapidly as the other posts, it means you are getting sustained value from it
- Cumulative number of page views by day since publication: this plot can be used to compare blog posts on the same ground since number of page views is shown based on the publication date. To see which pages have generated the most traffic over time, simply look from top to bottom (at the right edge of the plot)
Note that both plots use the {plotly}
package to make them interactive so that you can mouse over a line and find out exactly what page it is (together with its values). The interactivity of the plot makes it also possible to zoom in to see, for instance, the number of page views in the first days after publication (instead of the default length of 180 days),3 or zoom in to see only the evolution of the number of page views below/above a certain threshold.
# Create first plot library(ggplot2) gg <- ggplot(ga_data_normalized, mapping = aes(x = days_live, y = uniquePageviews, color = page)) + geom_line() + # The main "plot" operation scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::comma) + # Include commas in the y-axis numbers labs( title = "Page views by day since publication", x = "Days since publication", y = "Page views", subtitle = paste0(format(start_date, "%b %d, %Y"), " to ", format(end_date, "%b %d, %Y")), caption = "Data: Google Analytics data of statsandr.com" ) + theme_minimal() + # minimal theme theme( legend.position = "none", # remove legend ) # Output the plot, wrapped in ggplotly so we will get some interactivity in the plot library(plotly) ggplotly(gg, dynamicTicks = TRUE)
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