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Advent of Code is a series of programming puzzles you can tackle to hone your coding skills each day in the run-up to Christmas.
This year I am attempting it using R, which can make some challenges easier or harder depending on whether they are more ‘computer sciencey’ or more ‘data sciencey’. Generally it makes parsing datasets easier but low-level string manipulation more fiddly.
Here are my solutions so far. Where possible, I’ve tried to strike a
balance between efficiency and readability, and to avoid using the
packages I might usually use (e.g. dplyr
) if I think it makes the
puzzle too easy.
The input data are different for each participant, so your numerical results may differ from mine.
Day 1 – Report repair
Two numbers
Find the two entries that sum to 2020, then multiply those two numbers together.
This can be a one-liner:
input <- as.integer(readLines('input01.txt')) prod(input[(2020 - input) %in% input]) [1] 468051
Three numbers
Find the three entries that sum to 2020, then multiply them together.
It might be tempting to go for a naïve solution like this:
prod(combn(input, 3)[, combn(input, 3, sum) == 2020]) [1] 272611658
It gives the right answer but involves a fair amount of unnecessary computation. It takes more than a second to run. If we assume all the inputs are non-negative, we can take advantage of this to reduce the number of operations.
. <- expand.grid(input, input[(2020 - input) > min(input)]) . <- transform(., Var3 = 2020 - Var1 - Var2) . <- subset(., Var3 > min(input)) prod(.[which.max(.$Var3 %in% input), ]) [1] 272611658
This is approximately 2000 times faster than the one-liner, and works by
successively discarding values that could only add up to more than 2020.
The .
notation is just so I can write this without using dplyr
Day 2 – Password philosophy
Number of letters
How many passwords are valid according to the policies?
1-3 a: abcde 1-3 b: cdefg 2-9 c: ccccccccc
First read in the data. I like data frames and so should you.
input <- readLines('input02.txt') passwords <- do.call(rbind, strsplit(input, '[- ]|\\: ')) passwords <- setNames(as.data.frame(passwords), c('min', 'max', 'letter', 'password')) passwords <- transform(passwords, min = as.integer(min), max = as.integer(max)) head(passwords) min max letter password 1 14 15 v vdvvvvvsvvvvvfpv 2 3 11 k kkqkkfkkvkgfknkx 3 6 10 j jjjjjjjjjj 4 5 10 s nskdmzwrmpmhsrzts 5 13 15 v vvvvvvkvvvvjzvv 6 11 13 h hhhhhbhhhhdhhh
String operations are a bit of a pain in base R so it’s easier just to
use a package, like stringi
or stringr
for this.
with(passwords, { n <- stringr::str_count(password, letter) sum(n >= min & n <= max) }) [1] 625
You could also split each password with strsplit
and count the letters
with an sapply
-type loop.
Position of letters
Now the two digits describe two indices in the password, exactly one of which must match the given letter.
with(passwords, sum(xor(substr(password, min, min) == letter, substr(password, max, max) == letter)) ) [1] 391
Initially I got caught out here, by misreading the question as ‘at least
one’ and then wondering why an inclusive or (|
) was returning the
incorrect answer.
Day 3 – Toboggan trajectory
The input looks a bit like this:
..##.........##.........##.........##.........##.........##....... ---> #...#...#..#...#...#..#...#...#..#...#...#..#...#...#..#...#...#.. .#....#..#..#....#..#..#....#..#..#....#..#..#....#..#..#....#..#. ..#.#...#.#..#.#...#.#..#.#...#.#..#.#...#.#..#.#...#.#..#.#...#.# .#...##..#..#...##..#..#...##..#..#...##..#..#...##..#..#...##..#. ..#.##.......#.##.......#.##.......#.##.......#.##.......#.##..... ---> .#.#.#....#.#.#.#....#.#.#.#....#.#.#.#....#.#.#.#....#.#.#.#....# .#........#.#........#.#........#.#........#.#........#.#........# #.##...#...#.##...#...#.##...#...#.##...#...#.##...#...#.##...#... #...##....##...##....##...##....##...##....##...##....##...##....# .#..#...#.#.#..#...#.#.#..#...#.#.#..#...#.#.#..#...#.#.#..#...#.# --->
Encountering trees
Starting at the top-left corner of your map and following a slope of right 3 and down 1, how many trees would you encounter?
input <- readLines('input03.txt')
A complicated-sounding problem but the solution is mainly mathematical.
positions <- (3 * (seq_along(input) - 1)) %% nchar(input) + 1 sum(substr(input, positions, positions) == '#') [1] 268
The sequence of positions goes 1, 4, 7, …, and when it reaches the edge of the map, loops back round to the beginning. Using the modulo operator we can use the sequence modulo the width of the input map, then add one because R indexes from one rather than from zero.
Different slopes
Simply wrap the above into a function.
trees <- function(right, down = 1) { vertical <- seq(0, length(input) - 1, by = down) + 1 horizontal <- (right * (seq_along(input) - 1)) %% nchar(input) + 1 horizontal <- head(horizontal, length(vertical)) as.double( sum(substr(input[vertical], horizontal, horizontal) == '#') ) } trees(1) * trees(3) * trees(5) * trees(7) * trees(1, 2) [1] 3093068400
The as.double
bit is necessary only because multiplying large integer
outputs together can cause an overflow when the product is larger than
Day 4 – Passport processing
The example input is in this ragged format, where keys and values are separated by colons and records are separated by double newlines. The first step is to parse this unusual data format.
ecl:gry pid:860033327 eyr:2020 hcl:#fffffd byr:1937 iyr:2017 cid:147 hgt:183cm iyr:2013 ecl:amb cid:350 eyr:2023 pid:028048884 hcl:#cfa07d byr:1929 hcl:#ae17e1 iyr:2013 eyr:2024 ecl:brn pid:760753108 byr:1931 hgt:179cm hcl:#cfa07d eyr:2025 pid:166559648 iyr:2011 ecl:brn hgt:59in input <- strsplit(readLines('input04.txt'), ' ') ids = cumsum(!lengths(input)) pairs <- lapply(strsplit(unlist(input), ':'), setNames, c('key', 'value')) passports <- data.frame(id = rep(ids, lengths(input)), do.call(rbind, pairs))
Missing fields
Now the data are in a standard format, this is a simple
split-apply-combine operation. I am using the base aggregate
but this
could be done equally well using dplyr
or data.table
required <- c('byr', 'iyr', 'eyr', 'hgt', 'hcl', 'ecl', 'pid') valid <- aggregate(key ~ id, passports, function(x) !length(setdiff(required, x))) head(valid, 10) id key 1 0 TRUE 2 1 TRUE 3 2 TRUE 4 3 TRUE 5 4 TRUE 6 5 TRUE 7 6 TRUE 8 7 FALSE 9 8 FALSE 10 9 TRUE
Then the answer is simply
sum(valid$key) [1] 190
Field validation
Thanks to the way we imported the data, this is quite straightforward. The rules are:
(Birth Year) – four digits; at least 1920 and at most 2002.iyr
(Issue Year) – four digits; at least 2010 and at most 2020.eyr
(Expiration Year) – four digits; at least 2020 and at most 2030.hgt
(Height) – a number followed by either cm or in:- If
, the number must be at least 150 and at most 193. - If
, the number must be at least 59 and at most 76.
- If
(Hair Color) – a # followed by exactly six characters0-9
(Eye Color) – exactly one of:amb
(Passport ID) – a nine-digit number, including leading zeroes.cid
(Country ID) – ignored, missing or not.
The data are all different types (integer, double and categorical) so the first step will be to spread the table to a wider format, with one row per passport, and one column for each field.
Here is a dplyr
+ tidyr
library(dplyr) library(tidyr) passports_wide <- passports %>% pivot_wider(names_from = key, values_from = value) %>% mutate(byr = as.integer(byr), iyr = as.integer(iyr), eyr = as.integer(eyr), hgt_value = as.numeric(gsub('cm|in$', '', hgt)), hgt_unit = gsub('\\d*', '', hgt)) head(passports_wide) # A tibble: 6 x 11 id iyr cid pid eyr hcl ecl byr hgt hgt_value hgt_unit <int> <int> <chr> <chr> <int> <chr> <chr> <int> <chr> <dbl> <chr> 1 0 1928 150 4761132~ 2039 a5ac0f #25f8~ 2027 190 190 "" 2 1 2013 169 9200769~ 2026 #fffffd hzl 1929 168cm 168 "cm" 3 2 2011 <NA> 3284128~ 2023 #6b5442 brn 1948 156cm 156 "cm" 4 3 2019 279 6749079~ 2020 #602927 amb 1950 189cm 189 "cm" 5 4 2015 <NA> 4736300~ 2022 #341e13 hzl 1976 178cm 178 "cm" 6 5 2020 <NA> 6281139~ 2023 #866857 blu 1984 163cm 163 "cm"
From here, we can filter out the invalid entries, using filter
passports_wide %>% filter(byr >= 1920, byr <= 2002, iyr >= 2010, iyr <= 2020, eyr >= 2020, eyr <= 2030, hgt_value >= 150 & hgt_value <= 193 & hgt_unit == 'cm' | hgt_value >= 59 & hgt_value <= 76 & hgt_unit == 'in', grepl('^#[0-9a-f]{6}$', hcl), ecl %in% c('amb', 'blu', 'brn', 'gry', 'grn', 'hzl', 'oth'), grepl('^\\d{9}$', pid)) -> valid_passports nrow(valid_passports) [1] 121
You could also use a filtering join, though since most of the fields are
ranges of integer values, you would want to use a data.table
non-equi-join rather than a simple semi_join
Day 5 – Binary boarding
Highest seat ID
This task is easy, as soon as you recognise that it is just converting
numbers from binary to decimal, where F
and L
denote ones and B
and R
are zeros. The distinction between rows and columns is a red
herring, because you can parse the whole sequence at once.
input <- readLines('input05.txt') binary <- lapply(strsplit(input, ''), grepl, pattern = '[BR]') seat_ids <- sapply(binary, function(x) sum(x * 2^(rev(seq_along(x)) - 1))) max(seat_ids) [1] 874
Finding an empty seat
Get the missing value, which isn’t the minimum or the maximum in the list.
setdiff(seq(min(seat_ids), max(seat_ids)), seat_ids) [1] 594
Day 6 – Custom customs
Questions with any ‘yes’
Count the number of unique letters in each group, where a ‘group’ is series of strings separated from others by a blank line. This is a union set operation.
input <- readLines('input06.txt') group <- cumsum(!nchar(input)) library(dplyr) responses <- data.frame(group = group[nchar(input) > 0], questions = input[nchar(input) > 0]) union <- aggregate(questions ~ group, responses, function(x) length(unique(unlist(strsplit(x, ''))))) sum(union$questions) [1] 6551
Questions with all ‘yes’
Similar, but now an intersection set operation.
intersection <- aggregate(questions ~ group, responses, function(x) length(Reduce(intersect, strsplit(x, '')))) sum(intersection$questions) [1] 3358
The solution to the first part could have used Reduce(union, ...)
which would achieve the same result as unique(unlist(...))
Both of these could be made a bit more readable using dplyr
instead. In particular, the base function aggregate
doesn’t like list-columns as inputs, so the strsplit
can’t be done
before the aggregation. This is not a problem with dplyr::summarise
library(dplyr) responses %>% mutate(questions = strsplit(questions, '')) %>% group_by(group) %>% summarise(count = Reduce(intersect, questions) %>% length) %>% pull(count) %>% sum [1] 3358 library(data.table) setDT(responses)[, questions := strsplit(questions, '')] responses[, .(count = length(Reduce(intersect, questions))), by = group][, sum(count)] [1] 3358
I will update this post as I complete future puzzles.
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