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How to integrate a typing effect in Hugo Academic

[This article was first published on R-post | Cosima Meyer, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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Have you ever wondered how to integrate a typing effect in your Hugo Academic theme easily? It shouldn’t be too difficult. That’s also what I thought when I started with it. One quick disclosure before getting started: I’ve never been professionally trained in HTML, CSS, or JS. So for someone more proficient in this field, it might seem to be a straightforward task. Here’s my approach that eventually worked for me:

  1. If you want it as an interactive effect in the “About” section (an HTML document), you will need to adjust it. I heavily relied on the great step-by-step guide by Isabella Benabaye to get a centered avatar without the biography.

  2. As a careful reader, you will just have realized that the biography section (including my education) is now missing. That’s why I added an “About me” section (again inspired by Isabella’s source code). I tweaked it a bit so that it fits my personal preferences.

  3. Now comes the typing magic! ✨ I’ve tried typed.js first but couldn’t get it working on my own site. I then discovered TypeIt.js and basically followed the guideline.

    1. Add <script src=""></script> to the top part of your about.html (stored in themes/hugo-academic/layouts/partials/widgets)
    2. Add the following part at the position where you want to have the typing effect in your about.html file: <p class="multipleStrings"></p>. This will be something like a place holder, and we still need to define what you want to include.
    3. That comes in the next step. To define multipleStrings, add the following lines of code to the bottom of the about.html file:
    new TypeIt(".multipleStrings", {
    strings: ["This is a great string.", "But here is a better one."],
    breakLines: false,
    loop: true,
    speed: 50
    1. As a last step, save the about.html and render the page.

And voilà, that’s what you get:

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