How to get Data from Different Sources in R
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The data that we want to get could be in different places and in different formats. We will provide some examples of how you can get data from different sources.
Get Data from SQL
It is very common for the data to be stored in an SQL database. We have provided an extensive example of how you can connect R with SQL.
Get csv/text Data from HTTP(s) URL
We can easily get structured data like csv
or txt
files that are under an HTTP(S) URL. I have created a public S3
bucket where I stored some dummy data called movie_metadata.csv
. Let’s see how we can get them.
myURL<-"" df<-read.csv(url(myURL))
Get/Download Data
If the data are of different formats, like .jpg
, png
, pdf
, xlsx
etc , usually, it’s better to download them in a file. Let’s see how we can do it. Note that we use the download.file
myURL<-"" download.file(myURL, destfile = "movie_metadata.csv")

Now, we have created a file called “movie_metadata.csv” in our working directory.
Get Data from JSON
On the web, most of the data are in a json
format. Let’s see how we can get them. We need the httr
library(httr) # Get the url url <- "" resp <- GET(url) # Store it to myresults myresults<-content(resp) myresults
Notice that in the content
function you can define the type like raw
, application/json
Get Data from S3 to R
You can also get data from S3 provided that you know the access_key_id
and the secret_access_key
. You will need to work with the aws.s3
library(aws.s3) Sys.setenv("AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID" = "xxxxxxx", "AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY" = "xxxxxxx") # you need your path and your bucket obj <- get_object("path", bucket = "my_bucket") df=read.csv(text = rawToChar(obj), sep=",", header = FALSE)
Get Data from Hive to R
Assume that your data are stored in Hive under Hadoop. You need to download the RJDBC
and rJava
Then you can follow these steps:
library(RJDBC) library(rJava) #start VM .jinit() # set the maximum memory options(java.parameters = "-Xmx8000m") # add classpath for(l in list.files('/opt/hivejdbc/')){ .jaddClassPath(paste("/opt/hivejdbc/",l,sep=""))} #load driver drv <- JDBC("com.cloudera.hive.jdbc4.HS2Driver","/opt/hivejdbc/HiveJDBC4.jar", identifier.quote="`") conn <- dbConnect(drv, "jdbc:hive2://path/my_data_base", "username", "password") # show_databases <- dbGetQuery(conn, "show databases") my_table <- dbGetQuery(conn, "select * from my_data_base.my_table") offers daily e-mail updates about R news and tutorials about learning R and many other topics. Click here if you're looking to post or find an R/data-science job.
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