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We recently read two blog posts from Robot Wealth and FOSS Trading on calculating rolling pairwise correlations for the constituents of an S&P 500 sector index. Both posts were very interesting and offered informative ways to solve the problem using different packages in R: tidyverse or xts. We’ll use those posts as a launchpad to explore the rolling correlation concept with respect to forecasting returns. But we’ll be using Python to do a lot of the heavy lifting. However, as this blog is produced using blogdown, it will be wrapped in the reticulate package.
If all that package talk is gobbley gook, don’t worry; our goal, as always, is to present the data and results in a format that doesn’t require familiarity with R or Python. If you are familiar and you want to see how we produced the results, you’ll find the code at the end of the post.
One further administrative point, you can now subscribe to the blog via the button at the top right. If there any glitches in the initial subscription, please bear with us, as this is a work in progress. We added this functionality because we’ve had requests for the subscription option, so this should help keep you abreast of new content. At the moment, we post two to four articles a month. We’d love to post more, but job and life get in the way. Enough admin stuff. Let’s get to the data!
It’s an old saw among traders that correlations go to one in bear markets. In other words, when the fit hits the shan, most stocks move the in the same direction—down—which yields high positive correlation. But other factors make correlations increase too. When there’s a lot of uncertainty around key macroeconomic or political variables or factors that affect the discount rate, then the performance and outlook for individual companies often matters less, and correlations rise. But randomness and noise could be factors too. The main question then is, do changes in correlations offer any predictive value?
Unlike the posts mentions above, for this post, we’ll use the constituents of XLI, an ETF offered by State Street Global Advisors meant to track companies in the S&P 500 that fall within the sector known as “industrials”. We’ll start off pulling the data since 2005. We’ll then split the data into the traditional train and test sets with the cut-off at about mid-2015 (about 70% of the data). We then calculate the average pairwise correlation for the constituents on a rolling 60-trading day window, roughly equivalent to three-months. Using that data we’ll compare the constituent correlations to the actual ETF. Clearly, there’s survivorship and weighting bias, but let’s crawl before we sprint. Here’s a graph of the rolling correlation.
Before we move on to modeling, we want to show one more graph. Here we look at the rolling correlations again but, compare them to the forward rolling three-month return. In other words, we’re comparing the average correlation among all the stocks over the last three months against the endpoint return three months hence.
Metric | Results |
RMSE | 0.014 |
RMSE scaled | 1.000 |
We like to show a scaled RMSE because even though RMSE’s are useful when comparing models, the absolute number doesn’t always give you much information if you don’t know the basis. How much of an error does the model represent relative to what was observed? In this case, we see that that model’s error might only be less than 1.5% points. But that amount is almost 100% of the daily average variation. While that might seem atrocious, recall that correlation was never negative and the regression coefficient was positive too. Hence, getting the direction wrong has a sizable impact on the error rate, even if we’ve mitigated it somewhat by using standard deviation instead of the average return to scale the RMSE.
Let’s now look at the error relative to prediction to get a sense of how much the variability of error changes with the model’s prediction. We want this error to appear random and within a defined boundary—think cloud rather than lightning.
Metric | Results |
RMSE | 0.097 |
RMSE scaled | 0.991 |
The RMSE increases, but that’s most likely because three-month returns tend to be greater and one-day returns. We see the scaled RSMSE is about the same as in the previous model. We graph the error vs. the prediction below.
What have we learned so far?
Spikes in a simple average of three-month rolling pairwise correlations of the members of the S&P 500 industrials sector coincide with declines in the underlying index.
This rolling correlation also exhibits some relationship with returns of varying lengths in the index.
A linear model used to describe the relationship between the rolling correlation and one-day or three-month forward returns doesn’t do that great of job given its relatively high error rate, whose variability is also pretty unstable.
Given these findings, what’s the plan?
We could apply different models that handle the changing variability of error to see if those algorithms explain the relationships better.
Instead of assuming rolling correlations predict returns, we could examine whether they predict environments, such as bear, mean-reverting, or trending markets.
Instead of using an aggregate correlation figure, we could break the pairs into quantiles to describe the relationship of future returns relative to the index or each other.
We could weight the pairwise correlations by market cap or some other factor. The simple average we’re using implies equal weighting, which means it may be giving more or less weight to stocks that don’t drive the underlying index’s returns to the same degree.
We haven’t decided which avenue to pursue, but if you have a preference, or, don’t want to read another thing about correlations, email us at nbw dot osm at gmail. Until next time, here’s the code behind the above. And please subscribe!
# Built using R 3.6.2 & Python 3.7.4 # Since this post uses both R and Python. We'll distinguish them in the code below by [R] or [Python] ### [R] ## Load packages suppressPackageStartupMessages({ library(tidyquant) library(tidyverse) library(reticulate) # development version }) # Allow variables in one python chunk to be used by other chunks. knitr::knit_engines$set(python = reticulate::eng_python) ### [Python] ## Load libraries import numpy as np import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib import os os.environ['QT_QPA_PLATFORM_PLUGIN_PATH'] = 'C:/Users/user_name/Anaconda3/Library/plugins/platforms' # This last bit of code resolve a "QT" error we couldn't figure out. Depending on enviroment, you'll probablybe ussing a differnt path # Note: Although many users recommend using use_condaenv(), that gave us a not recognized error. So we omitted it without any issues. plt.style.use('ggplot') ## Load prices # Get tickers url = "https://www.ssga.com/library-content/products/fund-data/etfs/us/holdings-daily-us-en-xli.xlsx" tickers = pd.read_excel(url, skiprows=4) ticker_list = list(tickers['Ticker'][:66]) ticker_list = [ticker.replace(".", "-") for ticker in ticker_list] ticker_list = [ticker for ticker in ticker_list if ticker not in ["OTIS", "CARR"]] # Download prices start_date = "2005-01-01" end_date = "2019-12-31" try: prices = pd.read_pickle('xli_prices.pkl') print('Data loaded') except FileNotFoundError: print("Data not found. Downloading...") prices = dr.DataReader(ticker_list,"yahoo", start_date, end_date) prices.to_pickle('xli_prices.pkl') ## Create return df returns = prices.pct_change()[1:] ## Create correlation function def mean_cor(df): corr_df = df.corr() np.fill_diagonal(corr_df.values, np.nan) return np.nanmean(corr_df.values) cor_df = pd.DataFrame(index = returns.index[60:]) cor_df['corr'] = [mean_cor(returns.iloc[i-60:i,:]) for i in range(60,len(returns))] ## Create training df tr_idx = round(len(cor_df)*.7) train = cor_df[:tr_idx] test = cor_df[tr_idx:] ## Plot correlation train.plot(color = "darkblue") plt.xlabel("") plt.ylabel("Correlation") plt.title("Rolling three-month correlation among S&P 500 industrials") plt.show() ## Stats train_mean = np.round(train['corr'].mean(),2)*100 train_max = np.round(train['corr'].max(),2)*100 train_min = np.round(train['corr'].min(),2)*100 train_09_max = np.round(train.loc["2009",'corr'].max(),2)*100 ## Load XLI prices start_date = "2005-01-01" end_date = "2019-12-31" xli = dr.DataReader("XLI", "yahoo", start_date, end_date)['Adj Close'] xli_ret = xli.pct_change()[1:] xli_df = pd.DataFrame(xli_ret) xli_df.columns = ['return'] ## Merge XLI with train df train = pd.merge(train, xli_df, how="left", on = 'Date') train['cum_ret'] = (1+train['return']).cumprod() ## Graph correlations and index train_graf = train.copy() train_graf.columns = ['Correlation', 'Return','Cumulative return'] ax = (train_graf[['Correlation','Cumulative return']]*100).plot(secondary_y = ['Correlation'], color=['darkblue','black'], mark_right = False) ax.set_ylabel("Return") ax.right_ax.set_ylabel('Correlation') ax.set_xlabel("") plt.title("Rolling correlation vs. cumulative return S&P 500 industrials sector") plt.show() ## Create forward return dfs xli_30 = xli.pct_change(20).shift(-20) xli_90 = xli.pct_change(60).shift(-60) ## Gragh correlation vs three-month foward return train_graf['Return'] = xli_90['2005-04-01':'2015-07-29'].values ax = (train_graf[['Return', 'Correlation']]*100).plot(secondary_y = ['Correlation'], color=['black', 'darkblue'], mark_right = False) ax.set_ylabel("Return (%)") ax.right_ax.set_ylabel('Correlation (%)') ax.set_xlabel("") lines = ax.get_lines() + ax.right_ax.get_lines() ax.legend(lines, [l.get_label() for l in lines], loc='upper left') ax.set_title('Rolling correlation vs. next 90-day return S&P 500 industrials') plt.show() ## Run linear regression from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error X_train = train['corr'].values.reshape(-1,1)[:-1] y_train = train['return'].shift(-1).values[:-1] lin_reg = LinearRegression() lin_reg.fit(X_train,y_train) pred = lin_reg.predict(X_train) rmse = np.sqrt(mean_squared_error(y_train, pred)) rmse_sc = rmse/np.std(y_train) ### [R] ## Create df to print error stats data.frame(Metric = c("RMSE", "RMSE scaled"), Results = c(py$rmse, py$rmse_sc)) %>% mutate(Results = round(Results, 3)) %>% knitr::kable() ### [Python] ## Graph error vs. prediction error = y_train - pred plt.figure() plt.scatter(pred*100, error*100, color='darkblue', alpha=0.4) plt.xlabel("Prediction (%)") plt.ylabel("Error (%)") plt.axhline(0, color='red') plt.title("Residual analysis scatter plot"); ## Run regression on three-month forward return X_train = train['corr'].values.reshape(-1,1)[:-1] y_train = xli_90['2005-04-01':'2015-07-29'].values[:-1] lin_reg = LinearRegression() lin_reg.fit(X_train,y_train) pred = lin_reg.predict(X_train) rmse = np.sqrt(mean_squared_error(y_train, pred)) rmse_sc = rmse/np.std(y_train) ### [R] ## Create df to print error stats data.frame(Metric = c("RMSE", "RMSE scaled"), Results = c(py$rmse, py$rmse_sc)) %>% mutate(Results = round(Results, 3)) %>% knitr::kable() ### [Python] ## Graph error vs predictions on three-month model error = y_train - pred plt.figure() plt.scatter(pred*100, error*100, color='darkblue', alpha=0.4) plt.xlabel("Prediction (%)") plt.ylabel("Error (%)") plt.axhline(0, color='red') plt.title("Residual analysis scatter plot for three-month forward returns");
Most of the companies are influenced by the same macro factors↩
Each company would need to move in a different direction from the majority of the others—something difficult when there are only two directions: up or down!↩
Indeed, a Breusch-Pagan test reveals a heteroscedastic relationship with a p-value less than 0.05.↩
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