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In August I published first an animation of the spreading of SARS-CoV-2 in Germany.
Some days ago I found a similar visualization for Austria by Matthias Schnetzer. But he uses a different scale. His worst colour is for 150 incidents per 100,000 residents during the last 7 days. (I used 50 as last value of the scale.)
He also provides a link to his code He uses a little different way for plotting. So I thought I should update my animation using his way.
Getting the data
I’m using data from RKI. I’m processing it the same way I do within my shiny app.
Meta data for each Landkreis
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library(tidyverse) library(rlang) library(lubridate) library(geojsonio) library(zoo) library(gganimate) library(ggmap) # Maximum values for plotting max_infections <- 50 max_delta_infections <- 15 cache_filename <- "raw-data.Rda" get_meta_data_landkreise <- function(force = FALSE) { landkreise_meta_filename <- "landkreise_meta.Rda" if(!file.exists(landkreise_meta_filename) | force) { url_landkreise_full <- "https://opendata.arcgis.com/datasets/917fc37a709542548cc3be077a786c17_0.csv" data_landkreise_detail <- read_csv(url_landkreise_full) landkreise <- data_landkreise_detail %>% select(Landkreis = county, IdLandkreis = RS, Bevoelkerung = EWZ, Bundesland = BL) %>% unique() save(landkreise, file = landkreise_meta_filename) } else { load(landkreise_meta_filename) } return(landkreise) } |
Geo data of all Landkreise
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get_geo_data <- function() { # https://public.opendatasoft.com/explore/dataset/landkreise-in-germany/download/?format=geojson&timezone=Europe/Berlin&lang=en landkreise_geo <- geojson_read("landkreise-in-germany.geojson", what = "sp" ) landkreise_geo@data <- landkreise_geo@data %>% mutate( cca_2 = if_else(cca_2 == "03152", "03159", cca_2), # fix for Göttingen cca_2 = if_else(cca_2 == "03156", "03159", cca_2) # fix for Göttingen ) %>% select(cca_2) # Landkreisteile von Göttingen vereinen landkreise_geo <- raster::aggregate(landkreise_geo, by = 'cca_2') # Berlin: https://github.com/funkeinteraktiv/Berlin-Geodaten berlin_geo <- geojson_read("berlin_bezirke.geojson", what = "sp") berlin_geo@data <- berlin_geo@data %>% mutate(cca_2 = as.character(11000 + cartodb_id)) %>% select(cca_2) # Combine landkreise and bezirke of Berlin landkreise_geo <- rbind(landkreise_geo, berlin_geo) landkreise_geo <- landkreise_geo %>% sf::st_as_sf() return(landkreise_geo) } |
Here is a little difference to my shiny app: I convert the geodata into Multipolygons
with the function sf::st_as_sf()
. So the resulting data_frame after merging
the geodata and the corona data has a lot less rows.
Loading all data
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get_initial_landkreis_data <- function(force_refresh = FALSE) { if (file.exists(cache_filename) & force_refresh == FALSE) { load(cache_filename) # refetch <- (data_landkreise_detail_converted %>% pull(MeldedatumKlar) %>% max()) < Sys.Date() - days(1) force_refresh <- FALSE } else{ force_refresh <- TRUE } # Refresh only every hour if (force_refresh && file.exists(cache_filename)) { if(difftime(Sys.time() , file.info(cache_filename)$ctime , units = "mins") < 60) { force_refresh <- FALSE load(cache_filename) } } if(force_refresh) { Sys.setlocale(category = "LC_ALL", locale = "de_DE.UTF-8") # url_rki <- "https://opendata.arcgis.com/datasets/dd4580c810204019a7b8eb3e0b329dd6_0.csv" url_rki <- "https://www.arcgis.com/sharing/rest/content/items/f10774f1c63e40168479a1feb6c7ca74/data" data_landkreise_detail_converted <- read_csv(url_rki) %>% mutate( Meldedatum = as.Date( strptime(Meldedatum, format = "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S") ), Datenstand = as.Date( strptime(Datenstand, format = "%d.%m.%Y, %H:%M Uhr") ) ) save(data_landkreise_detail_converted, file = cache_filename) } data_landkreise_per_day <- data_landkreise_detail_converted %>% filter(NeuerFall %in% c(1, 0)) %>% complete(Meldedatum = seq(min(Meldedatum), max(Meldedatum), by = "day"), IdLandkreis, fill = list(AnzahlFall = 0, NeuerFall = 1)) %>% group_by(IdLandkreis, Meldedatum) %>% summarize( infected = sum(AnzahlFall) ) %>% ungroup() %>% complete(Meldedatum, IdLandkreis, fill = list(infected = 0)) %>% arrange(Meldedatum) %>% group_by(IdLandkreis) %>% mutate( infected_7 = rollsum(infected, 7, fill = NA, align = "right"), infected_7_before = rollsum(lag(infected, n = 7), 7, fill = NA, align = "right"), delta_7 = infected_7 - infected_7_before, gesamt = cumsum(infected) ) %>% left_join(landkreise) %>% mutate( infected_7_per_100k = round(infected_7 / Bevoelkerung * 100000, 1), delta_7_per_100k = round(delta_7 / Bevoelkerung * 100000, 1) ) %>% mutate( infected_7_per_100k_fill = if_else(infected_7_per_100k < 0, 0, infected_7_per_100k), infected_7_per_100k_fill = if_else(infected_7_per_100k > max_infections, max_infections + 1, infected_7_per_100k_fill), delta_7_per_100k_fill = if_else(delta_7_per_100k > max_delta_infections, max_delta_infections + 1, delta_7_per_100k), delta_7_per_100k_fill = if_else(delta_7_per_100k < -max_delta_infections, -max_delta_infections - 1, delta_7_per_100k_fill), ) return(data_landkreise_per_day) } landkreise <- get_meta_data_landkreise() geo <- get_geo_data() corona <- get_initial_landkreis_data(force_refresh = TRUE) %>% ungroup() %>% mutate(infected_7_per_100k = replace_na(infected_7_per_100k, 0)) |
Merging the geo data and corona data
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mapdata <- geo %>% left_join(corona, by = c("cca_2" = "IdLandkreis")) %>% select(cca_2, Landkreis, Meldedatum, infected_7_per_100k, geometry) %>% filter(Meldedatum >= ymd("2020-02-01")) |
Plotting and animation
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anim <- mapdata %>% ggplot() + geom_sf(aes(fill = infected_7_per_100k), size = 0.3) + scale_fill_gradientn(colours=c("green","yellow","orange","red","dark red"), limits=c(0,150), na.value = "dark red", labels = c("0", "50", "100", ">150")) + guides(fill=guide_colourbar(title = NULL, barwidth = 15, barheight = .5)) + theme_bw() + theme(legend.position = "bottom", axis.text = element_blank()) + labs(title = "Entwicklung der Covid-Fälle seit Februar 2020", subtitle = "7-Tage-Inzidenz pro 100.000 Einwohner - Datum: {frame_time}", caption = "Grafik: @rstats_tips") + transition_time(Meldedatum) gif <- gganimate::animate(anim, nframes = length(unique(mapdata$Meldedatum)) + 30, fps = 10, end_pause = 30, res = 150, unit = "in", width = 6, height = 5) gif anim_save("covid-D-2.gif", animation = gif) |
Waiting for approx. 90 minutes I get the result:
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