10 Must-Know Tidyverse Functions: #1 – relocate()

[This article was first published on business-science.io, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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Let’s learn how relocate, a new function that speeds up column arrangements.

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Tidyverse relocate() Tutorial

Today we are covering a new R function available in dplyr 1.0.0

Change Column Order

Select vs Relocate

First, let’s compare the 2 column reordering functions: select() and relocate()

select vs relocate 1

Select is like filter() but for columns. We just get the columns that we specify.

select vs relocate 2

Relocate is like arrange() for columns. It keeps all of the columns, but provides much more flexibility for reordering. Notice how all of the columns are returned.

select vs relocate 3

With relocate(), we can take advantage of special tidy-selectors including last_col() with an offset to provide very specific relocation patterns.

select vs relocate 4

Congrats – You’ve just zapped that data.


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