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by H D Vinod and K Theiss
library(sampleSelection) library(margins) library(dplyr) ##Pull Data Cumulative_Deaths=read.csv("Cumulative Deaths.csv") Cumulative_Infections=read.csv("Cumulative Infections.csv") Covid=read.csv("Covid_0615.csv") ##clean data Covid$State.Abbreviation<-Covid$STA Final_Dataset<-merge(Covid,Cumulative_Deaths,by="State.Abbreviation") Data<-merge(Final_Dataset,Cumulative_Infections,by="State.Abbreviation") 2020/06/15: First Step Probit Model myprobit<-glm(TI~HES+CPT+UI+HR+HI, family=binomial(link="probit"),data=Data) ##TI is Testing Indicator (i.e. 1 for tested and 0 for not tested) ##HES is Hospital Employee Share ##CPT is portion of population that Commutes on Public Transit ##UI in Uninsured Population ##HR is Hypertension Rate (one of the leading comorbidities) #HI is Household Income summary(myprobit) ## ## Call: ## glm(formula = TI ~ HES + CPT + UI + HR + HI, family = binomial(link = "probit"), ## data = Data) ## ## Deviance Residuals: ## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max ## -0.7296 -0.3849 -0.3553 -0.3376 2.5180 ## ## Coefficients: ## Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|) ## (Intercept) -2.4319390 0.0636110 -38.231 < 2e-16 *** ## HES 0.0663127 0.0081659 8.121 4.64e-16 *** ## CPT 0.0193450 0.0004345 44.523 < 2e-16 *** ## UI -0.0070335 0.0009966 -7.058 1.69e-12 *** ## HR 0.0198518 0.0011021 18.012 < 2e-16 *** ## HI 0.0021614 0.0004608 4.690 2.73e-06 *** ## --- ## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 ## ## (Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1) ## ## Null deviance: 254187 on 499999 degrees of freedom ## Residual deviance: 250590 on 499994 degrees of freedom ## AIC: 250602 ## ## Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 5 2020/06/15: Probit Model Marginal Effects #Marginal Effects of probit model effects_pro=margins(myprobit) #print(effects_pro) summary(effects_pro) 1 CPT 0.0025685341 5.801388e-05 44.274475 0.000000e+00 0.0024548290 0.0026822392 2 HES 0.0088046672 1.084429e-03 8.119170 4.693813e-16 0.0066792246 0.0109301098 3 HI 0.0002869787 6.119577e-05 4.689519 2.738481e-06 0.0001670372 0.0004069203 4 HR 0.0026358250 1.465264e-04 17.988742 2.387156e-72 0.0023486386 0.0029230114 5 UI -0.0009338730 1.323531e-04 -7.055923 1.714593e-12 -0.0011932802 -0.0006744657 5 rows 2020/06/15: Extract inverse Mills ratio from probit model ##Compute inverse Mills ratio from probit model usine 'invMillsRatio' command from the 'sampleSelection' package. IMR=invMillsRatio(myprobit,all=FALSE) Data$IMR<-invMillsRatio(myprobit)$IMR1 ##create table of IMR values by state IMR.Index=cbind(as.character(Data$State.Abbreviation),Data$IMR) IMR_table=distinct(data.frame(IMR.Index)) 2020/06/15: Second Step Heckman Equation (i.e. with IMR) ##GLM with Poisson distribution to estimate cumulative deaths based on the log of cumulative infections from the previous week, as well as the IMR. ##Use 'glm' command with 'family=poisson(link="log")' ##Only ran the model on individuals who were tested (i.e. TI = 1). ##CD is "Cumulative Deaths" ##CI is "Cumulative Infections" glm_IMR_0615_CD<-glm(X20200615_CD~log(X20200608_CI)+IMR,family=poisson(link="log"), data=subset(Data,TI==1)) fig-out-of-sample-all #Compute fitted values for each state Tested_Individuals<-subset(Data,TI==1) Fitted_CD_IMR=fitted(glm_IMR_0615_CD) Fitted_CD=fitted(glm_0615_CD) Results_Table=cbind(as.character(Tested_Individuals$State.Abbreviation),Tested_Individuals$X20200622_CI, Tested_Individuals$X20200622_CD,Tested_Individuals$X20200615_CD,Fitted_CD_IMR,Fitted_CD, Tested_Individuals$IMR) #Pull fitted value for each state Final_Results=distinct(data.frame(Results_Table)) View(Final_Results) Assessing Nation-wide Forecast #Compare fitted values with in-sample (2020/06/15) and out-of-sample (2020/06/22) actual deaths Actual_Infections_Out_Sample=sum(as.numeric(Final_Results[,2])) Actual_Deaths_Out_Sample=sum(as.numeric(Final_Results[,3])) Predict_Deaths_IMR=sum(as.numeric(Final_Results$Fitted_CD_IMR)) Predict_Deaths_no_IMR=sum(as.numeric(Final_Results$Fitted_CD)) Out_of_sample_per_diff_CD_IMR=(Predict_Deaths_IMR-Actual_Deaths_Out_Sample)/Actual_Deaths_Out_Sample Out_of_sample_per_diff__CD_no_IMR=(Predict_Deaths_no_IMR-Actual_Deaths_Out_Sample)/Actual_Deaths_Out_Sample Actual_Deaths_In_Sample=sum(as.numeric(Final_Results[,4])) In_sample_per_diff_CD_IMR=(Predict_Deaths_IMR-Actual_Deaths_In_Sample)/Actual_Deaths_In_Sample In_sample_per_diff_CD_no_IMR=(Predict_Deaths_no_IMR-Actual_Deaths_In_Sample)/Actual_Deaths_In_Sample print(rbind(Actual_Deaths_In_Sample,In_sample_per_diff_CD_IMR,In_sample_per_diff_CD_no_IMR)) ## [,1] ## Actual_Deaths_In_Sample 1.098220e+05 ## In_sample_per_diff_CD_IMR 4.064085e-03 ## In_sample_per_diff_CD_no_IMR -4.705036e-02 print(rbind(Actual_Infections_Out_Sample,Actual_Deaths_Out_Sample,Predict_Deaths_no_IMR, Out_of_sample_per_diff_CD_IMR,Out_of_sample_per_diff__CD_no_IMR)) ## [,1] ## Actual_Infections_Out_Sample 2.290489e+06 ## Actual_Deaths_Out_Sample 1.139440e+05 ## Predict_Deaths_no_IMR 1.046548e+05 ## Out_of_sample_per_diff_CD_IMR -3.225860e-02 ## Out_of_sample_per_diff__CD_no_IMR -8.152394e-02 In all nine cases using IMR bias correction improves out-of-sample forecasts of Covid-19 deaths in US as a whole cbind(Week,IMR_Perc_Diff,Without_IMR_Perc_Diff) ## Week IMR_Perc_Diff Without_IMR_Perc_Diff ## [1,] 1 -25.27 -26.96 ## [2,] 2 -21.61 -22.50 ## [3,] 3 -17.66 -18.73 ## [4,] 4 -12.14 -13.78 ## [5,] 5 -9.38 -11.28 ## [6,] 6 -7.25 -9.70 ## [7,] 7 -5.53 -9.01 ## [8,] 8 -3.94 -8.03
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