Focal quadrics and their lines of curvature
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This blog post provides some R code for drawing focal quadrics and their
curvatures lines with the rgl
The ellipsoidMesh
function below generates a mesh of the
ellipsoid of equation
library(rgl) ellipsoidMesh <- function(a, b, c, smoothness = 5){ stopifnot(a > 0, b > 0, c > 0) sphere <- subdivision3d(icosahedron3d(), depth = smoothness) sphere$vb[4L,] <- apply(sphere$vb[1L:3L,], 2L, function(x) sqrt(sum(x*x))) sphere$normals <- sphere$vb scale3d(sphere, a, b, c) }
The curvature lines of this ellipsoid are generated by the function
given below. There are two families of
curvature lines. The arguments nu
control the numbers of curvature lines in these two
families. When the ellipsoid is tri-axial, i.e. when
c are distinct, the arguments
and dv
must be positive and they control
the size of the smallest curvature lines (if they were
0, the smallest curvature lines
would degenerate to segments). When the ellipsoid is an ellipsoid of
revolution, i.e. when two values of
c are equal, the curvature lines
are the meridians and the parallels; in this case, du
ignored, and dv
, which must be positive and strictly
smaller than π2, control
the size of the smallest parallel.
curvatureLinesE <- function(a, b, c, nu, nv, du, dv, npoints = 100){ stopifnot(a > 0, b > 0, c > 0) if((a != b && b != c) && (a < b || b < c)){ perm <- order(c(a,b,c), decreasing = TRUE) abc <- c(a,b,c)[perm] clines <- curvatureLinesE(abc[1L], abc[2L], abc[3L], nu, nv, du, dv, npoints) return(lapply(clines, function(l) l[, perm])) } if(a != b && b != c){ stopifnot(du > 0, dv > 0) a2 <- a^2; b2 <- b^2; c2 <- c^2 h2ab <- a2 - b2; h2ac <- a2 - c2; h2bc <- b2 - c2 if(du >= h2ab) stop("`du` is too large.") if(dv >= h2bc) stop("`dv` is too large.") out <- vector("list", 2*nv-1 + 2*nu-1) u_ <- seq(b2+du, a2, length.out = nu) s_ <- seq(b2, a2, length.out = npoints) v_ <- seq(c2, b2-dv, length.out = nv) t_ <- seq(c2, b2, length.out = npoints) mx <- a / sqrt(h2ac*h2ab) my <- b / sqrt(h2bc*h2ab) mz <- c / sqrt(h2bc*h2ac) for(j in 1L:nv){ x <- mx * sqrt((a2-s_)*(a2-v_[j])) y <- my * sqrt((s_-b2)*(b2-v_[j])) z <- mz * sqrt((s_-c2)*(v_[j]-c2)) M <- rbind(cbind(x, y, z), cbind(-x, y, z)[(npoints-1):1L,]) M <- rbind(M, cbind(M[,1L], -M[,2L], M[,3L])[(2*npoints-2):1L,]) out[[j]] <- M if(j > 1L){ out[[nv+j-1]] <- cbind(M[,c(1L,2L)], -M[,3L]) } } for(i in 1L:nu){ x <- mx * sqrt((a2-u_[i])*(a2-t_)) y <- my * sqrt((u_[i]-b2)*(b2-t_)) z <- mz * sqrt((u_[i]-c2)*(t_-c2)) M <- rbind(cbind(x, y, z), cbind(x, -y, z)[(npoints-1):1L,]) M <- rbind(M, cbind(M[,c(1L,2L)], -M[,3L])[(2*npoints-2):1L,]) out[[2*nv-1+i]] <- M if(i < nu){ out[[2*nv-1+nu+i]] <- cbind(-M[,1L], M[,c(2L,3L)]) } } }else{ # a == b || b == c # surface of revolution => curvature lines are meridians and parallels stopifnot(dv > 0, dv < pi/2) out <- vector("list", nu + nv) u_ <- seq(0, 2*pi, length.out = nu+1)[-1L] s_ <- seq(0, 2*pi, length.out = npoints) v_ <- seq(-pi/2+dv, pi/2-dv, length.out = nv) t_ <- seq(-pi, pi, length.out = npoints) coss_ <- cos(s_); sins_ <- sin(s_) cost_ <- cos(t_); sint_ <- sin(t_) for(j in 1L:nv){ x <- a * coss_ * cos(v_[j]) y <- b * sins_ * cos(v_[j]) z <- c * sin(v_[j]) out[[j]] <- cbind(x, y, z) } for(i in 1L:nu){ x <- a * cos(u_[i]) * cost_ y <- b * sin(u_[i]) * cost_ z <- c * sint_ out[[nv+i]] <- cbind(x, y, z) } } out }
Here is an example:
a = 7; b = 5; c = 3 mesh <- ellipsoidMesh(a, b, c) clines <- curvatureLinesE(a, b, c, nu = 5, nv = 5, du = 0.4, dv = 1, npoints = 300) shade3d(mesh, col = "springgreen") invisible(lapply(clines, function(l){ shade3d(cylinder3d(l, radius = 0.08, sides = 30)) }))
One-sheeted hyperboloid
There are three types of one-sheeted hyperboloids, corresponding to
these equations:
function below generates a mesh of the
one-sheeted hyperboloid; the signature
argument corresponds
to one of the above equations, it must be "++-"
or "-++"
. The mesh is made of
quadrilaterals and their number is controlled by the arguments
and nv
. The hyperboloid is infinite along
the direction corresponding to the minus sign, and the argument
controls the truncation of the hyperboloid in this
hyperboloidMesh <- function(a, b, c, signature, nu, nv, vmin){ stopifnot(signature %in% c("++-", "+-+", "-++")) stopifnot(vmin < 1, a > 0, b > 0, c > 0) if(signature == "+-+"){ mesh <- hyperboloidMesh(a, c, b, "++-", nu, nv, vmin) mesh$vb <- mesh$vb[c(1L,3L,2L,4L),] mesh$normals <- mesh$normals[c(1L,3L,2L),] mesh$ib <- mesh$ib[4L:1L,] return(mesh) }else if(signature == "-++"){ mesh <- hyperboloidMesh(c, b, a, "++-", nu, nv, vmin) mesh$vb <- mesh$vb[c(3L,2L,1L,4L),] mesh$normals <- mesh$normals[c(3L,2L,1L),] mesh$ib <- mesh$ib[4L:1L,] return(mesh) } c0 <- c if(b > a){ exchange <- TRUE a0 <- b; b0 <- a }else{ exchange <- FALSE a0 <- a; b0 <- b } Mu2 <- a0^2 h2ab <- Mu2 - b0^2; h2ac <- c0^2 + Mu2 c2 <- 1; a2 <- c2 + h2ac; b2 <- a2 - h2ab h2bc <- b2 - c2 # vertices <- Normals <- matrix(NA_real_, nrow = 3L, ncol = nu*nv) indices <- matrix(NA_integer_, nrow = 4L, ncol = (nu-1)*(nv-1)) v_ <- seq(vmin, c2, length.out = nv) # if(a0 != b0){ u_ <- seq(b2, a2, length.out = nu) x <- a0 / sqrt(h2ac*h2ab) * sqrt(a2-u_) y <- b0 / sqrt(h2bc*h2ab) * sqrt(u_-b2) z <- c0 / sqrt(h2bc*h2ac) * sqrt(u_-c2) }else{ u_ <- seq(0, 2*pi, length.out = nu+1)[-1L] z <- rep(c0/sqrt(h2ac), nu) mxy <- a0 / sqrt(h2ac) x <- mxy * cos(u_) y <- mxy * sin(u_) } for(i in 1:nu){ for(j in 1:nv){ P <- vertices[, (i-1)*nv+j] <- c( x[i] * sqrt(a2-v_[j]), y[i] * sqrt(b2-v_[j]), z[i] * sqrt(c2-v_[j]) ) Normals[, (i-1)*nv+j] <- c(P[1L]/a0^2, P[2L]/b0^2, -P[3L]/c0^2) } } # quads for(i in 1L:(nu-1)){ im1 <- i-1L for(j in 1L:(nv-1)){ jp1 <- j+1L quad <- c(im1*nv+j, im1*nv+jp1, i*nv+jp1, i*nv+j) indices[, im1*(nv-1)+j] <- if(exchange) rev(quad) else quad } } vertices <- cbind(vertices, c(-1,1,1) * vertices) indices <- cbind(indices, indices[4L:1L,] + nu*nv) Normals <- cbind(Normals, c(-1,1,1) * Normals) vertices <- cbind(vertices, c(1,-1,1) * vertices) indices <- cbind(indices, indices[4L:1L,] + 2*nu*nv) Normals <- cbind(Normals, c(1,-1,1) * Normals) vertices <- cbind(vertices, c(1,1,-1) * vertices) indices <- cbind(indices, indices[4L:1L,] + 4*nu*nv) Normals <- cbind(Normals, c(1,1,-1) * Normals) mesh <- qmesh3d( vertices = if(exchange) vertices[c(2L,1L,3L),] else vertices, indices = indices, homogeneous = FALSE, normals = t(if(exchange) Normals[c(2L,1L,3L),] else Normals) ) mesh }
The curvatureLinesH1
function below generates some
curvature lines of the one-sheeted hyperboloid. There are two families
of curvature lines and the desired numbers of lines in them are
controlled by the arguments nu
and nv
curvatureLinesH1 <- function(a, b, c, signature = "++-", nu, nv, vmin, npoints = 100){ stopifnot(signature %in% c("++-", "+-+", "-++")) stopifnot(vmin < 1, a > 0, b > 0, c > 0) if(signature == "+-+"){ clines <- curvatureLinesH1(a, c, b, "++-", nu, nv, vmin, npoints) return(lapply(clines, function(l) l[,c(1L,3L,2L)])) }else if(signature == "-++"){ clines <- curvatureLinesH1(c, b, a, "++-", nu, nv, vmin, npoints) return(lapply(clines, function(l) l[,c(3L,2L,1L)])) } c0 <- c if(b > a){ exchange <- TRUE a0 <- b; b0 <- a }else{ exchange <- FALSE a0 <- a; b0 <- b } Mu2 <- a0^2 h2ab <- Mu2 - b0^2; h2ac <- c0^2 + Mu2 c2 <- 1; a2 <- c2 + h2ac; b2 <- a2 - h2ab h2bc <- b2 - c2 # v_ <- seq(vmin, c2, length.out = nv) t_ <- seq(vmin, c2, length.out = npoints) # if(a0 != b0){ u_ <- seq(b2, a2, length.out = nu) s_ <- seq(b2, a2, length.out = npoints) mx <- a0 / sqrt(h2ac*h2ab) my <- b0 / sqrt(h2bc*h2ab) mz <- c0 / sqrt(h2bc*h2ac) out <- vector("list", 2*nv + 4*nu - 5) for(j in 1L:nv){ x <- mx * sqrt((a2-s_)*(a2-v_[j])) y <- my * sqrt((s_-b2)*(b2-v_[j])) z <- mz * sqrt((s_-c2)*(c2-v_[j])) M <- rbind(cbind(x, y, z), cbind(-x, y, z)[(npoints-1):1L,]) M <- rbind(M, cbind(M[,1L], -M[,2L], M[,3L])[(2*npoints-2):1L,]) out[[j]] <- M if(j < nv){ out[[nv+j]] <- cbind(M[,c(1L,2L)], -M[,3L]) } } for(i in 1L:nu){ x <- mx * sqrt((a2-u_[i])*(a2-t_)) y <- my * sqrt((u_[i]-b2)*(b2-t_)) z <- mz * sqrt((u_[i]-c2)*(c2-t_)) M <- rbind(cbind(x, y, z), cbind(x, y, -z)[(npoints-1):1L,]) out[[2*nv-1+i]] <- M if(i < nu){ out[[2*nv-1+nu+i]] <- cbind(-M[,1L], M[,c(2L,3L)]) if(i>1L) out[[2*nv+3*nu+i-4]] <- cbind(-M[,c(1L,2L)], M[,3L]) } if(i > 1L){ out[[2*nv+2*nu+i-3]] <- cbind(M[,1L], -M[,2L], M[,3L]) } } }else{ # a0 = b0 u_ <- seq(0, 2*pi, length.out = nu+1)[-1L] s_ <- seq(0, 2*pi, length.out = npoints) coss_ <- cos(s_); sins_ <- sin(s_) mxy <- a0 / sqrt(h2ac) mz <- c0 / sqrt(h2bc) out <- vector("list", 2*nv + 4*nu - 5) for(j in 1L:nv){ x <- mxy * sqrt(a2-v_[j]) * coss_ y <- mxy * sqrt(b2-v_[j]) * sins_ z <- mz * sqrt(c2-v_[j]) M <- cbind(x, y, z) out[[j]] <- M if(j < nv){ out[[nv+j]] <- cbind(M[,c(1L,2L)], -M[,3L]) } } r <- mxy * sqrt(a2-t_) z <- mz * sqrt(c2-t_) for(i in 1L:nu){ x <- r * cos(u_[i]) y <- r * sin(u_[i]) M <- rbind(cbind(x, y, z), cbind(x, y, -z)[(npoints-1):1L,]) out[[2*nv-1+i]] <- M if(i < nu){ out[[2*nv-1+nu+i]] <- cbind(-M[,1L], M[,c(2L,3L)]) if(i>1L) out[[2*nv+3*nu+i-4]] <- cbind(-M[,c(1L,2L)], M[,3L]) } if(i > 1L){ out[[2*nv+2*nu+i-3]] <- cbind(M[,1L], -M[,2L], M[,3L]) } } } if(exchange){ out <- lapply(out, function(M){ M[, c(2L,1L,3L)] }) } out }
Here is an example:
sgntr = "++-" a = 4; b = 6; c = 5 mesh <- hyperboloidMesh(a, b, c, sgntr, nu = 100, nv = 100, vmin = -150) clines <- curvatureLinesH1(a, b, c, sgntr, nu = 5, nv = 5, vmin = -150) shade3d(mesh, color = "chartreuse4", back = "culled") shade3d(mesh, color = "yellow", front = "culled") invisible(lapply(clines, function(l){ shade3d(cylinder3d(l, radius = 0.1, sides = 30)) }))
Two-sheeted hyperboloid
There are three types of two-sheeted hyperboloids, corresponding to
these equations:
function below generates a
mesh of the two-sheeted hyperboloid; the signature
corresponds to one of the above equations, it must be
, "--+"
or "-+-"
. The mesh
is made of quadrilaterals and their number is controlled by the
arguments nu
and nv
. The two-sheeted
hyperboloid is infinite and the argument vmin
is here to
control its truncation.
twoSheetsHyperboloidMesh <- function(a, b, c, signature, nu, nv, vmin){ stopifnot(signature %in% c("+--", "--+", "-+-")) stopifnot(vmin < 1) if(signature == "--+"){ mesh <- twoSheetsHyperboloidMesh(c, b, a, "+--", nu, nv, vmin) mesh$vb <- mesh$vb[c(3L,2L,1L,4L),] mesh$normals <- mesh$normals[c(3L,2L,1L),] mesh$ib <- mesh$ib[4L:1L,] return(mesh) }else if(signature == "-+-"){ mesh <- twoSheetsHyperboloidMesh(b, a, c, "+--", nu, nv, vmin) mesh$vb <- mesh$vb[c(2L,1L,3L,4L),] mesh$normals <- mesh$normals[c(2L,1L,3L),] mesh$ib <- mesh$ib[4L:1L,] return(mesh) } a0 <- a if(b > c){ exchange <- TRUE b0 <- c; c0 <- b }else{ exchange <- FALSE b0 <- b; c0 <- c } Nu2 <- a0^2 h2ab <- b0^2 + Nu2; h2ac <- c0^2 + Nu2 c2 <- 1; a2 <- c2 + h2ac; b2 <- a2 - h2ab h2bc <- b2 - c2 # vertices <- Normals <- matrix(NA_real_, nrow = 3L, ncol = nu*nv) indices <- matrix(NA_integer_, nrow = 4L, ncol = (nu-1)*(nv-1)) v_ <- seq(vmin, c2, length.out = nv) # if(b0 != c0){ u_ <- seq(c2, b2, length.out = nu) x <- a0 / sqrt(h2ac*h2ab) * sqrt(a2-u_) y <- b0 / sqrt(h2bc*h2ab) * sqrt(b2-u_) z <- c0 / sqrt(h2bc*h2ac) * sqrt(u_-c2) }else{ u_ <- seq(0, 2*pi, length.out = nu+1)[-1L] x <- rep(a0/sqrt(h2ac), nu) myz <- b0 / sqrt(h2ab) y <- myz * cos(u_) z <- myz * sin(u_) } for(i in 1:nu){ for(j in 1:nv){ P <- vertices[, (i-1)*nv+j] <- c( x[i] * sqrt(a2-v_[j]), y[i] * sqrt(b2-v_[j]), z[i] * sqrt(c2-v_[j]) ) Normals[, (i-1)*nv+j] <- c(P[1L]/a0^2, -P[2L]/b0^2, -P[3L]/c0^2) } } # quads for(i in 1L:(nu-1)){ im1 <- i-1L for(j in 1L:(nv-1)){ jp1 <- j+1L quad <- c(im1*nv+j, im1*nv+jp1, i*nv+jp1, i*nv+j) indices[, im1*(nv-1)+j] <- if(exchange) rev(quad) else quad } } vertices <- cbind(vertices, c(-1,1,1) * vertices) indices <- cbind(indices, indices[4L:1L,] + nu*nv) Normals <- cbind(Normals, c(-1,1,1) * Normals) vertices <- cbind(vertices, c(1,-1,1) * vertices) indices <- cbind(indices, indices[4L:1L,] + 2*nu*nv) Normals <- cbind(Normals, c(1,-1,1) * Normals) vertices <- cbind(vertices, c(1,1,-1) * vertices) indices <- cbind(indices, indices[4L:1L,] + 4*nu*nv) Normals <- cbind(Normals, c(1,1,-1) * Normals) mesh <- qmesh3d( vertices = if(exchange) vertices[c(1L,3L,2L),] else vertices, indices = indices, homogeneous = FALSE, normals = -t(if(exchange) Normals[c(1L,3L,2L),] else Normals) ) mesh }
The curvatureLinesH2
function below generates some
curvature lines of the two-sheeted hyperboloid. The role of the
arguments du
and dv
is similar to the role of
the arguments du
and dv
curvatureLinesH2 <- function(a, b, c, signature, nu, nv, vmin, du, dv, npoints = 100){ stopifnot(signature %in% c("+--", "--+", "-+-")) stopifnot(du > 0, dv > 0, vmin < 1) if(signature == "--+"){ clines <- curvatureLinesH2(c, b, a, "+--", nu, nv, vmin, du, dv, npoints) return(lapply(clines, function(l) l[, c(3L,2L,1L)])) }else if(signature == "-+-"){ clines <- curvatureLinesH2(b, a, c, "+--", nu, nv, vmin, du, dv, npoints) return(lapply(clines, function(l) l[, c(2L,1L,3L)])) } a0 <- a if(b > c){ exchange <- TRUE b0 <- c; c0 <- b }else{ exchange <- FALSE b0 <- b; c0 <- c } Nu2 <- a0^2 h2ab <- b0^2 + Nu2; h2ac <- c0^2 + Nu2 c2 <- 1; a2 <- c2 + h2ac; b2 <- a2 - h2ab h2bc <- b2 - c2 # if(b0 != c0 && c2+du >= b2){ stop("`du` is too large.") } if(vmin >= c2-dv){ stop("`dv` is too large") } v_ <- seq(vmin, c2-dv, length.out = nv) t_ <- seq(vmin, c2, length.out = npoints) out <- vector("list", 2*nv + 4*nu - 2) # if(b0 != c0){ u_ <- seq(c2+du, b2, length.out = nu) s_ <- seq(c2, b2, length.out = npoints) mx <- a0 / sqrt(h2ac*h2ab) my <- b0 / sqrt(h2bc*h2ab) mz <- c0 / sqrt(h2bc*h2ac) for(j in 1L:nv){ x <- mx * sqrt((a2-s_)*(a2-v_[j])) y <- my * sqrt((b2-s_)*(b2-v_[j])) z <- mz * sqrt((s_-c2)*(c2-v_[j])) M1 <- rbind(cbind(x, y, z), cbind(x, -y, z)[(npoints-1):1L,]) M2 <- cbind(M1[,c(1L,2L)], -M1[,3L]) M <- rbind(M1, M2[(2*npoints-2):1L,]) out[[j]] <- if(exchange) M[,c(1L,3L,2L)] else M out[[nv+j]] <- cbind(-M[,1L], if(exchange) M[,c(3L,2L)] else M[,c(2L,3L)]) } for(i in 1L:nu){ x <- mx * sqrt((a2-u_[i])*(a2-t_)) y <- my * sqrt((b2-u_[i])*(b2-t_)) z <- mz * sqrt((u_[i]-c2)*(c2-t_)) M <- rbind(cbind(x, y, z), cbind(x, y, -z)[(npoints-1):1L,]) out[[2*nv+i]] <- if(exchange) M[,c(1L,3L,2L)] else M if(i < nu){ out[[2*nv+nu+i]] <- if(exchange) cbind(M[,c(1L,3L)], -M[,2L]) else cbind(M[,1L], -M[,2L], M[,3L]) } } }else{ # b0 = c0 u_ <- seq(0, 2*pi, length.out = nu+1)[-1L] s_ <- seq(0, 2*pi, length.out = npoints) mx <- a0 / sqrt(h2ac) myz <- b0 / sqrt(h2ab) for(j in 1:nv){ x <- mx * sqrt(a2-v_[j]) y <- myz * sqrt(b2-v_[j]) * cos(s_) z <- myz * sqrt(c2-v_[j]) * sin(s_) M <- cbind(x, y, z) out[[j]] <- if(exchange) M[,c(1L,3L,2L)] else M out[[nv+j]] <- cbind(-M[,1L], if(exchange) M[,c(3L,2L)] else M[,c(2L,3L)]) } for(i in 1:nu){ x <- mx * sqrt(a2-t_) y <- myz * sqrt(b2-t_) * cos(u_[i]) z <- myz * sqrt(c2-t_) * sin(u_[i]) M <- rbind(cbind(x, y, z), cbind(x, -y, -z)[(npoints-1):1L,]) out[[2*nv+i]] <- if(exchange) M[,c(1L,3L,2L)] else M if(i < nu){ out[[2*nv+nu+i]] <- if(exchange) cbind(M[,c(1L,3L)], -M[,2L]) else cbind(M[,1L], -M[,2L], M[,3L]) } } } # out[(2*nv+2*nu):(2*nv+4*nu-2)] <- lapply(out[(2*nv+1):(2*nv+2*nu-1)], function(M){ cbind(-M[,1L], M[,c(2L,3L)]) }) out }
An example:
a = 6; b = 5; c = 3 sgntr = "-+-" mesh <- twoSheetsHyperboloidMesh(a, b, c, sgntr, 100, 100, vmin = -500) clines <- curvatureLinesH2(a, b, c, sgntr, nu = 5, nv = 5, vmin = -500, du = 1, dv = 20, npoints = 300) shade3d(mesh, color = "navyblue", back = "culled") shade3d(mesh, color = "goldenrod", front = "culled") invisible(lapply(clines, function(l){ shade3d(cylinder3d(l, radius = 0.2, sides = 30)) }))
General quadric
A general quadric in
R3 has equation
A = matrix(c( 5, -1, -1, -1, 3, 1, -1, 1, -3 ), nrow = 3L, ncol = 3L) J = c(4, 6, 8) K = -10 # computes spectral decomposition of A eig <- eigen(A) P <- eig$vectors ( evalues <- eig$values ) ## [1] 5.614627 2.632676 -3.247303
There is no eigenvalue equal to 0; this is the first necessary condition in order for the solution of the equation to be a focal quadric.
Now we write the equation in the form
center <- c(t(J) %*% P) / evalues / 2 ( rhs <- sum(evalues * center^2) - K ) ## [1] 11.5
( sgntr <- paste0(ifelse(rhs*evalues > 0, "+", "-"), collapse = "") ) ## [1] "++-"
We find rhs≠0, so the solution of the equation is a focal quadric. If rhs=0, the solution is a cone.
The signature is ++−, so the solution of the equation is a one-sheeted hyperboloid. By dividing both members of the previous equality by rhs, we get its equation in standard form.
abc <- sqrt(abs(rhs/evalues)) a <- abc[1]; b <- abc[2]; c <- abc[3] mesh0 <- hyperboloidMesh(a, b, c, sgntr, 100, 100, -5) # final quadric mesh: mesh <- rotate3d( translate3d(mesh0, -center[1], -center[2], -center[3]), matrix = t(P) )
We can check that the equation is fulfilled for some vertices of the final mesh:
apply(mesh$vb[-4, 1:5], 2L, function(x){ c(t(x) %*% A %*% x + t(J) %*% x) + K }) ## [1] 5.684342e-14 7.105427e-14 4.973799e-14 4.973799e-14 4.263256e-14
Up to small numerical errors, we indeed get 0 for each of the five vertices. offers daily e-mail updates about R news and tutorials about learning R and many other topics. Click here if you're looking to post or find an R/data-science job.
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