Europe COVID-19 death map
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# Europe COVID-19 deaths animated map # # data European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control # packages ---------------------------------------------------------------- library(tidyverse) library(httr) library(fs) library(sf) library(readxl) library(janitor) library(glue) library(tmap) library(grid) library(classInt) library(magick) # + btb, raster, fasterize, plyr # sources ----------------------------------------------------------------- # covid_file <- "covid_eu.csv" covid_url <- "" countries_file <- "ne_50m_admin_0_countries.shp" countries_url <- "" # config ------------------------------------------------------------------ radius <- 600000 # smoothing radius (m) pixel <- 100000 # grid resolution (m) force_download <- FALSE # download even if already downloaded today ? #' Kernel weighted smoothing with arbitrary bounding area #' #' @param df sf object (points) #' @param field weight field in the df #' @param bandwidth kernel bandwidth (map units) #' @param resolution output grid resolution (map units) #' @param zone sf study zone (polygon) #' @param out_crs EPSG (should be an equal-area projection) #' #' @return a raster object #' @import btb, raster, fasterize, dplyr, plyr, sf lissage <- function(df, field, bandwidth, resolution, zone, out_crs = 3035) { if (st_crs(zone)$epsg != out_crs) { message("reprojecting data...") zone <- st_transform(zone, out_crs) } if (st_crs(df)$epsg != out_crs) { message("reprojecting study zone...") df <- st_transform(df, out_crs) } zone_bbox <- st_bbox(zone) # grid generation message("generating reference grid...") zone_xy <- zone %>% dplyr::select(geometry) %>% st_make_grid( cellsize = resolution, offset = c(plyr::round_any(zone_bbox[1] - bandwidth, resolution, f = floor), plyr::round_any(zone_bbox[2] - bandwidth, resolution, f = floor)), what = "centers") %>% st_sf() %>% st_join(zone, join = st_intersects, left = FALSE) %>% st_coordinates() %>% as_tibble() %>% dplyr::select(x = X, y = Y) # kernel message("computing kernel...") kernel <- df %>% cbind(., st_coordinates(.)) %>% st_set_geometry(NULL) %>% dplyr::select(x = X, y = Y, field) %>% btb::kernelSmoothing( dfObservations = ., sEPSG = out_crs, iCellSize = resolution, iBandwidth = bandwidth, vQuantiles = NULL, dfCentroids = zone_xy ) # rasterization message("\nrasterizing...") raster::raster( xmn = plyr::round_any(zone_bbox[1] - bandwidth, resolution, f = floor), ymn = plyr::round_any(zone_bbox[2] - bandwidth, resolution, f = floor), xmx = plyr::round_any(zone_bbox[3] + bandwidth, resolution, f = ceiling), ymx = plyr::round_any(zone_bbox[4] + bandwidth, resolution, f = ceiling), resolution = resolution ) %>% fasterize::fasterize(kernel, ., field = field) } # download data ------------------------------------------------------------ if (!dir_exists("data")) dir_create("data") if (!dir_exists("results")) dir_create("results") if (!dir_exists("results/animation_eu")) dir_create("results/animation_eu") if (!file_exists(path("data", covid_file)) | file_info(path("data", covid_file))$modification_time < Sys.Date() | force_download) { GET(covid_url, progress(), write_disk(path("data", covid_file), overwrite = TRUE)) %>% stop_for_status() } if (!file_exists(path("data", countries_file))) { dl <- file_temp() GET(countries_url, progress(), write_disk(dl)) %>% stop_for_status() unzip(dl, exdir = "data") } # data -------------------------------------------------------------------- # some countries doesn't have data for the latest days ; we fill with latest # data covid <- read_csv(path("data", covid_file), col_types = cols(dateRep = col_date(format = "%d/%m/%Y"))) %>% clean_names() %>% complete(countryterritory_code, date_rep) %>% replace_na(list(deaths = 0)) %>% group_by(countryterritory_code) %>% arrange(date_rep) %>% mutate(deaths_cum = cumsum(deaths)) # keep only europen countries minus Russia and adding TUR and CYP # remove overseas territories, reproject in LAEA countries <- read_sf(path("data", countries_file)) %>% clean_names() %>% filter(continent == "Europe" & iso_a3_eh != "RUS" | iso_a3_eh %in% c("TUR", "CYP")) %>% st_cast("POLYGON") %>% st_set_crs(4326) %>% st_join(c(xmin = -20, xmax = 35, ymin = 35, ymax = 70) %>% st_bbox() %>% st_as_sfc() %>% st_as_sf() %>% st_set_crs(4326), left = FALSE) %>% group_by(iso_a3_eh) %>% summarise(geometry = st_combine(geometry)) %>% st_transform(3035) # pretreatment ----------------------------------------------------------- # mask to generate grid : union all countries unioned_countries_file <- "data/eu.rds" if (!file_exists(unioned_countries_file)) { unioned_countries <- countries %>% st_union() %>% st_sf() %>% write_rds(unioned_countries_file) } else { unioned_countries <- read_rds(unioned_countries_file) } # join countries/data for a specific date create_df <- function(territory, date = NULL) { covid %>% filter(date_rep == if_else(is.null(date), max(date_rep), date)) %>% right_join(countries, by = c("countryterritory_code" = "iso_a3_eh")) %>% st_as_sf() %>% st_point_on_surface() %>% drop_na(deaths_cum) %>% st_as_sf() } covid_geo <- create_df(countries) # smoothing for last date --------------------------------------------------- # deaths d <- covid_geo %>% lissage("deaths_cum", radius, pixel, unioned_countries) # population p <- covid_geo %>% lissage("pop_data2018", radius, pixel, unioned_countries) # grid per 100000 inhab death_pop <- d * 100000 / p # carto ------------------------------------------------------------------- # classification for last date to be reused in animation set.seed(1234) classes <- classIntervals(raster::values(death_pop), n = 6, style = "kmeans", dataPrecision = 0)$brks # animation --------------------------------------------------------------- image_animation <- function(date) { message(glue("\n\n{date}\n==========\n")) m <- create_df(countries, date) %>% lissage("deaths_cum", radius, pixel, unioned_countries) %>% magrittr::divide_by(p) %>% magrittr::multiply_by(100000) %>% tm_shape() + tm_raster(title = glue("deaths per 100 000 inhab."), style = "fixed", breaks = classes, palette = "viridis", legend.format = list(text.separator = "to less than", digits = 0), legend.reverse = TRUE) + tm_layout(title = glue("COVID-19 - Europe\ncumulative as of {date}"), legend.position = c("right", "top"), frame = FALSE) + #tm_shape(countries, bbox = death_pop) + #tm_borders() + tm_credits(glue(" bisquare kernel smoothing {radius / 1000} km on {pixel / 1000} km grid classif. kmeans, LAEA Europe projection data European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control / map Naturalearth"), size = .5, position = c(.5, .025)) message("saving map...") tmap_save(m, glue("results/animation_eu/covid_eu_{date}.png"), width = 800, height = 800, scale = .4,) } covid %>% filter(date_rep >= "2020-03-15") %>% pull(date_rep) %>% unique() %>% walk(image_animation) animation <- glue("results/deaths_covid19_eu_{max(covid$date_rep)}.gif") dir_ls("results/animation_eu") %>% map(image_read) %>% image_join() %>% #image_scale("500x500") %>% image_morph(frames = 1) %>% image_animate(fps = 2, optimize = TRUE) %>% image_write(animation)
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