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A comma-separated values (CSV) file is a delimited text file that generally uses a comma to separate values. A CSV file stores tabular data (numbers and text) in plain text. Each line of the file is a data record. Each record consists of one or more fields, separated by the delimiter. CSV is a common data exchange format that is widely supported by consumer, business, and scientific applications. R makes it easy to export and import data in CSV format.
Local Files
Export data to a csv file
data("mtcars") # load the mtcars dataset write.csv(mtcars, file = 'mtcars.csv') # export to file
Import data from a csv file
x <- read.csv('mtcars.csv') # read file head(x) # print data ## X mpg cyl disp hp drat wt qsec vs am gear carb ## 1 Mazda RX4 21.0 6 160 110 3.90 2.620 16.46 0 1 4 4 ## 2 Mazda RX4 Wag 21.0 6 160 110 3.90 2.875 17.02 0 1 4 4 ## 3 Datsun 710 22.8 4 108 93 3.85 2.320 18.61 1 1 4 1 ## 4 Hornet 4 Drive 21.4 6 258 110 3.08 3.215 19.44 1 0 3 1 ## 5 Hornet Sportabout 18.7 8 360 175 3.15 3.440 17.02 0 0 3 2 ## 6 Valiant 18.1 6 225 105 2.76 3.460 20.22 1 0 3 1
Remote Files
Some data providers offer data in csv format on their website. The STOXX website, a financial index provider, is one of these. Open this link for the EURO STOXX 50 Index: tab Data -> Historical Data provides some open source files for histroical prices. Clicking on EUR Price will open this link. The read.csv()
function can read this file directly from the internet.
# read.csv is very flexible. For the full list of arguments type ?read.csv x <- read.csv('https://www.stoxx.com/document/Indices/Current/HistoricalData/h_3msx5e.txt', sep = ';') head(x) ## Date Symbol Indexvalue X ## 1 17.02.2020 SX5E 3853.27 NA ## 2 18.02.2020 SX5E 3836.54 NA ## 3 19.02.2020 SX5E 3865.18 NA ## 4 20.02.2020 SX5E 3822.98 NA ## 5 21.02.2020 SX5E 3800.38 NA ## 6 24.02.2020 SX5E 3647.98 NA rownames(x) <- as.Date(x[,1], format = '%d.%m.%Y') # assign rownames x[,c(1,ncol(x))] <- NULL # drop the first and last column head(x) # print data ## Symbol Indexvalue ## 2020-02-17 SX5E 3853.27 ## 2020-02-18 SX5E 3836.54 ## 2020-02-19 SX5E 3865.18 ## 2020-02-20 SX5E 3822.98 ## 2020-02-21 SX5E 3800.38 ## 2020-02-24 SX5E 3647.98
R Packages
The ‘quantmod’ Package
The quantmod
package provides a very suitable function for downloading financial data from the web. This function is called getSymbols
. The function works with a variety of sources.
# install the package install.packages('quantmod') # load the package require(quantmod)
For stocks and shares, the yahoo
source is used. Symbols can be found here.
# retrieve Facebook quotes x <- getSymbols(Symbols = 'FB', src = 'yahoo', auto.assign = FALSE) tail(x) ## FB.Open FB.High FB.Low FB.Close FB.Volume FB.Adjusted ## 2020-05-08 212.24 213.21 210.85 212.35 12524000 212.35 ## 2020-05-11 210.89 215.00 210.37 213.18 12893100 213.18 ## 2020-05-12 213.29 215.28 210.00 210.10 14704600 210.10 ## 2020-05-13 209.43 210.78 202.11 205.10 20684600 205.10 ## 2020-05-14 202.56 206.93 200.69 206.81 17178900 206.81 ## 2020-05-15 205.27 211.34 204.12 210.88 19375200 210.88
For currencies and metals, the oanda
source is used. Symbols are the instruments’ ISO codes separated by /
. ISO codes can be found here.
# retrieve the historical euro/dollar exchange rate x <- getSymbols(Symbols = 'EUR/USD', src = 'oanda', auto.assign = FALSE) tail(x) ## EUR.USD ## 2020-05-10 1.083770 ## 2020-05-11 1.082472 ## 2020-05-12 1.083412 ## 2020-05-13 1.084142 ## 2020-05-14 1.080206 ## 2020-05-15 1.081265
For economics series, the FRED
source is used. Symbols can be found here.
# retrieve the historical Gross Domestic Product for Japan x <- getSymbols(Symbols = 'JPNNGDP', src = 'FRED', auto.assign = FALSE) tail(x) ## JPNNGDP ## 2018-07-01 545545.2 ## 2018-10-01 546737.7 ## 2019-01-01 552687.8 ## 2019-04-01 555954.0 ## 2019-07-01 558237.1 ## 2019-10-01 549920.9
An Application Program Interface (API) is basically a messenger that takes a request, tells a system what you want to do and then returns the response back to you. A RESTful API is an API that uses HTTP requests to GET, PUT, POST and DELETE data. The httr
R package is a useful tool for working with HTTP. Each API has its very specific usage and documentation.
# install the package install.packages('httr') # load the package require(httr)
CRAN downloads
The API of the CRAN downloads database. Documentation available here
Example. Which was the most downloaded package of the last month?
baseurl <- 'https://cranlogs.r-pkg.org/' # API base url. See documentation endpoint <- 'top/' # API endpoint. See documentation period <- 'last-month/' # API parameter. See documentation count <- 1 # API parameter. See documentation url <- paste0(baseurl, endpoint, period, count) # build full url x <- GET(url) # retrieve url data <- content(x) # extract data data # print data ## $start ## [1] "2020-04-15T00:00:00.000Z" ## ## $end ## [1] "2020-05-14T00:00:00.000Z" ## ## $downloads ## $downloads[[1]] ## $downloads[[1]]$package ## [1] "magrittr" ## ## $downloads[[1]]$downloads ## [1] "3889492"
The most downloaded package between 2020-04-15 and 2020-05-14 was magrittr with a total of 3889492 downloads.
KuCoin API
The API of KuCoin, cryptocurrency exchange. Documentation available here
Example. Retrieve and plot Bitcoin price every minute in the last 24 hours.
# set GMT timezone. See documentation Sys.setenv(TZ='GMT') # API base url. See documentation baseurl <- 'https://api.kucoin.com' # API endpoint. See documentation endpoint <- '/api/v1/market/candles' # today and yesterday in seconds today <- as.integer(as.numeric(Sys.time())) yesterday <- today - 24*60*60 # API parameters. See documentation param <- c(symbol = 'BTC-USDT', type = '1min', startAt = yesterday, endAt = today) # build full url. See documentation url <- paste0(baseurl, endpoint, '?', paste(names(param), param, sep = '=', collapse = '&')) # retrieve url x <- GET(url) # extract data x <- content(x) data <- x$data # formatting data <- sapply(1:length(data), function(i) { # extract single candle candle <- as.numeric(data[[i]]) # formatting. See documentation return( c(time = candle[1], open = candle[2], close = candle[3], high = candle[4], low = candle[5]) ) }) # convert to xts datetime <- as.POSIXct(data[1,], origin = '1970-01-01') data <- xts(t(data[-1,]), order.by = datetime) # plot closing values plot(data$close, main = 'Bitcoin price in dollars')
Web Scraping
Web scraping is a technique for converting the data present in unstructured format (HTML tags) over the web to the structured format which can easily be accessed and used. The rvest
package is a useful tool to scrape information from web pages.
# install the package install.packages('rvest') # load the package require(rvest)
Example. Write a function to retrieve articles from Google Scholar given a generic query string q
getArticles <- function(q){ # build url url <- paste0('https://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&q=', q) # sanitize url url <- URLencode(url) # get results res <- read_html(url) %>% # get url html_nodes('div.gs_ri h3 a') %>% # select titles by css selector html_text() # extract text # return results return(res) } # retrieve articles about web scraping in r getArticles('web scraping in r') ## [1] "Automated data collection with R: A practical guide to web scraping and text mining" ## [2] "Web Scraping With R" ## [3] "RCrawler: An R package for parallel web crawling and scraping" ## [4] "Web scraping with Python: Collecting more data from the modern web" ## [5] "Web scraping and Naïve Bayes classification for job search engine" ## [6] "Web scraping with Python" ## [7] "A primer on theory-driven web scraping: Automatic extraction of big data from the Internet for use in psychological research." ## [8] "The use of web-scraping software in searching for grey literature" ## [9] "R in Action" ## [10] "Web scraping techniques to collect data on consumer electronics and airfares for Italian HICP compilation"
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