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Creating an API for 4.2M texts with tidytext, RSQLite, dbplyr and plumber

[This article was first published on R on Residuals for Breakfast, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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This project came about during Hack for Sweden 2019. Our team was busy trying to develop an idea for allowing people to get external validation for their skill sets, for finding jobs. One of the parts of this project was that we wanted to make it possible to decide which skills would improve one’s employability to the greatest extent. In Sweden, there are several excellent resources for doing this.

My idea was to be able to search for one or more skills, and then see which other skills were most likely to co-occur in the same adverts. To give an example: imagine someone were to be a painter. We would want to figure out what other things they should work on in order to maximise their employability.

To operationalise this idea, we want to select those adverts which contained one or more terms, and then see which other terms occur most often in those adverts. This sounded like a really easy task, but it turned out to be more difficult than imagined with such a large dataset, and gave me a really great opportunity to mess around with a bunch of tools I’ve never had the opportunity to play with before.

Disclaimer: This case study follows my learning about creating databases and building an API. It catalogues my dabbling – but my design choices could almost definitely be improved upon. I’d advise looking elsewhere for a definitive and/or well-reasoned guide on how (and especially why) to do these things.



Open Data

I mentioned that there were several open data goodies that we could: these come from JobTech – a branch of Arbetsförmedlingen, the national job agency. Let’s go through them and load them up. I’ll start by loading some sample data and playing around with it a little bit to prototype the general idea, and then building our production system.

Historical Job Postings

The first of these datasets are the historical job postings. So downloaded the data from 2013 to 2017 (the most recent), and unzipped the files into a folder that I’ll call rawdatapath, and I’ll put the derived data into deriveddatapath. After unzipping, we get a big JSON file for each year.

Let’s load up the data from 2013 to play around with first.

rawdatapath <- "../RawData"
deriveddatapath <- "../DerivedData"

To load the data from the JSON file, it isn’t quite a normal JSON file: it’s in the Newline delimited JSON (NDJSON) format. So we can’t use the usual jsonlite::fromJSON, but rather the jsonlite::stream_in() command.

read_and_save <- function(year) {
  indat <- jsonlite::stream_in(file(glue("{rawdatapath}/{year}.json")), 
                               pagesize=1000) %>% 
    bind_rows() %>% 
    mutate(id = paste(year, "_", 1:nrow(.), sep=""))
  saveRDS(indat, glue('{deriveddatapath}/jobads_{year}.rds'), 
          compress = FALSE)


Note that I use compress=FALSE. This is because it makes the saving and loading of the rds file much faster. Note that I also load and save, and then load the faster file, and I divide the chunks: this is so that I can run the slow conversion chunk with eval=FALSE after doing it the first time to increase the speed of re-running the notebook.

jobads <- readRDS(glue('{deriveddatapath}/jobads_2013.rds'))

Job Ontologies

The second of these data sources is the job ontologies. This is the result of heroic work by the developers at JobTech to extract a list of skills from all of these job postings. We can download the terms and save them into our raw data folder, then load and save as an uncompressed rds as above.

terms <- read_csv2(glue("{rawdatapath}/termer_koncept_kompetens.csv")) %>% 
  select(word=term, concept)

saveRDS(terms, file = glue("{deriveddatapath}/terms.rds"))

I’ve kept the word and concept columns. The concept column is what the word should have been, i.e. if the adverts misspelled something, or specified it in an unusual way (“actionscript 3” vs “action script 3”). So we’ll aim to replace the words with the concepts later on.

terms <- readRDS(glue("{deriveddatapath}/terms.rds"))


Let’s first see if we can get a basic version of what we would like working.


First, we want to prepare everything and make it as simple as possible to use. For text data, it’s always a good idea to bring everything to lowercase.

jobads <- jobads %>% 
  select(id, text=PLATSBESKRIVNING) %>% 
  mutate(text = stringr::str_to_lower(text)) 

terms <- terms %>% 
  mutate(word = stringr::str_to_lower(word),
         concept = stringr::str_to_lower(concept))

Extracting the terms

Now let’s turn the jobads into terms. I made the mistake at the start of trying to find the specific terms from all the text of the adverts using regex, which was unbelievably slow, and would have taken days.

Instead, I found that using tidytext::unnest_tokens() was substantially quicker, and then we could simply filter by the terms from the ontologies. However, it takes up a lot of memory to do this. So I made another convenience function to chunk everything into chunks of 500 adverts, so that we can unnest and filter within each chunk, and then bind it all up at the end. This was much faster, and much easier on the memory.

chunk_it_up <- function(.data, chunksize) {
  chunks <- ceiling(nrow(.data) / chunksize)
  chunkvec <- rep(1:chunks, each=chunksize)
  chunkvec <- chunkvec[1:nrow(.data)]

jobads <- jobads %>% 
  mutate(chunk = chunk_it_up(., 500)) %>% 
  group_by(chunk) %>% 

And now let’s extract the terms from each advert, chunk by chunk, and then replace the terms by the concepts.

text2terms <- function(data) {
  data <- data %>% 
    unnest_tokens(word, text) %>% 
    filter(word %in% terms$word) %>% 
    group_by(id) %>% 
    filter(!duplicated(word)) %>% # in case the same word occurs multiple times in
                                  # one advert

jobads <- jobads %>% 
  mutate(terms = map(data, ~text2terms(.x)))

jobterms <- jobads %>% 
  ungroup() %>% 
  select(terms) %>% 
  unnest(cols=terms) %>% 
  left_join(terms) %>% 
  select(-word, word=concept) # Replacing word with concept
## Joining, by = "word"

… and at the end, we replaced word with concept, so we should have resolved the inaccuracies.

Extracting the relevant adverts

Now let’s see if we can pull out which adverts contain each term. First I’ll define some functions: query_term() pulls out the advert id’s for a given term. query_terms() applies query_term() to one or multiple terms.

query_term <- function(jobterms, term) {
  ad_id <- jobterms %>% 
    filter(word==term) %>% 
    pull(id) %>% 

query_terms <- function(jobterms, terms) {
  term_ind <- tibble(
    word = terms
  ) %>% 
    mutate(indices = map(terms, 
                         ~query_term(jobterms, .x)))
  ad_id <- Reduce(intersect, term_ind$indices)

And now let’s test

head(query_terms(jobterms, "python"))
## [1] "2013_1356" "2013_1733" "2013_3796" "2013_3835" "2013_4102" "2013_4154"
head(query_terms(jobterms, "r"))
## [1] "2013_167"  "2013_200"  "2013_671"  "2013_989"  "2013_1704" "2013_1921"
head(query_terms(jobterms, c("python", "r")))
## [1] "2013_10220" "2013_18314" "2013_21809" "2013_51759" "2013_55334"
## [6] "2013_73348"

Great – that seems to work well!

Extracting related skills

Now, by using the ids of the adverts, we should be able to just count the occurrence of the other terms in the adverts containing the original search term. Let’s take painting as a skill: what are the most associated terms?

queryterm <- "måleri"

jobids <- query_terms(jobterms, queryterm)

assoc_terms <- jobterms %>% 
  filter(id %in% jobids) %>% 
  select(-id) %>% 
  count(word) %>% 
  arrange(desc(n)) %>% 
  filter(!word %in% queryterm) %>% 
  mutate(perc = 100*n/length(jobids)) %>% 
  select(Word = word, Percentage = perc)

## # A tibble: 6 x 2
##   Word        Percentage
##   <chr>            <dbl>
## 1 körkort          25.0 
## 2 svenska          17.6 
## 3 snickeri         17.3 
## 4 hantverk          6.64
## 5 rekrytering       6.64
## 6 tapetsering       6.64

And it works! And the results consist of both expected and unexpected associations, for me at least. To translate, the first three are “driving license”, “Swedish” and “carpentry”. I definitely would not have predicted driving license, but it absolutely makes sense given the nature of the job.


This works, but it does take some time and lots of memory to load the data, and it could probably be faster. Here is where we could do with a database! Let’s put everything into a big database, and see whether we can get everything a bit quicker that way.

Creating a database

So, I’ll use SQLite, mostly because I have very little experience with databases and SQLite seems to be commonly used. R makes it very easy to do these things using DBI, dbplyr and RSQLite.

So, first let’s create an empty database.

mydb <- dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), 

… and just like that, we have created a database!

Populating our database

Now we need to put some content into it. I’ll divide it into tables by years: I think doing operations across years maybe gives one a biased picture of what is related to what, and also probably means working with unwieldy datasets.

Let’s first define a function that does all the things done above, and then populates the database.

yearterms2db <- function(year, db) {
  jobterms <- readRDS(glue('{deriveddatapath}/jobads_{year}.rds')) %>% 
    select(id, text=PLATSBESKRIVNING) %>% 
    mutate(text = stringr::str_to_lower(text)) %>% 
    mutate(chunk = chunk_it_up(., 500)) %>% 
    group_by(chunk) %>% 
    nest() %>% 
    mutate(terms = map(data, ~text2terms(.x))) %>% 
    ungroup() %>% 
    select(terms) %>% 
    unnest(cols=terms) %>% 
    left_join(terms) %>% 
    select(-word, word=concept)
  dbWriteTable(db, glue("Terms_{year}"), jobterms)

Let’s fire it up!

years <- 2013:2017

mydb <- dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), 

walk(years, ~yearterms2db(.x, mydb))


Finally, let’s also put the terms into the database. Let’s first replace the word column with the concept column though.

terms <- terms %>% 
  select(word=concept) %>% 

mydb <- dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), 

dbWriteTable(mydb, "Terms", terms)


And let’s just make sure that all those tables made their way into the database.

dbfile <- glue("{deriveddatapath}/termsdb.sqlite")

mydb <- dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), 

dbListTables(conn = mydb)
## [1] "Terms"      "Terms_2013" "Terms_2014" "Terms_2015" "Terms_2016"
## [6] "Terms_2017"

Ok, it seems to work!

Now we just need to fix up the terms table of our database so that it contains concept instead of word.

dbfile <- glue("{deriveddatapath}/termsdb.sqlite")

mydb <- dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), 

Using the database

Let’s define new functions, which perform the tasks we defined above, but within the database, using dbplyr. This package takes dplyr syntax, translates it into SQL, and runs the query within the database. Magic!

Functions for querying

Getting the jobid’s

For single terms

query_term <- function(queryterm, year, 
                       dbfile=glue("{deriveddatapath}/termsdb.sqlite")) {
  # Check year
  if(!(year %in% 2013:2017)) {
    stop("Year not included in the database")
  # Connect
  con <- dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), 
  # Load
  terms <- tbl(con, "Terms")
  termtable <- tbl(con, glue("Terms_{year}"))
  # Check
  term <- stringr::str_to_lower(queryterm)
  checkterm <- terms %>% 
    filter(word==queryterm) %>% 
  if( nrow(checkterm) == 0 ) {
    stop(paste0("Term ", queryterm, " not found"))
  # Do
  adverts <- termtable %>% 
    filter(word==queryterm) %>% 
  # Disconnect
  # Return

For multiple terms

query_terms <- function(queryterms, year, 
                       dbfile=glue("{deriveddatapath}/termsdb.sqlite")) {
  # Connect
  con <- dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), 
  # Do
  adverts <- tibble(
    queryterm = queryterms
  ) %>% 
    mutate(ids = map(queryterms, 
                         ~query_term(.x, year, 
  adverts <- Reduce(intersect, adverts$ids)
  # Disconnect
  # Return

… and a little helper function to create the vectors from a single string, separated by semicolons.

str2queryterms <- function(query) {
  query <- gsub("; ", replacement = ";", query)
  strsplit(query, split = ";")[[1]]

Now let’s also make a function for getting the most common associated terms, but doing all the hard work within the database through an SQL query.

query_associated <- function(query, year, 
                       dbfile=glue("{deriveddatapath}/termsdb.sqlite")) {
  # Connect
  con <- dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), 
  # Clean
  queryterms <- str2queryterms(query)
  ids <- query_terms(queryterms, year, dbfile)
  assocterms <- tbl(con, paste0("Terms_", year)) %>% 
    filter(id %in% ids) %>% 
    select(-id) %>% 
    count(word) %>% 
    arrange(desc(n)) %>% 
    filter(!word %in% queryterms) %>% 
    collect() %>% 
    mutate(perc = 100*n/length(ids)) %>% 
    select(Word = word, Percentage = perc)
  # Disconnect

Trying it out

Let’s give it a try!

query <- "r;python"

query_associated(query, 2013) %>% 
  head(10) %>% 
  kable(digits=1, caption = "2013: R and Python")
Table 1: 2013: R and Python
Word Percentage
java 41.9
linux 41.9
data 38.7
design 35.5
script 32.3
miljö 29.0
sql 29.0
organisation 25.8
perl 25.8
programmering 25.8
query_associated(query, 2014) %>% 
  head(10) %>% 
  kable(digits=1, caption = "2014: R and Python")
Table 1: 2014: R and Python
Word Percentage
data 46.8
linux 45.6
design 44.3
c 41.8
sql 38.0
can 34.2
perl 34.2
script 30.4
java 26.6
miljö 25.3
query_associated(query, 2015) %>% 
  head(10) %>% 
  kable(digits=1, caption = "2015: R and Python")
Table 1: 2015: R and Python
Word Percentage
data 57.9
design 55.6
c 47.4
linux 42.1
engelska 33.1
sql 31.6
can 27.1
svenska 26.3
script 25.6
java 21.8
query_associated(query, 2016) %>% 
  head(10) %>% 
  kable(digits=1, caption = "2016: R and Python")
Table 1: 2016: R and Python
Word Percentage
data 66.7
c 44.4
design 40.4
linux 36.9
engelska 28.4
java 26.2
not 25.3
can 24.4
svenska 24.4
sql 24.0
query_associated(query, 2017) %>% 
  head(10) %>% 
  kable(digits=1, caption = "2017: R and Python")
Table 1: 2017: R and Python
Word Percentage
data 60.1
c 43.3
linux 35.3
can 33.3
design 33.3
engelska 25.4
sql 22.2
innovation 21.7
svenska 21.1
java 19.7

Seems to be working, and even shows a pretty good replication across years: they’re pretty consistent.

dbplyr and SQL syntax

Let’s just take a quick look at what’s going on under the hood here for the associated terms call.

queryterms <- "r;python"
year <- 2013
dbfile <- glue("{deriveddatapath}/termsdb.sqlite")

# Connect
con <- dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), 

# Clean
queryterms <- str2queryterms(query)

ids <- query_terms(queryterms, year, dbfile)

tbl(con, paste0("Terms_", year)) %>% 
  filter(id %in% ids) %>% 
  select(-id) %>% 
  count(word) %>% 
  arrange(desc(n)) %>% 
  filter(!word %in% queryterms) %>% 
## FROM (SELECT `word`, COUNT() AS `n`
## FROM (SELECT `word`
## FROM `Terms_2013`
## WHERE (`id` IN ('2013_10220', '2013_18314', '2013_21809', '2013_51759', '2013_55334', '2013_73348', '2013_96893', '2013_138749', '2013_146642', '2013_147865', '2013_152414', '2013_169580', '2013_173873', '2013_176894', '2013_215573', '2013_225841', '2013_231812', '2013_236254', '2013_252987', '2013_276010', '2013_297857', '2013_315498', '2013_318950', '2013_326418', '2013_344887', '2013_364894', '2013_365606', '2013_367555', '2013_383812', '2013_387415', '2013_388891'))))
## GROUP BY `word`)
## WHERE (NOT(`word` IN ('r', 'python')))
# Disconnect

And, in this way, all our SQL is done automagically, and we collect() the output at the end.

Turning it all into an API

So, now we want to turn this into something that’s useful as a service, by making it into an API. The plumber package makes this all very easy. In RStudio, we start by clicking File –> New File –> Plumber API, and we get a plumber.R file with a few dummy API functions to get a feel for things. So we can just modify from here, and create everything.

I put in the same functions as before, provided some documentation for the exposed functions, and then also included a couple of other functions for finding terms to use to mess around with the API.

I modify the file so that it looks as follows:

# This is a Plumber API. You can run the API by clicking
# the 'Run API' button above.
# Find out more about building APIs with Plumber here:



query_term <- function(queryterm, year) {
  # Check year
  if(!(year %in% 2013:2017)) {
    stop("Year not included in the database")
  # Connect
  con <- dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), 
  # Load
  terms <- tbl(con, "Terms")
  termtable <- tbl(con, glue("Terms_{year}"))
  # Check
  term <- stringr::str_to_lower(queryterm)
  checkterm <- terms %>% 
    filter(word==queryterm) %>% 
  if( nrow(checkterm) == 0 ) {
    stop(paste0("Term ", queryterm, " not found"))
  # Do
  adverts <- termtable %>% 
    filter(word==queryterm) %>% 
  # Disconnect
  # Return

query_terms <- function(queryterms, year) {
  # Connect
  con <- dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), 
  # Do
  adverts <- tibble(
    queryterm = queryterms
  ) %>% 
    mutate(ids = map(queryterms, 
                         ~query_term(.x, year)))
  adverts <- Reduce(intersect, adverts$ids)
  # Disconnect
  # Return

str2queryterms <- function(query) {
  query <- gsub("; ", replacement = ";", query)
  strsplit(query, split = ";")[[1]]

#* @apiTitle Related Skill Search

#* Return the most related skills
#* @param query The terms to be searched for. For multiple terms, they should be separated by semi-colons, e.g. "r;python"
#* @param year The year to be searched. This should be one of the years between and including 2013 and 2017.
#* @param n The number of results to be returned. Defaults to 10.
#* @get /associated
function(query, year, n=10) {
  # Connect
  con <- dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), 

  # Clean
  queryterms <- str2queryterms(query)
  ids <- query_terms(queryterms, year, dbfile)
  assocterms <- tbl(con, paste0("Terms_", year)) %>% 
    filter(id %in% ids) %>% 
    select(-id) %>% 
    count(word) %>% 
    arrange(desc(n)) %>% 
    filter(!word %in% queryterms) %>% 
    collect() %>% 
    mutate(perc = 100*n/length(ids)) %>% 
    select(Word = word, Percentage = perc)
  # Disconnect

#* Return the closest matching skill
#* @param query The term to be compared against the terms list
#* @param n The number of results to be returned. Defaults to 10.
#* @get /checkterm
function(query, n=10) {
  # Connect
  con <- dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), 
  terms <- tbl(con, "Terms") %>% collect() %>% pull(word)
  closeness <- adist(query, terms, fixed = T, partial = T)
  matches <- terms[order(closeness[1,])[1:n]]
  # Disconnect

#* Return a random term
#* @get /random
function() {
  # Connect
  con <- dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), 
  terms <- tbl(con, "Terms") %>% collect() %>% pull(word)
  term <- terms[ sample(1:length(terms), size = 1) ]
  # Disconnect

And then it just works! When I load it up locally, I get a Swagger API page.

It works!

Putting our API onto the interwebz

Now we just need to run our API on a cloud service. I use DigitalOcean because the analogsea package makes everything such a breeze. Speaking of things being breezy, there’s even a special command, within plumber, to provision a DigitalOcean instance to deploy a plumber API specifically. Here’s how I did that below.

I found that uploading the big database would occasionally fail. So I put it on Dropbox, shared it, and modified the URL slightly (according to some guide I found) to be able to download it with wget. See the code below for how.

droplet <- plumber::do_provision(region="ams3", size="s-1vcpu-3gb", 
                            unstable = TRUE, example = FALSE)

Sys.sleep(10) # wait to make sure everything finishes first

analogsea::install_r_package(droplet, package = "dplyr")
analogsea::install_r_package(droplet, package = "tidyr")
analogsea::install_r_package(droplet, package = "purrr")
analogsea::install_r_package(droplet, package = "dbplyr")
analogsea::install_r_package(droplet, package = "DBI")
analogsea::install_r_package(droplet, package = "RSQLite")
analogsea::install_r_package(droplet, package = "stringdist")
analogsea::install_r_package(droplet, package = "stringr")

analogsea::droplet_ssh(droplet, "wget")
analogsea::droplet_ssh(droplet, "mv termsdb.sqlite?dl=1 /root/termsdb.sqlite")

plumber::do_deploy_api(droplet = droplet,
              path = "skills",
              localPath = getwd(),
              swagger = TRUE,
              port = 8005)

Aaaaand … drumroll … we have an API on the interwebz! Unfortunately, I never managed to make the Swagger graphical interface accessible online – not quite sure what I missed. But the API worked just fine. I could test it by curling some responses.


# Associated

# Checkterms

# Random

Next Steps

So, the next thing to do will be to turn this into a Shiny app. That’s also not something I’ve done before, but I’m really looking forward to giving it a shot. I spoke to the JobTech people, and they had a great suggestion to turn it into a network visualisation too, to give an idea of clusters of skills, which should be another layer of usefulness.

I’ll update here when that’s up and working!


So, in summary, here I turned 4.2 million texts into a useful tool, that responds reasonably quickly. The actual method itself is embarrassingly simple, but the difficult part was doing it all at such scale. Using the incredible DBI, dbplyr, RSQLite and plumber packages, the process from turning this from a prototype into a working API, theoretically ready for production, was surprisingly quick and painless.

I’ll update this case study when I’ve had a chance to build this into a fun little shiny app too! Looking forward to digging my teeth into that too!

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