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Lewis Carroll’s proposed rules for tennis tournaments by @ellis2013nz

[This article was first published on free range statistics - R, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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Last week I wrote about the impact of seeding the draw in a tennis tournament. Seeding is one way to increase the chance of the top players making it to the final rounds of a single elimination tournament, leading to fairer outcomes and to a higher chance of the best matchups happening in the finals. Basically it’s to overcome this problem:

“At a Lawn Tennis Tournament, where I chanced, some while ago, to be a spectator, the present method of assigning prizes was brought to my notice by the lamentations of one of the Players, who had been beaten (and had thus lost all chance of a prize) early in the contest, and who had had the mortification of seeing the 2nd prize carried off by a Player whom he knew to be quite inferior to himself.”

Charles Dodgson (Lewis Carroll)

The incident related above led nineteenth century Oxford University mathematician Charles Dodgson to propose an alternative to the unseeded single elimination tournament that was standard at the time. His monograph on the subject, LAWN TENNIS TOURNAMENTS: The True Method of Assigning Prizes with a Proof of the Fallacy of the Present Method, can be found from page 1,082 of his complete works. Of course, Dodgson’s side hustle was as part time children’s author Lewis Carroll, of works including the astonishingly good Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, Through the Looking Glass and The Hunting of the Snark; and the deservedly forgotton Sylvie and Bruno.

Here are the basic elements of Dodgson’s proposed system, which he describes for a tournament of 32 male players:

The essence of the method is that no-one is knocked out until they are definitely not one of the three best players, as proven by having three or more “superiors” who have either beaten them in a match or beaten someone who beat them. By this method, the actual top three bubble to the top of the competition.

One interesting observation is that under Dodgson’s rules there is no requirement to have the number of players a power of two, as is the case in a standard single-elimination tournament if the organisers wish to avoid unbalanced byes.

Dodgson argues that his proposed method is guaranteed to allocate the first, second and third prizes accurately to the best three players in order. However, his monograph makes some key assumptions:

Obviously, the real world isn’t like this. How does his method stand up when we make the results of individual matches uncertain and inconsistent with eachother in line with the realistic Elo-based simulation of results I used last week?

To check this out, I simulated Dodgson-style tournaments with the same 128 top women players from 1990 that I used last week with more conventional tournaments. I built the program to do this so the user had a choice in how individual matchups between players resulted – either deterministically (higher rated player is guaranteed to win, as per Dodgson’s own 32 player demonstration) or realistically probabilistically (chances are random but still depend on the Elo ratings of the two players).


If winners are deterministic, things work out as Dodgson claimed

Of course, Dodgson was a highly accomplished mathematician so no surprise that he is correct that his method correctly allocates prizes in a 32 player competition with deterministic match outcomes. I was curious to see if it would work in a larger competition. I found that his rules (with minimal modifications discussed later in this post) returned the top three players with the top three prizes, in correct order, 100 times out of 100 different runs.

A correctly seeded single-elimination tournament with deterministic match outcomes will also return the top 4 players accurately 100% of the time. I think that Dodgson assumed there was no reliable prior knowledge of players’ skill levels, ruling out the possibility of a seeded tournament; certainly he only compares his method to an unseeded draw.

Note that a Dodgson tournament will take around twice as many matches (varying according to the efficiency of the draw, but around 240 matches was normal in my experiment) as a single-elimination tournament (which needs 127 matches for 128 players).

Results are not so good when match wins are realistically probabilistic

Dodgson’s method is not as good as he would hope when match outcomes are not deterministic, but happen by chance in accordance with the skill differential indicated by players different Elo ratings. Of course, this is the realistic model; even at the height of her powers, Steffi Graf (the top rated player in our 1990 collection) had non zero chance of losing to her top opponents in any given match, as we saw in the graphic from last week:

The figure below shows the result of 1,000 simulated tournaments played out according to Dodgson’s rules, with realistic win and loss probabilities (ie not just 1 and 0). Some example conclusions from this chart include:

For comparison, all those figures are 100% in the deterministic model Dodgson planned on.

Under the probabilistic model, the outcomes of Dodgson’s tournament rules are similar to those from a seeded single elimination tournament as in my blog post last week. For example, in that seeded competition, top player Steffi Graf won 60% of tournaments; and the top two players were in the grand final 42% of the time. This is marginally better than the result under Dodgson’s rules with around half the number of matches, reflecting the effective use that the extra prior information on player ability is put to in the seeding.



It was interesting and non-trivial to implement Dodgson’s rules in a way that would be robust to larger tournament sizes, random match outcomes, and inconsistent and non-transitive results. A few notable choices I had to make:

All up, this was a fun exercise. I’m glad this approach to running a tournament works fairly well, even at the cost of roughly twice as many matches needed as in a seeded single-elimination. And it stands up not too badly even with realistically uncertain and inconsistent match outcomes. But of course, it’s not as perfect as the ideal deterministic world described in Dodgson’s original monograph. Things can get pretty complicated, as the above list of decisions and challenges begins to show. There are some quite awkward edge cases that I didn’t stop to sort in detail.

I’m not aware Dodgson’s method has ever been used for a real life tournament schedule, although there have been a few simulation experiments similar to my own. I’m not sure how seriously he meant it to be taken; the same monograph proposing this method also suggests in passing tennis should get rid of sets altogether and replace them with a simpler method such as “he who first wins 14 games, or who gets 9 ahead, wins the match”. I doubt he seriously expected that proposal to be taken up. But it’s worth noting this monograph was published under his professional persona as recreational mathematics enthusiast Charles Dodgson, rather than as children’s author Lewis Carroll.

Let’s just say that, like most of his other work, it’s good he published this! But I would hesitate to recommend adopting it in toto.


Here’s all the R code for these simulations in a single chunk. A carroll_tournament() function is the work horse, with a couple of helpers for very specific tasks such as one_match() which plays out a single match using either a deterministic or probabilistic method of allocating a winner.


#' Play out a single match between two players
#' @param p1_elo Elo rating of player 1
#' @param p2_elo Elo rating of player 2
#' @param method whether the winner is chosen at random (but with higher Elo rating meaning a higher
#' chance of winning) or deterministically (in which case the player with the higher Elo rating always wins)
#' @details draws are not supported. If method is deterministic and the Elo ratings are equal, player 1 wins.
#' @return a 2 if player 2 wins, and 1 if player 1 wins
one_match <- function(p1_elo, p2_elo, method = c("probabilistic", "deterministic")){
  method <- match.arg(method)
  if(method == "probabilistic"){
    res <- rbinom(1, 1, prob = deuce::elo_prediction(p2_elo, p1_elo)) + 1
  } else {
    res <- ifelse(p2_elo > p1_elo, 2, 1)

#' Play out a tournament along the lines of Lewis Carroll's preferred methold
#' @param players a data frame or tibble with columns for player_id and Elo
#' @param verbose Whether to print out the number of remaining players in each round
#' @param method Whether individual match results are probabilistic (realistic) or deterministic (player 
#' with higher rating always wins)
#' @details complete works of Lewis Carroll available at
#' Description of a better lawn tennis tournament begins on page 1,082
carroll_tournament <- function(players, verbose = FALSE, 
                               method = c("probabilistic", "deterministic")){
  method <- match.arg(method)
  match_wins <- tibble(
    winner_id = character(),
    loser_id = character(),
    combo = character()
  we_have_finalists <- FALSE
    match_counts <- match_wins %>%
      gather(role, player_id, -combo) %>%
      group_by(player_id) %>%
      summarise(matches = n())
    direct_losses <- match_wins %>%
      group_by(loser_id) %>%
      summarise(losses = length(unique(winner_id))) %>%
      rename(player_id = loser_id)
    indirect_losses <- players %>%
      select(player_id) %>%
      inner_join(match_wins, by = c("player_id" = "loser_id")) %>%
      rename(first_round_winner = winner_id) %>%
      select(-combo) %>%
      inner_join(match_wins, by = c("first_round_winner" = "loser_id")) %>%
      rename(indirect_superior = winner_id) %>%
      # remove people who are direct superiors so they don't get counted twice:
      anti_join(match_wins, by = c("player_id" = "loser_id", "indirect_superior" = "winner_id")) %>%
      # you can't be an indirect superior to yourself (this happens if you beat someone who beat you before):
      filter(indirect_superior != player_id) %>%
      # you can't have someone you have beaten directly as an indirect superior:
      anti_join(match_wins, by = c("player_id" = "winner_id", "indirect_superior" = "loser_id")) %>%
      group_by(player_id) %>%
      summarise(indirect_superiors = length(unique(indirect_superior)))
    superiors <- direct_losses %>%
      left_join(indirect_losses, by = "player_id") %>%
      mutate(indirect_superiors = replace_na(indirect_superiors, 0),
             superiors = losses + indirect_superiors) 
    all_players <- players %>%
      left_join(superiors, by = "player_id") %>%
      left_join(match_counts, by = "player_id") %>%
      mutate(superiors = replace_na(superiors, 0),
             losses = replace_na(losses, 0),
             matches = replace_na(matches, 0))
    remaining_players <- all_players %>%
      filter(superiors < 3) %>%
      select(player_id, matches, elo) 
    left <- nrow(remaining_players)
    if(left == 3){
      # It's possible to get stuck with only two superiors at this point
      remaining_players <- all_players %>%
        filter(superiors < 2) %>%
        select(player_id, matches, elo) 
      left <- nrow(remaining_players)
    if(left <= 2){
      we_have_finalists <- TRUE
    } else {
      candidate_players <- remaining_players %>%
        filter(matches <= min(matches))
      if(nrow(candidate_players) == 1 & left > 1){
        low_match_player <- pull(candidate_players, player_id)
        candidate_players <- remaining_players %>%
          filter(matches <= (min(matches)) + 1)
      } else {
        low_match_player <- NULL
      # player ids of remaining players who have played minimum matches and are a candidate for the next match:
      rpi <- candidate_players$player_id
      # possible matches (ie excluding rematches) of the candidate players:
      possible_matches <- expand_grid(p1 = rpi, p2 = rpi) %>%
        # limit to those with id 1 less than id 2 - just for sorting purposes
        filter(p1 < p2) %>%
        mutate(combo = paste(p1, p2)) %>%
        # restrict to those who have lost the same number of games as eachother
        left_join(all_players[ , c("player_id", "losses")], by = c("p1" = "player_id")) %>%
        rename(p1_losses = losses) %>%
        left_join(all_players[ , c("player_id", "losses")], by = c("p2" = "player_id")) %>%
        rename(p2_losses = losses) %>%
        filter(p1_losses == p2_losses) %>%
        # restrict to people who haven't played eachother:
        anti_join(match_wins, by = "combo") 
      get_awkward_player <- function(possible_matches, low_match_player){
          # find the player who has the least options for playing others
          awkward_player <- possible_matches %>%
            gather(order, player, -combo) %>%
            group_by(player) %>%
            summarise(count = n()) %>%
            arrange(count, runif(n())) %>%
            slice(1) %>%
        } else {
          awkward_player <- low_match_player
      awkward_player <- get_awkward_player(possible_matches, low_match_player)
      # find a match with that player
      the_match <- possible_matches %>%
        filter(p1 == awkward_player | p2 == awkward_player) %>%
      if(nrow(the_match) == 0){
        # need to let a rematch, or a matchhappen if there is no alternative:
        warning("Rematch or match of players with unequal number of losses")
        possible_matches <- expand_grid(p1 = rpi, p2 = rpi) %>%
          # limit to those with id 1 less than id 2 - just for sorting purposes
          filter(p1 < p2) %>%
          mutate(combo = paste(p1, p2))
        awkward_player <- get_awkward_player(possible_matches, low_match_player)
        the_match <- possible_matches %>%
          filter(p1 == awkward_player | p2 == awkward_player) %>%
      the_match <- the_match  %>%
        left_join(players[ , c("player_id", "elo")], by = c("p1" = "player_id")) %>%
        rename(p1_elo = elo) %>%
        left_join(players[ , c("player_id", "elo")], by = c("p2" = "player_id")) %>%
        rename(p2_elo = elo)
      winner <- one_match(p1_elo = the_match$p1_elo, p2_elo = the_match$p2_elo, method = method)
      if(winner == 1){
        new_result <- select(the_match, p1, p2, combo)
      } else {
        new_result <- select(the_match, p2, p1, combo)
      names(new_result) <- c("winner_id", "loser_id", "combo")
      match_wins <- rbind(match_wins, new_result)
  if(left == 2){
    grand_final <- one_match(p1_elo = remaining_players[1, ]$elo,
                             p2_elo = remaining_players[2, ]$elo,
                             method = method)
    first_place <- remaining_players[grand_final, ]$player_id
    second_place <- remaining_players[-grand_final, ]$player_id
    final_match <- tibble(
      winner_id = first_place,
      loser_id = second_place,
      combo = paste(sort(c(first_place, second_place)), collapse = " ")
    match_wins <- rbind(match_wins, final_match) 
  if(left == 0){
    # it's possible for the last 4 players to be knocked out simultaneously. left == 0 in this case
    warning("There was no grand final, the last four players were knocked out at once")
    first_place <- superiors %>%
      filter(superiors == min(superiors)) %>%
      filter(losses == min(losses)) %>%
      pull(player_id) %>%
      paste(., collapse = " | ")
    second_place <- "Not awarded"
    third_place <- "Not awarded"
  if(left == 1){
      # it's possible for players 2 and 3 to be knocked out simultaneously, in which case
      # there is one remaining player and no grand final. left == 1 in this case
      warning("There was no grand final, a player won by default")
      first_place <- remaining_players$player_id
      second_place_possibles <- superiors %>%
        filter(!player_id %in% first_place) %>%
        filter(superiors == min(superiors)) %>%
        # if there are people with the same number of superiors at this point, the place
        # goes to the person with the less direct losses 
        filter(losses == min(losses)) %>%
      if(length(second_place_possibles) == 2){
        warning("Needed a semi final play-off for second position")
        semi_players <- tibble(player_id = second_place_possibles) %>%
          inner_join(players, by ="player_id")
        semi_final <- one_match(p1_elo = semi_players[1, ]$elo,
                                p2_elo = semi_players[2, ]$elo,
                                method = method)
        second_place <- semi_players[semi_final, ]$player_id
        third_place <- semi_players[3 - semi_final, ]$player_id
      } else {
      second_place <- paste(second_place_possibles, collapse = " | ")
      if(grepl(" | ", second_place, fixed = TRUE)){
        # if there were 3 second place possibles we give up at this point..
        third_place <- "Not awarded"
     third_place <- superiors %>%
      filter(!player_id %in% c(first_place, second_place)) %>%
      arrange(superiors, losses) %>%
      filter(superiors == min(superiors)) %>%
      filter(losses == min(losses)) %>%
      pull(player_id) %>%
      paste(., collapse = " | ")
  match_wins <- match_wins %>%
    mutate(match = 1:n()) %>%
    match_wins = match_wins,
    top3 = c(first_place, second_place, third_place))

#-------------Data prep---------------

# Identify the top 128 women playing in 1990 and their last Elo rating that year

women <- wta_elo %>%
  filter(year(tourney_start_date) == 1990) %>%
  # pick just the latest Elo rating
  group_by(player_name) %>%
  arrange(desc(tourney_start_date)) %>%
  slice(1) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  arrange(desc(overall_elo)) %>%
  dplyr::select(player_id = player_name, elo = overall_elo) %>%

# example usage:
carroll_tournament(women, method = "deterministic")

# note that as currently written, rematches don't do anything unless they come out with the other result
# this would not be popular! 

#-----------set up parallel processing-----------

cluster <- makeCluster(7) # only any good if you have at least 7 processors :)

clusterEvalQ(cluster, {

clusterExport(cluster, c("women", "carroll_tournament"))

#-------------------simulation of tournament-------------------
n_sims <- 1000

r1 <- foreach(this_sim = 1:n_sims, .combine = rbind) %dopar% {
  results <- carroll_tournament(women, method = "prob")
  tmp <-$top3))
  if(ncol(tmp) == 1){
    # very rarely, there's only one person emerging
    tmp$second <- NA
  if(ncol(tmp) == 2){
    # sometimes there's no third person due to complications with reversing results
    tmp$third <- NA
  names(tmp) <- c("first", "second", "third")
  tmp$sim <- this_sim

# what order *should* have been returned?
correct <- women[1:3, ] %>%
  select(correct_player = player_id) %>%
  mutate(place = c("first", "second", "third"))

# Can it get the top three right as promised:
top3 <- r1 %>%
  gather(place, player, -sim) %>%
  left_join(correct, by = "place") %>%
  group_by(sim) %>%
  summarise(correct_sequence = sum(player == correct_player),
            correct_approx = sum(player %in% correct_player)) %>%
  group_by(correct_sequence, correct_approx) %>%
  summarise(freq = n()) %>%
  arrange(desc(correct_approx), desc(correct_sequence)) %>%
  mutate(looking_at = 3)%>%

# Can it at least get the top two right:
top2 <- r1 %>%
  gather(place, player, -sim) %>%
  filter(place %in% c("first", "second")) %>%
  left_join(correct, by = "place") %>%
  group_by(sim) %>%
  summarise(correct_sequence = sum(player == correct_player),
            correct_approx = sum(player %in% correct_player)) %>%
  group_by(correct_sequence, correct_approx) %>%
  summarise(freq = n()) %>%
  arrange(desc(correct_approx), desc(correct_sequence)) %>%
  mutate(looking_at = 2)%>%

# overall winner
top1 <- r1 %>%
  gather(place, player, -sim) %>%
  filter(place %in% c("first")) %>%
  left_join(correct, by = "place") %>%
  group_by(sim) %>%
  summarise(correct_approx = sum(player == correct_player)) %>%
  group_by(correct_approx) %>%
  summarise(freq = n()) %>%
  arrange(desc(correct_approx)) %>%
  mutate(looking_at = 1) %>%

rbind(top3, top2) %>%
  select(-correct_sequence) %>%
  rbind(top1) %>%
  group_by(looking_at) %>%
  summarise(prop_correct = sum(freq[correct_approx == looking_at]) / sum(freq))

# chart of results
top1 %>%
  mutate(correct_sequence = correct_approx) %>%
  rbind(top3) %>%
  rbind(top2) %>%
  group_by(looking_at) %>%
  summarise(correct_approx = sum(freq[correct_approx == looking_at]) / sum(freq),
            correct_exact = sum(freq[correct_sequence == looking_at]) / sum(freq)) %>%
  gather(variable, value, -looking_at) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  mutate(variable = ifelse(variable == "correct_approx", "In the correct prize group but not necessarily sequence", "Correct sequence")) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = looking_at, y = value, colour = variable )) +
  geom_line() +
  geom_point() +
  scale_y_continuous(label = percent_format(accuracy = 1)) +
  scale_x_continuous(breaks = 1:3) +
  theme(panel.grid.minor.x = element_blank()) +
  expand_limits(y = 0) +
  labs(x = "Number of top players of interest",
       y = "Probability those players get prizes at correct levels",
       colour= "",
       subtitle = "Chance of the top one, two or three players ending in correct place in the tournament",
       title = "Performance of Lewis Carroll's tennis tournament rules",
       caption = "Analysis by of simulated tournaments of the top 128 women players in 1990, with probabilistic match outcomes")

#-------------check that deterministic approach always works for top 3------------

n_sims <- 100

r2 <- foreach(this_sim = 1:n_sims, .combine = rbind) %dopar% {
  results <- carroll_tournament(women, method = "det")
  tmp <-$top3))
  if(ncol(tmp) == 1){
    # very rarely, there's only one person emerging
    tmp$second <- NA
  if(ncol(tmp) == 2){
    # sometimes there's no third person due to complications with reversing results
    tmp$third <- NA
  names(tmp) <- c("first", "second", "third")
  tmp$sim <- this_sim


r2 %>%
  gather(place, player, -sim) %>%
  left_join(correct, by = "place") %>%
  group_by(sim) %>%
  summarise(correct_sequence = sum(player == correct_player),
            correct_approx = sum(player %in% correct_player)) %>%
  group_by(correct_sequence, correct_approx) %>%
  summarise(freq = n()) %>%
  arrange(desc(correct_approx), desc(correct_sequence)) 

The illustrations in this blog post are screenshots from Lewis Carroll’s complete works with original illustrations by John Tenniel.

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