How to use your Garmin watch to tell your team you’re going for a run
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Building an API in NodeJS and R to send message to Slack from your Garmin watch.
Why on earth
ThinkR is a remote company, meaning that we all work from our home. On top of other cool things about remote work, this allows me to skip my lunch break and take a one hour break in the middle of the afternoon for sport. And I usually go for a run around 2 or 3 pm, but that moment in the day is not exactly the same every day. And most of the time, I forget to tell everyone that I’m leaving the office. I recently joked that my 2020 resolution was that I’ll be more strict about telling when I arrive and leave the “office”.
I was sure it can be done straight from my watch. And guess what, it can!
The Slack Part
The slack API is pretty amazing and allows you to use a personal web hook and a curl call to send messages to a selected channel on Slack.
Note: there are several packages in R that can be used to send messages
to Slack, for example {slackr}
: &
: But as I just
wanted to make a simple, unique call, it was more straightforward to
write it directly.
Go to
Click on Start Building
Add an app name and add it to a workspace

- Add a new “Incoming Webhooks”, and select the Channel to post in

And Tadaa ???? you now have a curl call that looks like this:
curl -X POST -H 'Content-type: application/json' --data '{"text":"Hello, World!"}'
Now time to turn this into an API.
Node API
Here is a very simple API built in NodeJS:
const express = require('express') const app = express() app.get('/', function (req, res) { const request = require('request'); const options = { url: '', json: true, body: { text: "I'm off for a run!" } };; res.send('OK') }) app.listen(9999, function () { console.log('API listening on port 9999!') })
And with R:
library(plumber) #* @get / function() { httr::POST( url = '', body = list( text = "I'm off for a run!" ), encode = "json" ) }
Adding this to the watch
I discovered that Garmin has a widget called “API calls”, that let you enter an API endpoint, and the API call is done from the watch.
I just discovered that I can send API calls from my Garmin watch and I’m very excited about this and that also made me realized that I’m definitely a big nerd.
— Colin Fay ???? (@\_ColinFay) January 7, 2020
So here it is, I’ve got a Widget on my watch that I can use to send message on Slack ????
You know you’re a nerd when you deploy an API that posts to Slack from your Garmin watch so that you can tell your team that you’re going for a run instead of just… you know… typing it.
— Colin Fay ???? (@\_ColinFay) January 7, 2020 offers daily e-mail updates about R news and tutorials about learning R and many other topics. Click here if you're looking to post or find an R/data-science job.
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