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The significance of education on the salary of engineers in Sweden

[This article was first published on R Analystatistics Sweden , and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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In my last posts, I analysed the significance of experience for different occupational groups. In this post, I will turn the interest towards education. I will again start with engineers and see if I can expand my analysis to all occupational groups.

First, define libraries and functions.

library (tidyverse) 
## -- Attaching packages -------------------------------------------- tidyverse 1.2.1 --
## v ggplot2 3.2.0     v purrr   0.3.2
## v tibble  2.1.3     v dplyr   0.8.3
## v tidyr   0.8.3     v stringr 1.4.0
## v readr   1.3.1     v forcats 0.4.0
## -- Conflicts ----------------------------------------------- tidyverse_conflicts() --
## x dplyr::filter() masks stats::filter()
## x dplyr::lag()    masks stats::lag()
library (broom) 
library (car)
## Loading required package: carData
## Attaching package: 'car'
## The following object is masked from 'package:dplyr':
##     recode
## The following object is masked from 'package:purrr':
##     some
library (splines)

readfile <- function (file1){  
  read_csv (file1, col_types = cols(), locale = readr::locale (encoding = "latin1"), na = c("..", "NA")) %>%  
    gather (starts_with("19"), starts_with("20"), key = "year", value = salary) %>%  
    drop_na() %>%  
    mutate (year_n = parse_number (year))

The data table is downloaded from Statistics Sweden. It is saved as a comma-delimited file without heading, 000000CY.csv,

The table: Average basic salary, monthly salary and women´s salary as a percentage of men´s salary by sector, occupational group (SSYK 2012), sex and educational level (SUN). Year 2014 – 2018 Monthly salary All sectors

We expect that education is an important factor in salaries. As a null hypothesis, we assume that education is not related to the salary and examine if we can reject this hypothesis with the data from Statistics Sweden.

The column level of education is renamed because TukeyHSD doesn’t handle variable names within quotes.

tb <- readfile("000000CY.csv") %>% 
  filter(`occuptional  (SSYK 2012)` == "214 Engineering professionals") %>%       
  mutate(edulevel = `level of education`)

tb %>%
  ggplot () +  
    geom_point (mapping = aes(x = year_n,y = salary, colour = `level of education`, shape=sex)) + 
    x = "Year",
    y = "Salary (SEK/month)"
SSYK 214, Architects, engineers and related professionals, Year 2014 - 2018

Figure 1: SSYK 214, Architects, engineers and related professionals, Year 2014 – 2018

model <- lm (log(salary) ~ year_n + sex + edulevel, data = tb)

tb <- bind_cols(tb, as_tibble(exp(predict(model, tb, interval = "confidence"))))

The F-value from the Anova table for years is 40 (Pr(>F) < 2.2e-16), sufficient for rejecting the null hypothesis that education has no effect on the salary holding year as constant. The adjusted R-squared value is 0,833 implying a good fit of the model.

tb %>%
  ggplot () +  
    geom_point (mapping = aes(x = year_n,y = fit, colour = edulevel, shape = sex)) + 
    x = "Year",
    y = "Salary (SEK/month)"

Figure 2: Model fit, SSYK 214, Architects, engineers and related professionals, Year 2014 – 2018

summary(model) %>%  
  tidy() %>%
  booktabs = TRUE,
  caption = 'Summary from linear model fit')
Table 1: Summary from linear model fit
term estimate std.error statistic p.value
(Intercept) -27.3895893 6.6236266 -4.1351349 0.0001120
year_n 0.0189082 0.0032856 5.7549246 0.0000003
sexwomen -0.0837412 0.0092178 -9.0847619 0.0000000
edulevelpost-graduate education (ISCED97 6) 0.1114561 0.0171029 6.5167907 0.0000000
edulevelpost-secondary education 3 years or more (ISCED97 5A) 0.0010205 0.0171029 0.0596699 0.9526168
edulevelpost-secondary education, less than 3 years (ISCED97 4+5B) -0.0332012 0.0171029 -1.9412595 0.0569278
edulevelprimary and secondary education 9-10 years (ISCED97 2) -0.1089810 0.0175947 -6.1939725 0.0000001
edulevelupper secondary education 3 years (ISCED97 3A) -0.0784305 0.0171029 -4.5857936 0.0000235
edulevelupper secondary education, 2 years or less (ISCED97 3C) -0.1040503 0.0171029 -6.0837761 0.0000001
## [1] 0.8327314
Anova(model, type = 2) %>% 
  tidy() %>% 
  booktabs = TRUE,
  caption = 'Anova report from linear model fit')
Table 1: Anova report from linear model fit
term sumsq df statistic p.value
year_n 0.0484384 1 33.11916 3e-07
sex 0.1207084 1 82.53290 0e+00
edulevel 0.3529225 6 40.21774 0e+00
Residuals 0.0877529 60 NA NA

How much do the different levels of education affect the salary? We can calculate the differences between the levels with Tukey’s honest significant difference. All significant level differences are shown in the table below.

tukeytable <- TukeyHSD(aov(log(salary) ~ sex + edulevel, data = tb)) %>%
  tidy() %>%
  mutate(percdiff = (1 / exp(estimate) - 1) * 100)

tukeytable  %>% 
  filter(adj.p.value < 0.05) %>%
  arrange(estimate) %>%  
  booktabs = TRUE,
  caption = 'Tukey HSD 95 % confidence intervals for the pairwise significant differences')
Table 2: Tukey HSD 95 % confidence intervals for the pairwise significant differences
term comparison estimate conf.low conf.high adj.p.value percdiff
edulevel primary and secondary education 9-10 years (ISCED97 2)-post-graduate education (ISCED97 6) -0.2160450 -0.2822364 -0.1498535 0.0000000 24.115819
edulevel upper secondary education, 2 years or less (ISCED97 3C)-post-graduate education (ISCED97 6) -0.2155065 -0.2799325 -0.1510804 0.0000000 24.049001
edulevel upper secondary education 3 years (ISCED97 3A)-post-graduate education (ISCED97 6) -0.1898866 -0.2543126 -0.1254606 0.0000000 20.911247
edulevel post-secondary education, less than 3 years (ISCED97 4+5B)-post-graduate education (ISCED97 6) -0.1446573 -0.2090834 -0.0802313 0.0000001 15.564352
edulevel post-secondary education 3 years or more (ISCED97 5A)-post-graduate education (ISCED97 6) -0.1104356 -0.1748616 -0.0460096 0.0000443 11.676444
edulevel primary and secondary education 9-10 years (ISCED97 2)-post-secondary education 3 years or more (ISCED97 5A) -0.1056094 -0.1718008 -0.0394179 0.0001649 11.138763
edulevel upper secondary education, 2 years or less (ISCED97 3C)-post-secondary education 3 years or more (ISCED97 5A) -0.1050709 -0.1694969 -0.0406448 0.0001119 11.078932
edulevel primary and secondary education 9-10 years (ISCED97 2)-no information about level of educational attainment -0.1045888 -0.1707803 -0.0383974 0.0001950 11.025400
edulevel upper secondary education, 2 years or less (ISCED97 3C)-no information about level of educational attainment -0.1040503 -0.1684764 -0.0396243 0.0001331 10.965630
sex women-men -0.0803151 -0.1030666 -0.0575637 0.0000000 8.362851
edulevel upper secondary education 3 years (ISCED97 3A)-post-secondary education 3 years or more (ISCED97 5A) -0.0794510 -0.1438770 -0.0150250 0.0066749 8.269249
edulevel upper secondary education 3 years (ISCED97 3A)-no information about level of educational attainment -0.0784305 -0.1428565 -0.0140044 0.0077374 8.158814
edulevel primary and secondary education 9-10 years (ISCED97 2)-post-secondary education, less than 3 years (ISCED97 4+5B) -0.0713876 -0.1375791 -0.0051962 0.0264560 7.399745
edulevel upper secondary education, 2 years or less (ISCED97 3C)-post-secondary education, less than 3 years (ISCED97 4+5B) -0.0708491 -0.1352751 -0.0064231 0.0221087 7.341926
edulevel post-graduate education (ISCED97 6)-no information about level of educational attainment 0.1114561 0.0470301 0.1758822 0.0000370 -10.546938

We can conclude from the summary table that there is a positive correlation between longer education and higher salaries.

From the table of Tukey’s honest significant difference, we can see the difference in salaries between the different education lengths. Note that the estimates are negative due to the log transformation, the untransformed differences are in the column percdiff.

Can we approximate how much the salaries increase by one year of education by assigning a numeric value to the factors in the table?

As a first approach, I will use the data in the following table.

I will use a B-spline function to approximate the increase in salaries over age. The rows for “no information about the level of educational attainment” is removed from the table from Statistics Sweden.

numedulevel <- read.csv("edulevel.csv") 

numedulevel %>%
  booktabs = TRUE,
  caption = 'Initial approach, length of education') 
Table 3: Initial approach, length of education eduyears
primary and secondary education 9-10 years (ISCED97 2) 9
upper secondary education, 2 years or less (ISCED97 3C) 11
upper secondary education 3 years (ISCED97 3A) 12
post-secondary education, less than 3 years (ISCED97 4+5B) 14
post-secondary education 3 years or more (ISCED97 5A) 15
post-graduate education (ISCED97 6) 19
no information about level of educational attainment NA
tbnum <- tb %>% 
    right_join(numedulevel, by = c("level of education" = "")) %>%
## Warning: Column `level of education`/`` joining character
## vector and factor, coercing into character vector
modelcont <- lm(log(salary) ~ bs(eduyears, knots = c(14)) + year_n + sex, data = tbnum)

tbnum <- bind_cols(tbnum, as_tibble(exp(predict(modelcont, tbnum, interval = "confidence"))))

The F-value from the Anova table for years is 146 and the adjusted R-squared value is 0,932 implying a good fit of the model. Both the F-value and the adjusted R-squared increased from then using the categorical predictors. (Removing the rows with “no information about level of educational attainment” improves the adjusted R-squared for the model with categorical predictors to 0.931.)

tbnum %>%
  ggplot () +  
    geom_point (mapping = aes(x = year_n,y = fit1, colour = eduyears, shape = sex)) + 
    x = "Year",
    y = "Salary (SEK/month)"

Figure 3: Model fit, SSYK 214, Architects, engineers and related professionals, Year 2014 – 2018

summary(modelcont) %>%  
  tidy() %>%
  booktabs = TRUE,
  caption = 'Summary from linear model fit')
Table 4: Summary from linear model fit
term estimate std.error statistic p.value
(Intercept) -35.1115742 4.5503183 -7.7162898 0.0000000
bs(eduyears, knots = c(14))1 -0.0113708 0.0237866 -0.4780331 0.6346302
bs(eduyears, knots = c(14))2 0.0719453 0.0468930 1.5342429 0.1310323
bs(eduyears, knots = c(14))3 0.1850177 0.0567742 3.2588347 0.0019749
bs(eduyears, knots = c(14))4 0.2212179 0.0111456 19.8480339 0.0000000
year_n 0.0226818 0.0022569 10.0500379 0.0000000
sexwomen -0.0743275 0.0063230 -11.7551579 0.0000000
## [1] 0.9316461
Anova(modelcont, type = 2) %>% 
  tidy() %>% 
  booktabs = TRUE,
  caption = 'Anova report from linear model fit')
Table 4: Anova report from linear model fit
term sumsq df statistic p.value
bs(eduyears, knots = c(14)) 0.3429901 4 145.7866 0
year_n 0.0594072 1 101.0033 0
sex 0.0812757 1 138.1837 0
Residuals 0.0305849 52 NA NA

What does the continous function from the model look like?

contspline <- RegBsplineAsPiecePoly(modelcont, "bs(eduyears, knots = c(14))")

tibble(eduyears = 9:19) %>%
  ggplot () + 
    geom_point (mapping = aes(x = eduyears,y = predict(contspline, eduyears))) +
    x = "Years of education",
    y = "Salary"

Figure 4: Model fit, SSYK 214, Correlation between education and salary

And it’s derivative.

tibble(eduyears = 9:19) %>%
  ggplot () + 
    geom_point (mapping = aes(x = eduyears,y = (exp(predict(contspline, eduyears, deriv = 1)) - 1) * 100)) +
    x = "Years of education",
    y = "Salary difference (%)"

Figure 5: Model fit, SSYK 214, The derivative for education

Comparison between the categorical and the continuous predictor. Column withinconf states if the estimate from the numerical model is within the 95 % confidence interval from the Tukey’s honest significant difference table. All estimates from the model with the continuous predictor are within the 95 % confidence intervals from the Tukey HSD table.

tukeytable <- tukeytable %>% 
  rowwise() %>% 
  mutate(comp_from = unlist(strsplit(comparison, ")-"))[1]) %>%
  rowwise() %>% 
  mutate(comp_to = unlist(strsplit(comparison, ")-"))[2]) %>%             mutate(comp_from = paste (comp_from, ")", sep="")) %>%
  left_join(numedulevel, by = c("comp_from" = "")) %>%
  left_join(numedulevel, by = c("comp_to" = "")) %>%    mutate(numestimate = predict(contspline, eduyears.x) -           predict(contspline, eduyears.y)) %>% 
  mutate(withinconf = numestimate > conf.low && numestimate < conf.high) %>% 
  mutate(percdiffcont = (1 / exp(predict(contspline, eduyears.x) - predict(contspline, eduyears.y)) - 1) * 100)
## Warning: Column `comp_from`/`` joining character vector and
## factor, coercing into character vector
## Warning: Column `comp_to`/`` joining character vector and
## factor, coercing into character vector
tukeytable %>% 
  select(term, comparison, estimate, adj.p.value, numestimate, withinconf, percdiff, percdiffcont) %>%
  filter(adj.p.value < 0.05) %>%
  arrange(estimate) %>%
  booktabs = TRUE,
  caption = 'Comparison between categorical and continous predictor')
Table 5: Comparison between categorical and continous predictor
term comparison estimate adj.p.value numestimate withinconf percdiff percdiffcont
edulevel primary and secondary education 9-10 years (ISCED97 2)-post-graduate education (ISCED97 6) -0.2160450 0.0000000 -0.2212179 TRUE 24.115819 24.7595300
edulevel upper secondary education, 2 years or less (ISCED97 3C)-post-graduate education (ISCED97 6) -0.2155065 0.0000000 -0.2123268 TRUE 24.049001 23.6551904
edulevel upper secondary education 3 years (ISCED97 3A)-post-graduate education (ISCED97 6) -0.1898866 0.0000000 -0.1942616 TRUE 20.911247 21.4413939
edulevel post-secondary education, less than 3 years (ISCED97 4+5B)-post-graduate education (ISCED97 6) -0.1446573 0.0000001 -0.1418336 TRUE 15.564352 15.2384840
edulevel post-secondary education 3 years or more (ISCED97 5A)-post-graduate education (ISCED97 6) -0.1104356 0.0000443 -0.1117048 TRUE 11.676444 11.8182726
edulevel primary and secondary education 9-10 years (ISCED97 2)-post-secondary education 3 years or more (ISCED97 5A) -0.1056094 0.0001649 -0.1095131 TRUE 11.138763 11.5734729
edulevel upper secondary education, 2 years or less (ISCED97 3C)-post-secondary education 3 years or more (ISCED97 5A) -0.1050709 0.0001119 -0.1006220 TRUE 11.078932 10.5858529
edulevel primary and secondary education 9-10 years (ISCED97 2)-no information about level of educational attainment -0.1045888 0.0001950 0.0000000 FALSE 11.025400 0.0000000
edulevel upper secondary education, 2 years or less (ISCED97 3C)-no information about level of educational attainment -0.1040503 0.0001331 0.0088912 FALSE 10.965630 -0.8851746
sex women-men -0.0803151 0.0000000 0.0000000 FALSE 8.362851 0.0000000
edulevel upper secondary education 3 years (ISCED97 3A)-post-secondary education 3 years or more (ISCED97 5A) -0.0794510 0.0066749 -0.0825568 TRUE 8.269249 8.6060365
edulevel upper secondary education 3 years (ISCED97 3A)-no information about level of educational attainment -0.0784305 0.0077374 0.0269563 FALSE 8.158814 -2.6596254
edulevel primary and secondary education 9-10 years (ISCED97 2)-post-secondary education, less than 3 years (ISCED97 4+5B) -0.0713876 0.0264560 -0.0793844 TRUE 7.399745 8.2620369
edulevel upper secondary education, 2 years or less (ISCED97 3C)-post-secondary education, less than 3 years (ISCED97 4+5B) -0.0708491 0.0221087 -0.0704932 TRUE 7.341926 7.3037289
edulevel post-graduate education (ISCED97 6)-no information about level of educational attainment 0.1114561 0.0000370 0.2212179 FALSE -10.546938 -19.8458026

Now. let´s perform some diagnostics on the models. First, a look at the residuals for the model shows no apparent problem. We can see that the outlier at row 55 has disappeared in the plots for the continuous model.

Three out of four outliers when using categorical predictors were from the factor “no information about level of educational attainment”.

For the continuous predictors there are two outliers in the factor “upper secondary education, 2 years or less (ISCED97 3C)” and two outliers in the factor “upper secondary education 3 years (ISCED97 3A)” indicating that the model could be improved.

## [1] "no information about level of educational attainment"
## [1] "no information about level of educational attainment"
## [1] "no information about level of educational attainment"
## [1] "upper secondary education, 2 years or less (ISCED97 3C)"
## [1] "upper secondary education, 2 years or less (ISCED97 3C)"
## [1] "upper secondary education, 2 years or less (ISCED97 3C)"
## [1] "upper secondary education 3 years (ISCED97 3A)"
## [1] "upper secondary education 3 years (ISCED97 3A)"
plot(model, which = 1)

Figure 6: Residuals vs Fitted of model fit

plot(modelcont, which = 1)

Figure 7: Residuals vs Fitted of model fit

The Normal Q-Q shows some possible outliers.

plot(model, which = 2)

Figure 8: Normal Q-Q

plot(modelcont, which = 2)

Figure 9: Normal Q-Q

Again, the Standardised residuals show some possible outliers.

plot(model, which = 3)

Figure 10: Scale-Location

plot(modelcont, which = 3)

Figure 11: Scale-Location

The outliers are also found in the Leverage plot.

plot(model, which = 5)

Figure 12: Residuals vs Leverage

plot(modelcont, which = 5)

Figure 13: Residuals vs Leverage

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