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Non-negative least squares

[This article was first published on R – Statistical Odds & Ends, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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Imagine that one has a data matrix consisting of observations, each with features, as well as a response vector . We want to build a model for using the feature columns in . In ordinary least squares (OLS), one seeks a vector of coefficients such that

In non-negative least squares (NNLS), we seek a vector coefficients such that it minimizes subject to the additional requirement that each element of is non-negative.

There are a number of ways to perform NNLS in R. The first two methods come from Reference 1, while I came up with the third. (I’m not sharing the third way Reference 1 details because it claims that the method is buggy.)

Let’s generate some fake data that we will use for the rest of the post:

n <- 100; p <- 10
x <- matrix(rnorm(n * p), nrow = n)
y <- x %*% matrix(rep(c(1, -1), length.out = p), ncol = 1) + rnorm(n)

Method 1: the nnls package

mod1 <- nnls(x, y)
# [1] 0.9073423 0.0000000 1.2971069 0.0000000 0.9708051 
# [6] 0.0000000 1.2002310 0.0000000 0.3947028 0.0000000

Method 2: the glmnet package

The glmnet() function solves the minimization problem

where and are hyperparameters the user chooses. By setting (the default) and , glmnet() ends up solving the OLS problem. By setting lower.limits = 0, this forces the coefficients to be non-negative. We should also set intercept = FALSE so that we don’t have an extraneous intercept term.

mod2 <- glmnet(x, y, lambda = 0, lower.limits = 0, intercept = FALSE)
# 11 x 1 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix"
# s0
# (Intercept) .        
# V1          0.9073427
# V2          .        
# V3          1.2971070
# V4          .        
# V5          0.9708049
# V6          .        
# V7          1.2002310
# V8          .        
# V9          0.3947028
# V10         . 

Method 3: the bvls package

NNLS is a special case of bounded-variable least squares (BVLS), where instead of having constraints for each , one has constraints for each . BVLS is implemented in the bvls() function of the bvls package:

mod3 <- bvls(x, y, bl = rep(0, p), bu = rep(Inf, p))
# [1] 0.9073423 0.0000000 1.2971069 0.0000000 0.9708051 
# [6] 0.0000000 1.2002310 0.0000000 0.3947028 0.0000000

In the above, bl contains the lower limits for the coefficients while bu contains the upper limits for the coefficients.


  1. Things I Thought At One Point. Three ways to do non-negative least squares in R.

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