[This article was first published on r on Joel Soroos, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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- readr – fast and friendly way to read rectangular data (i.e. csv, tsv)
- RODBC – SQL querying against relational databases
- readxl – importing Excel files including individual worksheets
- rvest – tools for working with http connections
- rio – simplify importing and exporting data across source formats
- datapasta – copy/paste data using clipboard
- rtweet – Twitter API via R
- spotifyr – access Spotfiy API via R
- skimr – displays summary statistics the user can skim quickly to understand their data
- dataexplorer – automated scanning and visualizing of each data set field
- dplyr – transform and summarize data frames
- stringr – manipulate regular expressions and character strings
- lubridate – simplify working with dates and times
- glue – concatentate strings and/or data
- magrittr – set of operators to make code more readable such as the pipe
- janitor – simple functions for cleaning dirty data
- tidyr – transform data layout
- tidytext – simplify text mining
- broom – converts statistical model output to tidy data
- factoextra – kmeans clustering algoriths, visualizations
- NbClust – index of 30 kmeans clustering optimal K methodologies
- ggdenro – parses dendogram data into data frames
- stats – assorted machine learning, statistics and probability algorithms
- ggplot2 – R’s famous package for beautiful graphics usibg the grammar of graphics
- ggmap – access Google API to download Google maps and geolocations
- ggraph – ggplot2 extensions for network diagrams and trees
- ggimage – adding custom images to charts
- ggridges – density plots
- patchwork – combine charts
- scales – maps data to aesthetics, automatically determines breaks and labels for axes and legends.
- geofacet – visualize data for geographical regions via faceting with arrangement of panels mimicing original geographic topology
- gganimate – view chart evolution over time via animation
- ggupset – upset charts to visualize set intersections
- ggdark – uncluttered chart theme
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