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RcppArmadillo 0.9.800.1.0

[This article was first published on Thinking inside the box , and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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Another month, another Armadillo upstream release! Hence a new RcppArmadillo release arrived on CRAN earlier today, and was just shipped to Debian as well. It brings a faster solve() method and other goodies. We also switched to the (awesome) tinytest unit test frameowrk, and Min Kim made the script more portable for the benefit of NetBSD and other non-bash users; see below for more details. One again we ran two full sets of reverse-depends checks, no issues were found, and the packages was auto-admitted similarly at CRAN after less than two hours despite there being 665 reverse depends. Impressive stuff, so a big Thank You! as always to the CRAN team.

Armadillo is a powerful and expressive C++ template library for linear algebra aiming towards a good balance between speed and ease of use with a syntax deliberately close to a Matlab. RcppArmadillo integrates this library with the R environment and language–and is widely used by (currently) 665 other packages on CRAN.

Changes in RcppArmadillo version 0.9.800.1.0 (2019-10-09)

  • Upgraded to Armadillo release 9.800 (Horizon Scraper)

    • faster solve() in default operation; iterative refinement is no longer applied by default; use solve_opts::refine to explicitly enable refinement

    • faster expmat()

    • faster handling of triangular matrices by rcond()

    • added .front() and .back()

    • added .is_trimatu() and .is_trimatl()

    • added .is_diagmat()

  • The package now uses tinytest for unit tests (Dirk in #269).

  • The script is now more careful about shell portability (Min Kim in #270).

Courtesy of CRANberries, there is a diffstat report relative to previous release. More detailed information is on the RcppArmadillo page. Questions, comments etc should go to the rcpp-devel mailing list off the R-Forge page.

This post by Dirk Eddelbuettel originated on his Thinking inside the box blog. Please report excessive re-aggregation in third-party for-profit settings.

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