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“There’s something so paradoxical about pi. On the one hand, it represents order, as embodied by the shape of a circle, long held to be a symbol of perfection and eternity. On the other hand, pi is unruly, disheveled in appearance, its digits obeying no obvious rule, or at least none that we can perceive. Pi is elusive and mysterious, forever beyond reach. Its mix of order and disorder is what makes it so bewitching. ”
From Infinite Powers by Steven Strogatz
Anybody who wants to be “anybody” in Big Data must necessarily be able to work on both large structured and unstructured data. Log analysis is critical in any enterprise which is usually unstructured. As I mentioned in my previous post Big Data: On RDDs, Dataframes,Hive QL with Pyspark and SparkR-Part 3 RDDs are typically used to handle unstructured data. Spark has the Dataframe abstraction over RDDs which performs better as it is optimized with the Catalyst optimization engine. Nevertheless, it is important to be able to process with RDDs. This post is a continuation of my 3 earlier posts on Big Data namely
1. Big Data-1: Move into the big league:Graduate from Python to Pyspark
2. Big Data-2: Move into the big league:Graduate from R to SparkR
3. Big Data: On RDDs, Dataframes,Hive QL with Pyspark and SparkR-Part 3
This post uses publicly available Webserver logs from NASA. The logs are for the months Jul 95 and Aug 95 and are a good place to start unstructured text analysis/log analysis. I highly recommend parsing these publicly available logs with regular expressions. It is only when you do that the truth of Jamie Zawinski’s pearl of wisdom
“Some people, when confronted with a problem, think “I know, I’ll use regular expressions.” Now they have two problems.” – Jamie Zawinksi
hits home. I spent many hours struggling with regex!!
For this post for the RDD part, I had to refer to Dr. Fisseha Berhane’s blog post Webserver Log Analysis and for the Pyspark part, to the Univ. of California Specialization which I had done 3 years back Big Data Analysis with Apache Spark. Once I had played around with the regex for RDDs and PySpark I managed to get SparkR and SparklyR versions to work.
The notebooks used in this post have been published and are available at
You can also download all the notebooks from Github at WebServerLogsAnalysis
An essential and unavoidable aspect of Big Data processing is the need to process unstructured text.Web server logs are one such area which requires Big Data techniques to process massive amounts of logs. The Common Log Format also known as the NCSA Common log format, is a standardized text file format used by web servers when generating server log files. Because the format is standardized, the files can be readily analyzed.
A publicly available webserver logs is the NASA-HTTP Web server logs. This is good dataset with which we can play around to get familiar to handling web server logs. The logs can be accessed at NASA-HTTP
Description These two traces contain two month’s worth of all HTTP requests to the NASA Kennedy Space Center WWW server in Florida.
Format The logs are an ASCII file with one line per request, with the following columns:
-host making the request. A hostname when possible, otherwise the Internet address if the name could not be looked up.
-timestamp in the format “DAY MON DD HH:MM:SS YYYY”, where DAY is the day of the week, MON is the name of the month, DD is the day of the month, HH:MM:SS is the time of day using a 24-hour clock, and YYYY is the year. The timezone is -0400.
-request given in quotes.
-HTTP reply code.
-bytes in the reply.
1 Parse Web server logs with RDDs
1.1 Read NASA Web server logs
Read the logs files from NASA for the months Jul 95 and Aug 95
from pyspark.sql import SQLContext conf = SparkConf().setAppName("Spark-Logs-Handling").setMaster("local[*]") sc = SparkContext.getOrCreate(conf) sqlcontext = SQLContext(sc) rdd = sc.textFile("/FileStore/tables/NASA_access_log_*.gz") rdd.count() Out[1]: 3461613
1.2Check content
Check the logs to identify the parsing rules required for the logs
for line in rdd.sample(withReplacement = False, fraction = 0.00001, seed = 100).collect(): i=i+1 print(line) if i >5: break
slip183-1.kw.jp.ibm.net – – [04/Aug/1995:18:42:17 -0400] “GET /shuttle/missions/sts-70/images/DSC-95EC-0001.gif HTTP/1.0” 200 107133
piweba4y.prodigy.com – – [05/Aug/1995:19:17:41 -0400] “GET /icons/menu.xbm HTTP/1.0” 200 527
ruperts.bt-sys.bt.co.uk – – [07/Aug/1995:04:44:10 -0400] “GET /shuttle/countdown/video/livevideo2.gif HTTP/1.0” 200 69067
dal06-04.ppp.iadfw.net – – [07/Aug/1995:21:10:19 -0400] “GET /images/NASA-logosmall.gif HTTP/1.0” 200 786
p15.ppp-1.directnet.com – – [10/Aug/1995:01:22:54 -0400] “GET /images/KSC-logosmall.gif HTTP/1.0” 200 1204
1.3 Write the parsing rule for each of the fields
- host
- timestamp
- path
- status
- content_bytes
1.21 Get IP address/host name
This regex is at the start of the log and includes any non-white characted
rslt=(rdd.map(lambda line: re.search('\S+',line) .group(0)) .take(3)) # Get the IP address \host name rslt
1.22 Get timestamp
Get the time stamp
.groups()) .take(3)) #Get the date rslt
(‘[01/Aug/1995:00:00:07 -0400’,),
(‘[01/Aug/1995:00:00:08 -0400’,)]
1.23 HTTP request
Get the HTTP request sent to Web server \w+ {GET}
rslt=(rdd.map(lambda line: re.search('"\w+\s+([^\s]+)\s+HTTP.*"',line) .groups()) .take(3)) # Get the REST call rslt
1.23Get HTTP response status
Get the HTTP response to the request
rslt=(rdd.map(lambda line: re.search('"\s(\d{3})',line) .groups()) .take(3)) #Get the status rslt
1.24 Get content size
Get the HTTP response in bytes
.groups()) .take(3)) # Get the content size rslt
1.24 Putting it all together
Now put all the individual pieces together into 1 big regular expression and assign to the groups
- Host 2. Timestamp 3. Path 4. Status 5. Content_size
rslt=(rdd.map(lambda line: re.search('^(\S+)((\s)(-))+\s(\[\S+ -\d{4}\])\s("\w+\s+([^\s]+)\s+HTTP.*")\s(\d{3}\s(\d*)$)',line) .groups()) .take(3)) rslt
‘ -‘,
‘ ‘,
‘[01/Aug/1995:00:00:01 -0400]’,
‘”GET /shuttle/missions/sts-68/news/sts-68-mcc-05.txt HTTP/1.0″‘,
‘200 1839’,
‘ -‘,
‘ ‘,
‘[01/Aug/1995:00:00:07 -0400]’,
‘”GET / HTTP/1.0″‘,
‘304 0’,
‘ -‘,
‘ ‘,
‘[01/Aug/1995:00:00:08 -0400]’,
‘”GET /images/ksclogo-medium.gif HTTP/1.0″‘,
‘304 0’,
1.25 Add a log parsing function
def parse_log1(line): match = re.search('^(\S+)((\s)(-))+\s(\[\S+ -\d{4}\])\s("\w+\s+([^\s]+)\s+HTTP.*")\s(\d{3}\s(\d*)$)',line) if match is None: return(line,0) else: return(line,1)
1.26 Check for parsing failure
Check how many lines successfully parsed with the parsing function
n_logs = rdd.count() failed = rdd.map(lambda line: parse_log1(line)).filter(lambda line: line[1] == 0).count() print('Out of a total of {} logs, {} failed to parse'.format(n_logs,failed)) # Get the failed records line[1] == 0 failed1=rdd.map(lambda line: parse_log1(line)).filter(lambda line: line[1]==0) failed1.take(3)
[(‘gw1.att.com – – [01/Aug/1995:00:03:53 -0400] “GET /shuttle/missions/sts-73/news HTTP/1.0” 302 -‘,
(‘js002.cc.utsunomiya-u.ac.jp – – [01/Aug/1995:00:07:33 -0400] “GET /shuttle/resources/orbiters/discovery.gif HTTP/1.0” 404 -‘,
(‘pipe1.nyc.pipeline.com – – [01/Aug/1995:00:12:37 -0400] “GET /history/apollo/apollo-13/apollo-13-patch-small.gif” 200 12859’,
1.26 The above rule is not enough to parse the logs
It can be seen that the single rule only parses part of the logs and we cannot group the regex separately. There is an error “AttributeError: ‘NoneType’ object has no attribute ‘group’” which shows up
File “/databricks/spark/python/pyspark/util.py”, line 99, in wrapper
return f(*args, **kwargs)
File “<command-1348022240961444>”, line 1, in <lambda>
AttributeError: ‘NoneType’ object has no attribute ‘group’
at org.apache.spark.api.python.BasePythonRunner$ReaderIterator.handlePythonException(PythonRunner.scala:490)
1.27 Add rule for parsing failed records
One of the issues with the earlier rule is the content_size has “-” for some logs
def parse_failed(line): match = re.search('^(\S+)((\s)(-))+\s(\[\S+ -\d{4}\])\s("\w+\s+([^\s]+)\s+HTTP.*")\s(\d{3}\s-$)',line) if match is None: return(line,0) else: return(line,1)
1.28 Parse records which fail
Parse the records that fails with the new rule
[(‘gw1.att.com – – [01/Aug/1995:00:03:53 -0400] “GET /shuttle/missions/sts-73/news HTTP/1.0” 302 -‘,
(‘js002.cc.utsunomiya-u.ac.jp – – [01/Aug/1995:00:07:33 -0400] “GET /shuttle/resources/orbiters/discovery.gif HTTP/1.0” 404 -‘,
(‘tia1.eskimo.com – – [01/Aug/1995:00:28:41 -0400] “GET /pub/winvn/release.txt HTTP/1.0” 404 -‘,
(‘itws.info.eng.niigata-u.ac.jp – – [01/Aug/1995:00:38:01 -0400] “GET /ksc.html/facts/about_ksc.html HTTP/1.0” 403 -‘,
(‘grimnet23.idirect.com – – [01/Aug/1995:00:50:12 -0400] “GET /www/software/winvn/winvn.html HTTP/1.0” 404 -‘,
1.28 Add both rules
Add both rules for parsing the log.
Note it can be shown that even with both rules all the logs are not parse.Further rules may need to be added
def parse_log2(line): # Parse logs with the rule below match = re.search('^(\S+)((\s)(-))+\s(\[\S+ -\d{4}\])\s("\w+\s+([^\s]+)\s+HTTP.*")\s(\d{3})\s(\d*)$',line) # If match failed then use the rule below if match is None: match = re.search('^(\S+)((\s)(-))+\s(\[\S+ -\d{4}\])\s("\w+\s+([^\s]+)\s+HTTP.*")\s(\d{3}\s-$)',line) if match is None: return (line, 0) # Return 0 for failure else: return (line, 1) # Return 1 for success
1.29 Group the different regex to groups for handling
match = re.search('^(\S+)((\s)(-))+\s(\[\S+ -\d{4}\])\s("\w+\s+([^\s]+)\s+HTTP.*")\s(\d{3})\s(\d*)$',line) if match is None: match = re.search('^(\S+)((\s)(-))+\s(\[\S+ -\d{4}\])\s("\w+\s+([^\s]+)\s+HTTP.*")\s(\d{3})\s(-)$',line) return(match.groups())
1.30 Parse the logs and map the groups
parsed_rdd2 = parsed_rdd.map(lambda line: map2groups(line))
2. Parse Web server logs with Pyspark
2.1Read data into a Pyspark dataframe
logs_file_path="/FileStore/tables/" + os.path.join('NASA_access_log_*.gz') from pyspark.sql.functions import split, regexp_extract base_df = sqlContext.read.text(logs_file_path) #base_df.show(truncate=False) from pyspark.sql.functions import split, regexp_extract split_df = base_df.select(regexp_extract('value', r'^([^\s]+\s)', 1).alias('host'), regexp_extract('value', r'^.*\[(\d\d\/\w{3}\/\d{4}:\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2} -\d{4})]', 1).alias('timestamp'), regexp_extract('value', r'^.*"\w+\s+([^\s]+)\s+HTTP.*"', 1).alias('path'), regexp_extract('value', r'^.*"\s+([^\s]+)', 1).cast('integer').alias('status'), regexp_extract('value', r'^.*\s+(\d+)$', 1).cast('integer').alias('content_size')) split_df.show(5,truncate=False)
|host |timestamp |path |status|content_size|
| |01/Jul/1995:00:00:01 -0400|/history/apollo/ |200 |6245 |
|unicomp6.unicomp.net |01/Jul/1995:00:00:06 -0400|/shuttle/countdown/ |200 |3985 |
| |01/Jul/1995:00:00:09 -0400|/shuttle/missions/sts-73/mission-sts-73.html |200 |4085 |
|burger.letters.com |01/Jul/1995:00:00:11 -0400|/shuttle/countdown/liftoff.html |304 |0 |
| |01/Jul/1995:00:00:11 -0400|/shuttle/missions/sts-73/sts-73-patch-small.gif|200 |4179 |
only showing top 5 rows
2.2 Check data
split_df['timestamp'].isNull() | split_df['path'].isNull() | split_df['status'].isNull() | split_df['content_size'].isNull()) bad_rows_df.count()
2.3Check no of rows which do not have digits
We have already seen that the content_type field has ‘-‘ instead of digits in RDDs
2.4 Add ‘*’ to identify bad rows
To identify the rows that are bad, concatenate ‘*’ to the content_size field where the field does not have digits. It can be seen that the content_size has ‘-‘ instead of a valid number
bad_content_size_df.select(concat(bad_content_size_df['value'], lit('*'))).show(4,truncate=False)
|concat(value, *) |
|dd15-062.compuserve.com – – [01/Jul/1995:00:01:12 -0400] “GET /news/sci.space.shuttle/archive/sci-space-shuttle-22-apr-1995-40.txt HTTP/1.0” 404 -*|
|dynip42.efn.org – – [01/Jul/1995:00:02:14 -0400] “GET /software HTTP/1.0” 302 -* |
|ix-or10-06.ix.netcom.com – – [01/Jul/1995:00:02:40 -0400] “GET /software/winvn HTTP/1.0” 302 -* |
|ix-or10-06.ix.netcom.com – – [01/Jul/1995:00:03:24 -0400] “GET /software HTTP/1.0” 302 -* |
2.5 Fill NAs with 0s
cleaned_df = split_df.na.fill({‘content_size’: 0})
3. Webserver logs parsing with SparkR
library(stringr) file_location = "/FileStore/tables/NASA_access_log_Jul95.gz" file_location = "/FileStore/tables/NASA_access_log_Aug95.gz" # Load the SparkR library # Initiate a SparkR session sparkR.session() sc <- sparkR.session() sqlContext <- sparkRSQL.init(sc) df <- read.text(sqlContext,"/FileStore/tables/NASA_access_log_Jul95.gz") #df=SparkR::select(df, "value") #head(SparkR::collect(df)) #m=regexp_extract(df$value,'\\\\S+',1) a=df %>% withColumn('host', regexp_extract(df$value, '^(\\S+)', 1)) %>% withColumn('timestamp', regexp_extract(df$value, "((\\S+ -\\d{4}))", 2)) %>% withColumn('path', regexp_extract(df$value, '(\\"\\w+\\s+([^\\s]+)\\s+HTTP.*")', 2)) %>% withColumn('status', regexp_extract(df$value, '(^.*"\\s+([^\\s]+))', 2)) %>% withColumn('content_size', regexp_extract(df$value, '(^.*\\s+(\\d+)$)', 2)) #b=a%>% select(host,timestamp,path,status,content_type) head(SparkR::collect(a),10)
1 – – [01/Jul/1995:00:00:01 -0400] “GET /history/apollo/ HTTP/1.0” 200 6245
2 unicomp6.unicomp.net – – [01/Jul/1995:00:00:06 -0400] “GET /shuttle/countdown/ HTTP/1.0” 200 3985
3 – – [01/Jul/1995:00:00:09 -0400] “GET /shuttle/missions/sts-73/mission-sts-73.html HTTP/1.0” 200 4085
4 burger.letters.com – – [01/Jul/1995:00:00:11 -0400] “GET /shuttle/countdown/liftoff.html HTTP/1.0” 304 0
5 – – [01/Jul/1995:00:00:11 -0400] “GET /shuttle/missions/sts-73/sts-73-patch-small.gif HTTP/1.0” 200 4179
6 burger.letters.com – – [01/Jul/1995:00:00:12 -0400] “GET /images/NASA-logosmall.gif HTTP/1.0” 304 0
7 burger.letters.com – – [01/Jul/1995:00:00:12 -0400] “GET /shuttle/countdown/video/livevideo.gif HTTP/1.0” 200 0
8 – – [01/Jul/1995:00:00:12 -0400] “GET /shuttle/countdown/countdown.html HTTP/1.0” 200 3985
9 d104.aa.net – – [01/Jul/1995:00:00:13 -0400] “GET /shuttle/countdown/ HTTP/1.0” 200 3985
10 – – [01/Jul/1995:00:00:13 -0400] “GET / HTTP/1.0” 200 7074
host timestamp
1 [01/Jul/1995:00:00:01 -0400
2 unicomp6.unicomp.net [01/Jul/1995:00:00:06 -0400
3 [01/Jul/1995:00:00:09 -0400
4 burger.letters.com [01/Jul/1995:00:00:11 -0400
5 [01/Jul/1995:00:00:11 -0400
6 burger.letters.com [01/Jul/1995:00:00:12 -0400
7 burger.letters.com [01/Jul/1995:00:00:12 -0400
8 [01/Jul/1995:00:00:12 -0400
9 d104.aa.net [01/Jul/1995:00:00:13 -0400
10 [01/Jul/1995:00:00:13 -0400
path status content_size
1 /history/apollo/ 200 6245
2 /shuttle/countdown/ 200 3985
3 /shuttle/missions/sts-73/mission-sts-73.html 200 4085
4 /shuttle/countdown/liftoff.html 304 0
5 /shuttle/missions/sts-73/sts-73-patch-small.gif 200 4179
6 /images/NASA-logosmall.gif 304 0
7 /shuttle/countdown/video/livevideo.gif 200 0
8 /shuttle/countdown/countdown.html 200 3985
9 /shuttle/countdown/ 200 3985
10 / 200 7074
4 Webserver logs parsing with SparklyR
install.packages("sparklyr") library(sparklyr) library(dplyr) library(stringr) #sc <- spark_connect(master = "local", version = "2.1.0") sc <- spark_connect(method = "databricks") sdf <-spark_read_text(sc, name="df", path = "/FileStore/tables/NASA_access_log*.gz") sdf
# Source: spark [?? x 1] line 1 " - - [01/Jul/1995:00:00:01 -0400] \"GET /history/apollo/ HTTP/1… 2 "unicomp6.unicomp.net - - [01/Jul/1995:00:00:06 -0400] \"GET /shuttle/countd… 3 " - - [01/Jul/1995:00:00:09 -0400] \"GET /shuttle/missions/sts… 4 "burger.letters.com - - [01/Jul/1995:00:00:11 -0400] \"GET /shuttle/countdow… 5 " - - [01/Jul/1995:00:00:11 -0400] \"GET /shuttle/missions/sts… 6 "burger.letters.com - - [01/Jul/1995:00:00:12 -0400] \"GET /images/NASA-logo… 7 "burger.letters.com - - [01/Jul/1995:00:00:12 -0400] \"GET /shuttle/countdow… 8 " - - [01/Jul/1995:00:00:12 -0400] \"GET /shuttle/countdown/c… 9 "d104.aa.net - - [01/Jul/1995:00:00:13 -0400] \"GET /shuttle/countdown/ HTTP… 10 " - - [01/Jul/1995:00:00:13 -0400] \"GET / HTTP/1.0\" 200 7074" # … with more rows
library(sparklyr) library(dplyr) library(stringr) #sc <- spark_connect(master = "local", version = "2.1.0") sc <- spark_connect(method = "databricks") sdf <-spark_read_text(sc, name="df", path = "/FileStore/tables/NASA_access_log*.gz") sdf <- sdf %>% mutate(host = regexp_extract(line, '^(\\\\S+)',1)) %>% mutate(timestamp = regexp_extract(line, '((\\\\S+ -\\\\d{4}))',2)) %>% mutate(path = regexp_extract(line, '(\\\\"\\\\w+\\\\s+([^\\\\s]+)\\\\s+HTTP.*")',2)) %>% mutate(status = regexp_extract(line, '(^.*"\\\\s+([^\\\\s]+))',2)) %>% mutate(content_size = regexp_extract(line, '(^.*\\\\s+(\\\\d+)$)',2))
5 Hosts
5.1 RDD
5.11 Parse and map to hosts to groups
parsed_rdd2 = parsed_rdd.map(lambda line: map2groups(line)) # Create tuples of (host,1) and apply reduceByKey() and order by descending rslt=(parsed_rdd2.map(lambda xx[0],1)) .reduceByKey(lambda a,b:a+b) .takeOrdered(10, lambda x: -x[1])) rslt
[(‘piweba3y.prodigy.com’, 21988),
(‘piweba4y.prodigy.com’, 16437),
(‘piweba1y.prodigy.com’, 12825),
(‘edams.ksc.nasa.gov’, 11962),
(‘’, 9697),
(‘news.ti.com’, 8161),
(‘www-d1.proxy.aol.com’, 8047),
(‘alyssa.prodigy.com’, 8037),
(‘siltb10.orl.mmc.com’, 7573),
(‘www-a2.proxy.aol.com’, 7516)]
5.12Plot counts of hosts
import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt df=pd.DataFrame(rslt,columns=[‘host’,‘count’]) sns.barplot(x=‘host’,y=‘count’,data=df) plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.6, right=0.8, top=0.9) plt.xticks(rotation=“vertical”,size=8) display()
5.2 PySpark
5.21 Compute counts of hosts
.groupBy('host') .count() .orderBy('count',ascending=False)) df.show(5)
| host|count|
| edams.ksc.nasa.gov |11964|
| | 9697|
only showing top 5 rows
5.22 Plot count of hosts
import pandas as pd import seaborn as sns df1=df.toPandas() df2 = df1.head(10) df2.count() sns.barplot(x='host',y='count',data=df2) plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.5, right=0.8, top=0.9) plt.xlabel("Hosts") plt.ylabel('Count') plt.xticks(rotation="vertical",size=10) display()
5.3 SparkR
5.31 Compute count of hosts
df=SparkR::summarize(SparkR::groupBy(c, a$host), noHosts = count(a$host)) df1 =head(arrange(df,desc(df$noHosts)),10) head(df1)
1 piweba3y.prodigy.com 17572 2 piweba4y.prodigy.com 11591 3 piweba1y.prodigy.com 9868 4 alyssa.prodigy.com 7852 5 siltb10.orl.mmc.com 7573 6 piweba2y.prodigy.com 5922
5.32 Plot count of hosts
p <-ggplot(data=df1, aes(x=host, y=noHosts,fill=host)) + geom_bar(stat="identity") + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1)) + xlab('Host') + ylab('Count') p
5.4 SparklyR
5.41 Compute count of Hosts
df1 <- df %>% select(host) %>% group_by(host) %>% summarise(noHosts=n()) %>% arrange(desc(noHosts)) df2 <-head(df1,10)
5.42 Plot count of hosts
p <-ggplot(data=df2, aes(x=host, y=noHosts,fill=host)) + geom_bar(stat=“identity”)+ theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1)) + xlab(‘Host’) + ylab(‘Count’)
6 Paths
6.1 RDD
6.11 Parse and map to hosts to groups
parsed_rdd2 = parsed_rdd.map(lambda line: map2groups(line)) rslt=(parsed_rdd2.map(lambda xx[5],1)) .reduceByKey(lambda a,b:a+b) .takeOrdered(10, lambda x: -x[1])) rslt
(‘”GET /images/KSC-logosmall.gif HTTP/1.0″‘, 164487),
(‘”GET /images/MOSAIC-logosmall.gif HTTP/1.0″‘, 126933),
(‘”GET /images/USA-logosmall.gif HTTP/1.0″‘, 126108),
(‘”GET /images/WORLD-logosmall.gif HTTP/1.0″‘, 124972),
(‘”GET /images/ksclogo-medium.gif HTTP/1.0″‘, 120704),
(‘”GET /ksc.html HTTP/1.0″‘, 83209),
(‘”GET /images/launch-logo.gif HTTP/1.0″‘, 75839),
(‘”GET /history/apollo/images/apollo-logo1.gif HTTP/1.0″‘, 68759),
(‘”GET /shuttle/countdown/ HTTP/1.0″‘, 64467)]
6.12 Plot counts of HTTP Requests
df=pd.DataFrame(rslt,columns=[‘path’,‘count’]) sns.barplot(x=‘path’,y=‘count’,data=df) plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.7, right=0.8, top=0.9) plt.xticks(rotation=“vertical”,size=8)
6.2 Pyspark
6.21 Compute count of HTTP Requests
df= (cleaned_df .groupBy('path') .count() .orderBy('count',ascending=False)) df.show(5)
| path| count|
only showing top 5 rows
6.22 Plot count of HTTP Requests
import pandas as pd import seaborn as sns df1=df.toPandas() df2 = df1.head(10) df2.count() sns.barplot(x=‘path’,y=‘count’,data=df2)
plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.7, right=0.8, top=0.9) plt.xlabel(“HTTP Requests”) plt.ylabel(‘Count’) plt.xticks(rotation=90,size=8)
6.3 SparkR
6.31Compute count of HTTP requests
c <- SparkR::select(a,a$path) df=SparkR::summarize(SparkR::groupBy(c, a$path), numRequest = count(a$path)) df1=head(df)
3.14 Plot count of HTTP Requests
p <-ggplot(data=df1, aes(x=path, y=numRequest,fill=path)) + geom_bar(stat="identity") + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1))+ xlab('Path') + ylab('Count') p
6.4 SparklyR
6.41 Compute count of paths
df <- sdf %>% select(host,timestamp,path,status,content_size) df1 <- df %>% select(path) %>% group_by(path) %>% summarise(noPaths=n()) %>% arrange(desc(noPaths)) df2 <-head(df1,10) df2
# Ordered by: desc(noPaths) path noPaths 1 /images/NASA-logosmall.gif 208362 2 /images/KSC-logosmall.gif 164813 3 /images/MOSAIC-logosmall.gif 127656 4 /images/USA-logosmall.gif 126820 5 /images/WORLD-logosmall.gif 125676 6 /images/ksclogo-medium.gif 121286 7 /ksc.html 83685 8 /images/launch-logo.gif 75960 9 /history/apollo/images/apollo-logo1.gif 68858 10 /shuttle/countdown/ 64695
6.42 Plot count of Paths
p <-ggplot(data=df2, aes(x=path, y=noPaths,fill=path)) + geom_bar(stat="identity")+ theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1)) + xlab('Path') + ylab('Count') p
7.1 RDD
7.11 Compute count of HTTP Status
parsed_rdd = rdd.map(lambda line: parse_log2(line)).filter(lambda line: line[1] == 1).map(lambda line : line[0])
parsed_rdd2 = parsed_rdd.map(lambda line: map2groups(line)) rslt=(parsed_rdd2.map(lambda xx[7],1)) .reduceByKey(lambda a,b:a+b) .takeOrdered(10, lambda x: -x[1])) rslt
(‘304’, 266764),
(‘302’, 72970),
(‘404’, 20625),
(‘403’, 225),
(‘500’, 65),
(‘501’, 41)]
1.37 Plot counts of HTTP response status’
df=pd.DataFrame(rslt,columns=[‘status’,‘count’]) sns.barplot(x=‘status’,y=‘count’,data=df) plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.4, right=0.8, top=0.9) plt.xticks(rotation=“vertical”,size=8)
7.2 Pyspark
7.21 Compute count of HTTP status
.groupBy('status') .count() .orderBy('count',ascending=False)) status_count.show()
|status| count|
| 200|3100522|
| 304| 266773|
| 302| 73070|
| 404| 20901|
| 403| 225|
| 500| 65|
| 501| 41|
| 400| 15|
| null| 1|
7.22 Plot count of HTTP status
Plot the HTTP return status vs the counts
df2 = df1.head(10) df2.count() sns.barplot(x=‘status’,y=‘count’,data=df2) plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.5, right=0.8, top=0.9) plt.xlabel(“HTTP Status”) plt.ylabel(‘Count’) plt.xticks(rotation=“vertical”,size=10) display()
7.3 SparkR
7.31 Compute count of HTTP Response status
c <- SparkR::select(a,a$status) df=SparkR::summarize(SparkR::groupBy(c, a$status), numStatus = count(a$status)) df1=head(df)
3.16 Plot count of HTTP Response status
p <-ggplot(data=df1, aes(x=status, y=numStatus,fill=status)) + geom_bar(stat="identity") + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1)) + xlab('Status') + ylab('Count') p
7.4 SparklyR
7.41 Compute count of status
df <- sdf %>% select(host,timestamp,path,status,content_size) df1 <- df %>% select(status) %>% group_by(status) %>% summarise(noStatus=n()) %>% arrange(desc(noStatus)) df2 <-head(df1,10) df2
# Ordered by: desc(noStatus) status noStatus 1 200 3100522 2 304 266773 3 302 73070 4 404 20901 5 403 225 6 500 65 7 501 41 8 400 15 9 "" 1
7.42 Plot count of status
p <-ggplot(data=df2, aes(x=status, y=noStatus,fill=status)) + geom_bar(stat=“identity”)+ theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1)) + xlab(‘Status’) + ylab(‘Count’) p
8.1 RDD
8.12 Compute count of content size
parsed_rdd = rdd.map(lambda line: parse_log2(line)).filter(lambda line: line[1] == 1).map(lambda line : line[0]) parsed_rdd2 = parsed_rdd.map(lambda line: map2groups(line)) rslt=(parsed_rdd2.map(lambda xx[8],1)) .reduceByKey(lambda a,b:a+b) .takeOrdered(10, lambda x: -x[1])) rslt
[(‘0’, 280017),
(‘786’, 167281),
(‘1204’, 140505),
(‘363’, 111575),
(‘234’, 110824),
(‘669’, 110056),
(‘5866’, 107079),
(‘1713’, 66904),
(‘1173’, 63336),
(‘3635’, 55528)]
8.21 Plot content size
df=pd.DataFrame(rslt,columns=[‘content_size’,‘count’]) sns.barplot(x=‘content_size’,y=‘count’,data=df) plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.4, right=0.8, top=0.9) plt.xticks(rotation=“vertical”,size=8) display()
8.2 Pyspark
8.21 Compute count of content_size
.groupBy('content_size') .count() .orderBy('count',ascending=False)) size_counts.show(10) +------------+------+ |content_size| count| +------------+------+ | 0|313932| | 786|167709| | 1204|140668| | 363|111835| | 234|111086| | 669|110313| | 5866|107373| | 1713| 66953| | 1173| 63378| | 3635| 55579| +------------+------+ only showing top 10 rows
8.22 Plot counts of content size
Plot the path access versus the counts
df2 = df1.head(10) df2.count() sns.barplot(x=‘content_size’,y=‘count’,data=df2) plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.5, right=0.8, top=0.9) plt.xlabel(“content_size”) plt.ylabel(‘Count’) plt.xticks(rotation=“vertical”,size=10) display()
8.3 SparkR
8.31 Compute count of content size
library(SparkR) c <- SparkR::select(a,a$content_size) df=SparkR::summarize(SparkR::groupBy(c, a$content_size), numContentSize = count(a$content_size)) df1=head(df) df1
1 28426 1414 2 78382 293 3 60053 4 4 36067 2 5 13282 236 6 41785 174
p <-ggplot(data=df1, aes(x=content_size, y=numContentSize,fill=content_size)) + geom_bar(stat=“identity”) + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1)) + xlab(‘Content Size’) + ylab(‘Count’)
8.4 SparklyR
8.41Compute count of content_size
df1 <- df %>% select(content_size) %>% group_by(content_size) %>% summarise(noContentSize=n()) %>% arrange(desc(noContentSize)) df2 <-head(df1,10) df2
# Ordered by: desc(noContentSize) content_size noContentSize 1 0 280027 2 786 167709 3 1204 140668 4 363 111835 5 234 111086 6 669 110313 7 5866 107373 8 1713 66953 9 1173 63378 10 3635 55579
8.42 Plot count of content_size
p <-ggplot(data=df2, aes(x=content_size, y=noContentSize,fill=content_size)) + geom_bar(stat="identity")+ theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1)) + xlab('Content size') + ylab('Count') p
Conclusion: I spent many,many hours struggling with Regex and getting RDDs,Pyspark to work. Also had to spend a lot of time trying to work out the syntax for SparkR and SparklyR for parsing. After you parse the logs plotting and analysis is a piece of cake! This is definitely worth a try!
Watch this space!!
Also see
1. Practical Machine Learning with R and Python – Part 3
2. Deep Learning from first principles in Python, R and Octave – Part 5
3. My book ‘Cricket analytics with cricketr and cricpy’ is now on Amazon
4. Latency, throughput implications for the Cloud
5. Modeling a Car in Android
6. Architecting a cloud based IP Multimedia System (IMS)
7. Dabbling with Wiener filter using OpenCV
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